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  • Se il mio cane mi difende, che succede?

    Mi sto allenando per una maratona. Porto sempre con me il cane, che è una bastardina tipo lupo (sembra un po' come un pastore tedesco grosso ma più magrolina e color grigio). Mi è successo qualche sera fa quando mi sono fermata a bere alla fontana che un tizio mi è venuto vicino e mi ha presa per il braccio. Puzzava di alcool e sinceramente mi spaventava. Ho provato a scappare ma mi teneva per il braccio e cercava di trascinarmi, credo verso la sua macchina. A quel punto si è scatenato il cane, si è gonfiato e ha cacciato i denti, ringhiando. Non l'ho mai visto minacciare nessuno. Il tipo ha saltato indietro e il cane cercava di aggredirlo ma mantenevo forte il guinzaglio e l'uomo è scappato. La mia domanda è: se il cane gli avesse morso mentre mi difendeva, poi che sarebbe successo al cane? Sono contenta che stava con me sono convinta che mi ha salvata ma mi preoccupa l'eventualità...

    Scusatemi per l'italiano non è la mia lingua madre, sono di origine inglese.

    4 AnswersCani6 years ago
  • How far and how fast can I run with my dog (malinois cross)?

    I want to take up running again (I used to run and stopped when I moved house because of time and stress). This time I want to start running with my dog as a partner. She is a three year old mongrel, medium sized and probably a Belgian Malinois cross (she looks like a Malinois, acts like a Malinois, and is crazy like a Malinois) so that also explains why I want to run her - I need to give her some more exercise as well as training!

    I am taking her for a check up at the vets tonight, but generally how far can a Mal run? I uised to run distance, and I would love to run the Rome-Olbia Man/Dog marathon in a few years with her (I live in Italy). Do you think she can do it? I know I have to build up slow.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • ma al su d'Italia non capiscono che cos'è veramente il marketing?

    Se cerchi un lavoro escono fuori:


    - operatori di call centre

    - procacciatori

    - hostess

    Niente come marketing strategico, digitale o altro. Ma le aziende come fanno oggi se non fanno marketing vero?

    Scusate lo sfogo, ma sono davvero frustrata, lavoro in un'altro settore per il momento per cui sono grata, almeno ho uno stipendio... ma pare che nel mio settore non c'è niente di niente se non voglio andare a Milano (sono inglese, mi sono trasferita in Campania per motivi sentimentali e non vorrei abbandonare il sud...)

    Sto guardando nel posto sbagliato? Qualche altra parola chiave da usare nelle ricerche? Uffi.

    6 AnswersMarketing e vendita8 years ago
  • Strength vs cardio and changing my regime?

    I joined a gym today and the trainer has told me two things that I am a little confused about:

    1. I should cut down on my cardio. OK, but I though I needed the cardio for fat loss? I am not overweight (bmi 21) just looking to lean down so nothing to do with stress on the joints or anything. Can I keep running?

    2. I will put on a few pounds in the next couple of weeks as my muscles swell, before the fat begins to come off. Is this true? How long before I this phase is reversed?


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • how do we get intimacy back after his affair?

    My long term partner had an affair with a colleague... when he realised he was being an idiot he left her and she got angry and sent me all their correspondence. After much heartbreak and indecision on my part and begging and apologising on his we have decided to give it another go... There are problems (eg lack of trust ) but the most immediate is that I can't bear for him to touch me sexually. I just go rigid as a board - I can't help it, it's the idea of them together which does it.

    How do we get past this? We can't save our relationship if we can't even have any physical intimacy...

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • how do I stop obsessing over the other woman?

    I recently found out that my long term partner (8 years together, we were looking a buying a house and discussing wedding venues for crying out loud!) Has been having an "emotional affair" with another woman for about a year. I found out because when he finally grew a pair and realised he had to choose, he chose me and she reacted by finding me online and sending me a bunch of emails from him to her... I am so upset, hurt, angry... I have no words for the way I feel. He is begging me to take him back, says he knows it was a huge mistake but he wants to make it work. I am not sure what to do because I still love him but know now that his word is worth jacksh*t and I can't trust him. Whatever I decide, I want NOTHING to do with this woman, I will not contact her because I refuse to get into a slanging match with her which will only make everything even worse. BUT... I can't stop thinking about her, obsessing over her.... we are so different in every way, I keep asking myself what she has got, I asked him nd he says he doesn't even nknow, and then he started to cry again saying that he is an idiot and he knows he has ruined everything, I have her phone number and email address, both of which I think I am going to have to delete... how do I stop thinking about her? Comparing myself to her, torturing myself? I am trying so hard not to look at her online profiles, and aside from that first day I haven't. But it is so freakin' hard!

