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Sam asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why do people who say they care about the debt, vote republican?

Ranking of past 6 U. S. Presidential administrations by avg. annual % increase in federal debt:

1. Ronald Reagan (1981-1988) +129% overall -- 16.1 % avg. annual increase

2. George H. W. Bush (1989-1992) +40% overall -- 9.9% avg. annual increase

3. George W. Bush (2001-2008) +73% overall -- 9.1% avg. annual increase

4. Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford (1969-1976) +72% overall -- 9.0 avg. annual increase

5. Jimmy Carter (1977-1980) +29% overall -- 7.2% avg. annual increase

6. Bill Clinton (1993-2000) +29% overall -- 3.7% avg. annual increase

Why do people who say they care about the debt, vote republican? Historically not only do they add more in debt, they grow the government larger, and the economy performs worst under them?



No but insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The fact is regardless what the GOP says, they have for a generation done the exact opposite.. that's a fact. I can't predict the future, so I have no idea what the dems will do down the road. But the fact is the polices the GOP have pushed for decades, have added more to the debt, and have historically hurt the economy more than its helped. Why don't you consider it insane to want to do again whats failed almost half a dozen times?

Update 2:


I have a brain, if I want to think America is perfect I can do that. I don't need politicians telling me to. The fact is more dems (in congress) have military experience, dems historically increase money to the military more than republicans. I don't think dems pointing out probelms in the country is a bad thing. The US isn't perfect. But the fact is the policies the GOP pushes for, has done more to hurt the country than help. Why is being blind to our problems, as the GOP is, a plus for you? Shouldn't the results of their policies be more important than the rhetoric surrounding them?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My theory is that most Republicans care about one issue or two at most. They pretend to go along with the whole Republican platform, but it's just that one issue they care about. Some want the country to be officially Christian. Some think 'liberals' are after their guns (it's amazing! Some Americans think 'freedom' is exclusively the 2nd amendment!) Some want a strong military and want the US to be the world hegemon. Some feel 'welfare cheaters' are ripping us off and want the unemployed and disabled to just curl up in a corner somewhere and die. Some don't feel they should have to pay taxes for 'public' things--education, roads, epidemic control, etc. etc. Some want minorities kept in their place so whites will have privileges once more. (Look at Glen Beck's rally today. Beneath all the bluster are three main ideas: (1) bringing the nation back to God (2) we can have huge tax cuts without giving anything up, and (2) keeping blacks and other minorities in their place.)

    For the last 30 years Republicans have campaigned as budget hawks but once in office have behaved as if debt simply doesn't matter. Obviously Republicans don't really care about that or they wouldn't keep listening to these bozos. And it's just ASTONISHINGLY hypocritical to hear Republicans criticize Obama's deficits. Or corruption in the Democratic Party.

    But the Republicans also carry the perennial promise that they can cut our taxes by maybe half, while not eliminating a single govt. program. Repub voters never seem to notice that it's only the rich and corporations who get the big tax breaks.

    Keynesian economics says it's okay to spend deficits when you are in a recession, that it's seen as an investment because it will pull the country out of recession faster. The reason we're in this trouble is that Reagan, Bush and Bush spent huge deficits during GOOD times. The problem (and it's not a partisan one) is that it's just too easy for any president to spend money we don't have, since he can take credit for stimulating the economy, but he knows when the bill comes due he will be out of office and it'll be some other president's headache. So right wing media and rhetoric specializes in blaming Republican deficits on Democrats.

  • 1 decade ago

    "I actually lived through the cold war era. Having said that, Reagan did more to secure the U.S. than any other president in recent history. Reagan increased govt. spending for only one reason, to bankrupt the USSR. When the Soviet Union became a non-threat it was then possible to redirect spending to other issues."

    Reagan spent another 100 b on defense to a total of 300 b. It now stands at 800b.

    Increasing money on the military is no magic feat, all presidents did it. We now know that it was a foolish thing because the Soviet Union was a paper tiger, ready to collapse, and filled with internal divisions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we as a nation have lost much more with Democrat politicians and Presidents.

    We not only were put in debt by Democrats too, we ended up with expensive and wasteful programs, violations to our constitution, marginalization of our voting power,we are told that our patriotism is misplaced, that America is'nt as great as we were taught it is, that our troops aren't to be honored...............Democrats are like a cancer trying to slowly kill this country by destroying its heart and soul.

    And if you really want a wake up call. The only time we had a balanced budget was for 4 years under a REPUBLICAN Congress.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because the Republican line has always been smaller government, lower taxes and less regulation. The reality maybe a little different but that is always their platform.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I actually lived through the cold war era. Having said that, Reagan did more to secure the U.S. than any other president in recent history. Reagan increased govt. spending for only one reason, to bankrupt the USSR. When the Soviet Union became a non-threat it was then possible to redirect spending to other issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ronald Reagan's most infamous quote was "Debt doesn't matter."

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess you haven't read current events. With Obama's stimulus plan, your grandchildren will still be paying off the debt he ran up.

  • J P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So, we can use your analysis to conclude that there is a greater statistical chance that Obama and Democrats will reduce the debt...or we can consider reality.

    Campaign Tip for Democrats: "We Spend Less, (just look at the chart)" is not your best slogan this year.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Either they really don't care about debt or they don't know what they are talking about.

    Source(s): Just like when they cry they want lower taxes (which are lower than ever)and in the same breath claim reagan was the best. Taxes were really high what the hell are they talking about?
  • 1 decade ago

    They care about debt so much that they want more.

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