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Lv 4
huggl asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My resue dog doesn't give any sign that he has to go out?

If he's out so he will make. I f he needs to make 10 minutes after a walk so my carpet is ruined. I'm going to give him back. Last Chance Answsers? oh, He went to the vet.


Do any of you work? If he wants to poop at 11, it will be in acrate. If hewants to poop at 10:30 pm, again, crate. If it is a who is the boss prob then, we are training him. If he can't hold it then yea he'll go back. Also if he gets cancer-im not going to keep him alive with chemo, any of youwant to do that TO him?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, do give him back. As you are not suited for a dog.

    Dogs need to go out to play and walk and they also need to be let out JUST to use the bathroom. You don't seem interested in doing what's best for the dog, so give him back.

    If you want a pet, I highly suggest either fish or a cat. Neither really need you for anything.

    Source(s): Owner of a rescued dog.
  • 1 decade ago

    Give the poor dog some more time. A walk is for walking and exercising, not pooping. You need to let the dog outside several times a day to use the bathroom.

  • 1 decade ago

    i have a shelter dog. she is app. 8 yrs old. i have had her a year and a half. at the time i got her i as told she was just a year old. i have never had her to "let me know" when she needs out. however in the same token i have never had her to "go" in my house either. if you are going to keep him you need to get on a route a stick with it, if you can't or won't then please get it another home. you need to take this dog out as soon as you get up, about an hour after eating{or figure out his routine} mine goes about an hour after eating. and then every few hours after that, he will need to go out "for the night" right before bedtime {as late as possible}. and like the other person said just doing a walk is not good enough. i have 4 other dogs ranging in age from 1 yr to 8 1/2. i have not had problems with any of them since they were little puppies. and you won't if you have the time and patience

  • 1 decade ago

    Duh, rescue dogs need housetrained. If you are not willing to make the effort to train him don't give him back if its a kill shelter they might lable him unadoptable and PTS. Try to find another home, or a no kill shelter, or look up puppy house training and follow the schedule. It might take a few weeks if he's an adult, but the procedure's the same. Please don't abandon the poor soul to his fate though....

    EDIT of course most of us work. I am out the house up to 10 hours a day, but spend ALL of my free time with the dog anf have a dog walker take her out halfway through the day. If you are not willing to pay for treatment for your dog you shouldn't have one. Harsh but true... I'm sick of people treating dogs like a toy to be turned on and off when convenient and thrown away when broken.

    Source(s): Owner of a rescue puppy that still has the odd at home accident
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  • Blarg
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to keep your dog on a schedule. I would take him out every hour, right before bed and after he eats. If you know your dog needs to go to the bathroom do not go inside until the dog has gone. Not all dogs tell you when they have to go outside. You have to know.

    I am also very disappointed in you that you would give up a dog because you do not know how to housebreak it. You are not ready for a dog. Do me a favor, if you give this dog up do not get another animal.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to give the dog more time. A walk is not time to poop, a walk is time to walk and get his daily exercise. You need to let the dog out SPECIFICALLY to go to the bathroom, depending on its age and ability to hold it in, several several times in a day.

    The dog is bound to pee and poo inside until you have properly trained him not to do so - rescue dogs need a lot of attention and obedience training as many have not had any of it.

  • miaugh
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    How dare that shelter sell you a dog that requires effort, training, common sense, and patience-- what were they thinking?

    Yes, take him back. You can find a "dog" in the toy aisle at Walmart that is more suitable for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give him more TIME. When you take him outside, congratulate him if he goes. But if you don't want to train a pet, you shouldn't have one.

  • 1 decade ago

    put him in the crate if you aren't directly supervising him, and when you can watch him, always have him right in the room with you- don't let him roam the house.

  • Kendo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, give him back.

    You are obviously unsuitable to own a dog.

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