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How do obese people get that way?

    Please note this is not meant as offensive, it is a genuine question... I have never been obese, or even overweight as such so it is hard for me to get my head round.

    Please, the best thing would be for people who are or have been very overweight to answer, and please no offensive replies - thanks :)

    PS One of my best friends is highly obese, which is very unusual where I live (Italy). I would like to help him but I don't know how - I am very worried for his health.

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Chi ha ragione in questa situazione?

    Ho una domanda per tutte e due le categorie. A chi date ragione nel seguente caso?

    100 persone, di cui 1x cinofobo, 2x canemuniti (cani grandi entrambi, e che quindi possono fare paura), 97x persone indifferenti.

    1x canemunito ha il cane che tira e ringhia verso l'altro cane, le lui e non fa attenzione. L'altra canemunita sta indietreggiando chiamando all'attenzione la situazione al canemunito 1. Dietro c'è la cinofoba, ma c'è un marciapiede larghissimo... La signora, una volta che sta quasi toccando il secondo cane inizia a urlare. segue questo dialogo fra canemunita (CM) e cinofoba (CF) mentre il canemunito se ne scappa:

    CM: "Chiedo scusa Signora, non l'ho vista e stavo cercando di evitare l'altro cane".

    CF: "Eh ma non doveva venire addosso a me! Che schifo!"

    CM: "Ma signora, stavo di spalle, come vedeva..."

    CF: "Non importa quello che vedo io, sei tu che hai il cane e devi evitare me!

    CM: "Signora, con tutto rispetto il cane è visibile la sua fobia non lo è. Se non dice qualcosa..."

    CF: "Deve evitare la gente, ok? Vattene a fare questo show patetico da un'altra parte!"

    Il canemunito 1 è un cafone che non controllava il cane. OK. Ma fra la canemunita e la signora cinofoba invece???

  • sondaggio: cinofobi e canemuniti?

    Ho una domanda per tutte e due le categorie. A chi date ragione nel seguente caso?

    100 persone, di cui 1x cinofobo, 2x canemuniti (cani grandi entrambi, e che quindi possono fare paura), 97x persone indifferenti.

    1x canemunito ha il cane che tira e ringhia verso l'altro cane, le lui e non fa attenzione. L'altra canemunita sta indietreggiando chiamando all'attenzione la situazione al canemunito 1. Dietro c'è la cinofoba, ma c'è un marciapiede larghissimo... La signora, una volta che sta quasi toccando il secondo cane inizia a urlare. segue questo dialogo fra canemunita (CM) e cinofoba (CF) mentre il canemunito se ne scappa:

    CM: "Chiedo scusa Signora, non l'ho vista e stavo cercando di evitare l'altro cane".

    CF: "Eh ma non doveva venire addosso a me! Che schifo!"

    CM: "Ma signora, stavo di spalle, come vedeva..."

    CF: "Non importa quello che vedo io, sei tu che hai il cane e devi evitare me!

    CM: "Signora, con tutto rispetto il cane è visibile la sua fobia non lo è. Se non dice qualcosa..."

    CF: "Deve evitare la gente, ok? Vattene a fare questo show patetico da un'altra parte!"

    Il canemunito 1 è un cafone che non controllava il cane. OK. Ma fra la canemunita e la signora cinofoba invece???

    6 AnswersCani8 years ago
  • My dog is sporadically incontinent?

    I have a two year old 70lb female rescue dog, and she has been having some big problems with her waterworks.

    She started to have episodes of peeing herself around Christmas, and I took her to the vets where a urine sample revealed acute cystitis which we got rid of with antibiotics and controlled the pain and urine loss with spasmex injections. She was fine after ten days.

    About a month later, same issues. We checked and she had cystitis again but also struvite crystals and ultrasound showed a small stone near the urethra, so as well as antibiotics and spasmex this time we added a special diet to dissolve the stones and subcutaneous fluid injections to flush her out.

    She was better after a while and had about ten dry days without medication.

    Now she is sick again and I am at my wit's end, she seems bright and cheerful until she has an accident and then acts all miserable and ashamed (I NEVER tell her off when she has an accident, it almost always happens when she is relaxed or sleeping) and I feel so sorry for her - not to mention my washing machine which is always full of doggy blankets at the moment!

    I am thinking it might be spay incontinence but am also concerned that all of these repeated infections might have scarred her bladder. I am still seeing the vet of course, and thinkning of going to a specialist.

    Anyone been through anything similar? Whatever it is we will find a solution, even if it has to be dog diapers- I would rather not considering how young she is though.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Nausea and hunger together?

