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Lv 4
Cvjed asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

At what age should I let my daughter get her ears pierced? Why?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When she is thirteen. Because at that age she can be responsible to clean her ears to prevent infection and can be responsible to own jewelry.

    My sister and I wanted our ears pierced so badly and this was my parents reasoning. And, now that I am an adult, I absolutely agree with their train of thought.

  • 1 decade ago

    I got my ears pierced by my grandmother when I was like three. Nowadays I see many people getting their kids ears pierced after before 1yrs. When I questioned why, I was told by several people that if they got them as babies they would be used to them and wouldn't pull at their ears like they do when they were toddlers.

    I think it really depends on you. You can hold off and let her be a lil older like 13 or 16 if your conservative.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with not waiting. just monitor those ears and clean them 2-3 times a day so they are not at risk of infections. babies get messy.

    The only thing that's for sure is you shouldn't get them pierced round the same time they are getting immunized.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had my ears pierced when I was 7. My little sister was right next to me getting hers pierced and she was 5. I begged and begged to have them pierced and finally my parents let me. It was fun and exciting and we felt included with our friends until about a year later...then it was old news. I have a second set of holes in my ears that I got when I was 16 (in parents didn't know) and she has a little tattoo that she got about a year ago. We are 25 and 23 now, and we are both perfectly grounded and well-rounded individuals who have not gone crazy with body modification. We didn't rebel as a result of the piercings or anything crazy like that. It was just another accessory to play with on or way out the door to school or work. We were good kids. Never gave my parents a reason not to trust us, so that helped with the initial piercing and the second set as well. So basically...let her get them done whenever you feel she deserves it, because they aren't a huge deal.

    What I have issues with is when tweens and teens get modifications that are obvious and irreversible (i.e. gauged ears, tongue piercings, facial or limb tattoos) but not because I disagree with them as a form of body modding, but because it truly does hinder their professional potential later in life. I am a hiring manager for a company and it drives me crazy to see intelligent younger people interviewing and their appearance is dramatic. Guys with long shaggy hair and ponies, girls with eyebrow or lip piercings...they don't make me think less of a person. However, MY boss refuses to allow them to be hired because they could potentially be representing our company, and our clients might take issue with it. Do I think its right? No. People should be able to express themselves however they please (as long is it does not hurt others) and I am perfectly aware that these individuals are smart, moral and can do the job. But I'm sorry to say, the world is not perfect and its a bummer. Not only that, but I have a friend who, in high school, gauged his ears. Back then he could get away with it. Now, not so much. He has removed them but the stretched ear lobes are irreversible without surgery. He regrets the decision fully, and I feel for him.

    Typically by NOT allowing a young person to do something they want to do, they will find an unsafe way to do it on their own, or they will go to extremes just in spite. It becomes a fixation. My advice would be to let her pierce them now, so she doesn't rebel and go crazy with modifications later. Maybe I went too much into this...but it helped to prove my point I suppose.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can get your daughter's ears pierced as early as one month old, provided it's done by a medical professional such as a pharmacist or even a doctor. It takes about 30 seconds and then special tiny stud are worn to prevent the holes closing. Hygiene should be your number one priority. I have 2 daughters whose ears were pierced at that age - they are 29 and 24 years old now. :)

    Source(s): I have two daughters.
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  • 1 decade ago

    She's your daughter, not mine. Let her get her ears pierced when YOU feel that it's okay! Some people get their daughters ears pierced when they're tiny babies, some wait till they are teenagers. But ultimately, it's your call since you are the parent. You cant rely on yahoo answers to tell you what to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mom did mine when i was a baby. I am glad she did because i love earings and didnt have to go through the pain to get it done. BUT my sister is 9 and got hers done when she was 7. Mom waited so my sister could have the choice of whether or not she wanted her ears pierced. I think your child should be old enough to decide for themselves if they are willing to clean them properly...

    Source(s): momma
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When she asks for it and understands that it will hurt. Also, you have to be willing to wash the holes twice a day for weeks. If you're not willing to take care of it, then wait until she can do it herself. Some parents like to put an age on it, like my neighbor. She was just going down the list of when her kids are allowed to use Nair on legs, on arms and get ears pierced. I think she had a certain age for her son before he could start shaving too.

    Source(s): My girls both had their ears pierced when they were 4. I didn't mind washing the holes for them, so when they asked for earrings, I took them.
  • 1 decade ago

    This decision is totally up to you as her parent.

    Personally, I waited until my daughter expressed that she wanted them done and knew that she was old enough to take care of them on her own. I plan on doing the same with my youngest as well. BUT, that is MY opinion. There are other parents who decide to pierce their daughter's ears as early as a few months old. Your daughter, you decide.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    well it depends on how you feel, i got mine done the first time at age 7, but my teacher forced me to let it heal over because i had it done for my birthday which was just before swimming started and they didn't want me using a plaster on my ear for the whole summer swimming lessons. But then i had mine re-done when i was 11 in the summer.

    if she really wants it done i don't see the problem, but try and do it in the summer holidays because then it has 6 weeks to heal before it can be changed etc.

    Source(s): mother of 3 :)
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i was 13 when my dad finally let me =P lol my husband wants out daughters ears to be pierced right away but in his culture that's a very common practice for girls ... its all what you are comfortable with and what you think your daughter can handle .. is she responsible enough to take care of her ears and jewelry?

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