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Do you support Terry Jones' idea to burn Korans?

Is there any group in the history of the world that advocated the burning of books (any books) and is now looked back on fondly?

I think this guy needs to have a good, hard think about what he is trying to achieve here.


O8ZERVA lol, nice one

Update 2:

JC Rules - I have no feelings either way about the muslim community centre in NY. I DO care when people think burning books is a way to achieve something. Books are benign, it's what idiots do with them that causes issues.

Think of the groups who are known to have achieved or attempted to achieve their aims by burning books. You're thinking of Nazis, Despots and Religious extremists, not rational people.

Update 3:

Just joe, how would you feel if a group of Muslims decided to burn YOUR holy book as a protest of the war in Iraq? You yanks would lose your minds.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Terry Jones is probably going to be the Darling of the Right Wing?

    Why you ask?

    Because he embraces the Fascist principle, which is "We can be as stupid as we want to be".

  • 1 decade ago


    He has a legal right to burn it, but I can't figure how burning someone else's holy book is of any service to the Lord. It elevates the opposition rather than elevating the God of the Bible.

    On the flip side, however, I can understand his complaint, just not the method he has chosen to make the point. The problem is that the laws of the United States are not being equally applied to all regardless of race, gender, or religion. Reasonable speech does not seem to have made a difference, so he is in essence 'raising his voice' by threatening to burn the book.

    Not burning it because one fears reprisals from the Muslim community is a form of appeasement. I wouldn't burn it, but not for that reason. Those who seek to kill Americans can't kill them any more dead if he does.

    The problem may be that someone who threatens to burn a Bible won't get two seconds of media coverage. But look what has happened here with a minister who says he only has 50 people in his congregation.

    Tolerance seems to be pretty one-sided at the moment and Rev. Jones is looking to even the stakes. The folks who want to put up the mosque in NYC demand tolerance... yet is the same tolerance extended to the Rev. Jones?

    My opinion is that both the mosque at Ground Zero and Rev. Jones burning the book are wrong and for similar reasons. Both are inflammatory in-your-face actions. And, both are legal.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think the whole thing is a stupid publicity stunt and the best thing would be if everyone (particularly the media) ignored it.Think logically for a minute how ridiculous it is. I could sit here right now and download the Qu'ran (and the Bible, and the Talmud or Torah) from three different web sites that I know of (and I'm sure there are many others). After I download them...I can hit "delete" and "poof" the "holy text" is eradicated. But is someone gonna show up at my house and film that? Of course not.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't.He may have the constitutional right to do it,but,if he actually does it,he'll be known as the first and only religious leader in this nation's history to insult a major world faith by burning its holy book.He's one Christian leader that's not going to be successful in reaching out and having any kind of dialogue with Muslims.

    In my opinion,he's one of many examples as to why I feel that a large part of Pentecostal and Evangelical Christianity in this country and world will face some sort of collapse in the not too distant future.His radical anti-Muslim views make him a lousy spokesman for Christianity.

    Source(s): My own knowledge and experience.
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  • 1 decade ago

    No i would never support such an act. It is an act of terrorism and un-American and it effects the the constitutional rights of all Muslim. America is supposed to be the model country and support and enforce religious freedom when in fact its been doing the exact opposite for way too many years.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    first of all, the first century christians according to the book of acts did burn books that were of sorcery and luciferian origins.

    the books were burned not because of a conspiracy to hide truth, but they were burned because of a willingness to repent of evil and sin.

    hitler burned books, not because of repentance, but because he wanted to control knowledge.

    there is a difference.

    burning korans is not a wise thing to do, even if the koran is a historical copyright infringement, it still contains truth, and people believe it to be holy.

    i believe that no religious text is perfectly preserved nor that any written record is perfectly true.

    i do believe the Book of mormon is the most correct translated holy scripture on earth, but i also confess there are errors there in also.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said "you will know my disciples by their love for one another." Burning books doesn't seem like a great way to encourage people to become Christians. Jesus didn't burn any books, but he did overthrow some tables. One is righteous anger. Another might just be a publicity stunt.

  • darras
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i did no longer, via fact i do no longer help e book-burning of any style. in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, as quickly as a single existence (now over 20) became into taken based on this, it became justified. inspite of each and every thing, it confirmed that they carry paper greater useful than a human existence... No e book, koran, bible, gita, notwithstanding is greater useful than even a single existence. i do no longer care in case you think of Allah, YHVH, Jesus, Krishna, or the teeth Fairy wrote it. If Allah existed, he does no longer have permit his followers kill those human beings in retaliation for some ink on paper. an identical is authentic for any God who claims to be genuine mutually as letting his followers be so vile. you do no longer exist in case you stand by and permit such sludge to ensue via fact of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this Idiot is getting ready to open up a whole new can of worms. This and all countries are already knee deep in Smack, and now his wants to pull this. . . Heaven help us. Why after all these years after 9/11 does he want to get something started now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Luckily, this tool only has about 50 followers at his "church". I am willing to bet there will be a much larger counter protest. How about for every Quran he burns, we send a Bible through a wood chipper?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It clearly says in the Bible and in the Constitution and in the Declaration of Independence that all books which fail to acknowledge Christ's divinity and lordship over all Creation are to be cast into fire so that their liberal owners may have a glimpse of what awaits them in Hell's inferno. To think any other way makes you a heretic and anti-American, not that we should draw too fine a line between the two.

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