    I have been feeling nauseous for the past three days and can't keep anything down but small sips of energade/ gatorade. Even water makes me sick! However, I keep getting this feeling of being ravenously hungry, but the thought and smell of food makes me want to hurl again... I even stayed off work today after throwing up on myself in the shower this morning (sorry tmi). No diarrhea. What's wrong with me?!? It's not food poisoning as my fiancé ate all the same things as me and he is fine.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • I feel so guilty after eating?

    I am sitting here feeling horribly horribly guilty for eating lunch... I had a salat made with mixed salad greens, tomatoes, grilled skinless chicken breast, a little boiled potato and a tbsp of homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing. I don't know how many calories are in it but my mind is screaming that it was TOO MUCH.

    Please help me resist the urge to go and purge... I used to suffer from Anorexia Nervosa Purging subtype and weighed 92lbs (I'm 5'7'')... I'm recovered and now weigh 130lbs, wish I weighed 115lbs and am so so scared of relapsing

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Should I lose some weight?

    I'm 5'7'', about 138 pounds and have a 27 inch waist and 38 inch hips and chest measurements... I sometimes look in the mirror and feel huge, and other times feel slim...

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is my mutt a maligator?

    I got a rescue mutt from the kennel two years ago - she was actually really sick at the time and the deal was that I foster her until she got better. She was 30 days old and had parvo. I managed to save her with the help of a great team of vets, and we became inseperable - needless to say no rehoming occurred, and nor will it ever.

    Lots of people, especially now she's fully grown, ask me of she's a GSD or a wolf (of which she is quite clearly neither) but a friend of mine who knows dogs very, very well swears blind that she is a Malinois, or at the very least a Mal X something. She weighs 30kg (66lb)

    Character wise she is very sweet and loving but protective as hell (obedience training a must with this one) energetic, strong prey drive and way, way too smart for her own good - when she's thirsty, she likes running water better than her bowl and opens the bathroom door and turns the tap on to drink from!

    40 days

    Maybe 2.5 months?

    This summer

    More recent

    It doesn't make any difference to me whether or not she's a Mal cross, I've had dogs all my life including dogs with severe behavioural problems after being mistreated and/or neglected so feel pretty capable... but you know, I'm curious. And it's always fun to try and guess (futile I know) what mix is in a mutt :)

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • J'ai oublié le français! Comment le rapprendre?

    Je suis eccossaise, donc ma langue maternelle c'est l'anglais, j'habite en Italie e je parle l'italien tous les jours... il y'a 5 ans, je parlais le français couramment. Maintenant, c'est un vrai disastre! Je ne peux pas visiter la France cette année, mais je suis très désoler d'avoir perdu cette langue tellement belle... Aidez-moi, je vous en prie!

    6 AnswersLangues8 years ago
  • Can I mention specific products in an online magazine?

    Without permission? Or do I have to get written permission from the company every time i want to write an article which mentions said product? Obviously I wouldn't slate the product, that would be going too far, and neither would I suggest an affiliation to my site in any way....

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • Did you ever get the chance to go back and fix something you regret?

    A few years ago I was working a start up. It should have been brilliant. The sector was creative and really interesting, a growing market in a beautiful place. I left, not because I didn't think there was a future for the business, but because I couldn't stand the incredibly inflexible boss - he started out reasonable then became a micromanaging tyrant - and what's worse, he didn't have a clue how to do my job, and tried to micromanage anyway!

    Fast forward to the present day: the two people after me left rapidly and they can't find anyone capable of filling the position. So they are selling the company. My boyfriend and I have a nest egg that we were going to spend on furnishing the house we hope to move into this year. He suggests using this to buy them out.

    I really want to. It has been heartbreaking over the past two years to see my "baby" destroyed - you see, the company belonged to them but I was running it, they have two other businesses which pretty much occupied all of their time and still do. I think it can be saved. The website still gets lots of hits. They gat plenty of business requests. Nobody is looking after it though.

    What do I do? Risk it? Take the safe road, or the plunge? Right now I have a stable job in a big corporation... but it is soul destroying cubicle hell.

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • Should I get a fringe cut? Would I suit it?

    I was thinking of something like these three:




    Here is a pic of me

    I like my clothes and make up to be classic, simple and elegant if that helps any.


    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Haircut help! What would suit me?

    I'm growing my hair out and right now it is at mid length with no style whatsoever :(

    What can I ask for at the hairdresser's to get a bit of style injected in there without losing too much of the length?

    1. hair down

    2. Hair up

    3. Profile


    3 AnswersHair9 years ago