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Ambi valent asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How can I stop my kitten urinating in the wrong places?

My nearly-four-month-old kitten knows perfectly well to use his litter tray or to go outdoors, which is what he does most of the time. And yet in the last 48 hours he has urinated on the bath mat, IN the clothes basket and in another corner of the bathroom. He's done similar things before, so it's not that he has an infection or that there's something frightening outdoors just now - just that these three episodes in 48 hours have made me despair.

Before anyone tries to tell me that I shouldn't be allowing him outside, I live in an isolated rural area, half a mile from the nearest (very minor) road and further than that from the next house. He's quite safe and I hope he will follow in the tradition of the other cats who have lived here and hunt the rabbits which are in plague numbers.

He is happy outside, climbs trees and caught his first shrew recently. When he's loving, he's the softest thing out; when he plays he can still (unsurprisingly) be a little violent as he hasn't yet learned to avoid clawing humans..... All in all, he's a delight apart from the urination problem. All help gratefully received!!


I just need to point out that I'm an experienced cat owner - all those things about rubbing their nose in it etc don't work after the first couple of gos. I've praised him for going outside, repeatedly, and mostly he does....

Update 2:

Put the waste in the litter box????? I'm talking URINE, not faeces!!!!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wasn't going to answer here but ask things privately ( and sent you a note already) to get more info..but I will go ahead and give an answer here.

    The behaviors you describe are classic behaviors for a cat or kitten that either has crystals/stones or some kind of urinary tract infection OR kidney ailment.

    I would take the kitten to the veterinarian and rule out any physiological malady/organic cause or diet issue BEFORE you attribute this to a behavior problem.

    The kitten may be having a bad reaction to some of the local flora or fauna..I had a cat develop kidney failure from eating eastern fence post lizards.

    Some cats require special diets to prevent painful crystals in the urine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every time she looks as if he is about to urinate, pick him up and place him in the litter box. Maybe spray some water on him with a squirt bottle when he pees in the wrong places. I hope that helps, it worked for my cats.

    Source(s): My own experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    Have there been any changes in the home that might make him unhappy. Pets can be very sensitive to changes.

    There are sprays you can buy that leave a smell that keeps pets away from a spot you want them to avoid and you also have to get rid of the urine smell. They will always pee where they smell urine.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a cat that did this to we had to give her to a shelter because she started to spray the walls in the house and we had to paint and get new carpet so good luck are cat never stopped :(

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  • 1 decade ago

    as soon as your cat is 6 month old get him neuterd.. for now try a cat litter that is unscented.

  • t
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When he has an accident just put his waste in his litterbox. If that doesn't work try litter scenting.

  • 1 decade ago go to this site. it should help.i had the same problem

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds really nasty, but rub his/her nose in it and then place her/him in her litter box. my cat learnt very quickly this way.

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