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St. Matthews, 7; 21-23. Who are the many who will call Jesus, and he will not know them?

The many who he will reject, I feel Jesus is talking to are those who praise him over the Father, and have made him God.

In verse 23, Who do you think is the Rock? I sense it's the Father, not Peter or even himself.

Want honest open-minded answers, without quoting scripture.


Whispering Trees; I honor Jesus by praising the Father as he did.

And the words of Jesus come from the Father that was within him./Holy Spirit.

Note; If a man doesn't praise Jesus, and does great works but not in his name, but through the Father, then the words Jesus spoke at this time doesn't not fit those who praise the Father has he did. Just those who praise him.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that that means that when people die, they will cry out to god, but he won't hear them, because it will be too late. And i think the rock is God. Peter is just an apostle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus is talking about the judgment of those who claim to be righteous, but in fact were never believers. They will argue that they did this or did that in His name, and He will tell them to depart from him, he never knew them. Christ nor God know the unbeliever. They are none of His. We are to praise Jesus the Son of God. God sent His Son, to be a sacrifice for us, He expects your praise of the Son. Christ said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except by me. Jesus is the Rock, not the Father, not Peter.

    You seem to think Christ is of little importance. But please read this, perhaps you missed it.

    St.John. Ch.5 v-22-23

    For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son;

    That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father that sent him.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In the verses right before 21-23 Jesus is talking about false preachers. People who are wolves in sheep's clothing. People who do not know God and mislead people in their false teachings. He was not talking about people who praise Him over the Father. Jesus and His Father are One. The Rock on whom Jesus will build His church is the truth. The truth that Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith sent by God the Father. We cannot take preconceived ideas and force scripture around them. We must take scripture in context.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People who really weren't saved, or were under false belief.

    People who thought they were saved just cause they thought Jesus was Savior, but then went around enjoying their sin, while going to church on Sundays.

    That's not being saved. That's being a churchgoer.

    To be saved it to truly believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. That he was crucified to forgive man and woman of their sins (past, present, future). And that by his resurrection, he conquered the grave, thus eliminating hell from our picture (the saved).

    If you truly believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior, then you will be blessed with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit will guide you in doing God's wonderful work. He will help you in knowing what is good from what is bad, and guide you in times of prayer.

    Someone who has the Holy Spirit in them, would be able to understand the difference between wrong and right. They'd be able to know what Jesus would and wouldn't want them to do.

    Of course people have free will in their mind, and can choose to go against the Spirit, I suppose.

    But sooner or later the guilt would overrun, and they would return to repentance.


    tl;dr - People who had "Church" and not Christ.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Matthew 7: 21-23, talking about the many Christians who say and believe all they have to do is have "faith" or "call on Jesus" to be saved. He is saying not all who do that will be.

    23: Peter is the rock.....Thou art Peter, and upon this rock i build my Church.

    Since "Peter" means "Rock," it is a safe bet to take Peter as the rock.

  • 1 decade ago

    The many are described previously in chapter 7 of Matthew. They are the false prophets, false professors, and false followers of His teachings. They say they know Him, but they have never opened their hearts for Him to dwell in their hearts.

    Jesus is the Rock. From the Old Testament, He is the "stone of stumbling" made to be the chief cornerstone.

  • 1 decade ago

    point is "Lord Lord" is double-minded,

    as if allegory for mixing Grace and Law,

    which are contrary things that do not mix,

    except to make an oxy-moron

    Bible examples of double-minded:

    - Abraham Abraham

    - Moses Moses

    - Saul Saul

    - Simon Simon

    - Martha Martha

    - Jerusalem Jerusalem

    - Lord Lord

    - My God, my God

    it's the same thing as him repeating

    Psalms: My God, my God... and

    getting forsaken as a result

    Law says: I will forsake you

    Grace says: I will never forsake you

    Grace always is, Law was added, so

    only combo is Grace + Law = forsaken

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those who call Jesus and he will not know them? Preachers who are collecting huge amounts of money and use it for their own gain, false preachers, pedophiles working in churches,leadership that encourages sin, etc.

    The Rock? God and Jesus were both called the Rock because they are one and the same person. (So that puts you and I in opposite corners).

  • sdn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You do know that the bible is interpreted by the Bible anyone who teaches their own understanding is a false prophet.

  • 1 decade ago

    they will be some of the jews because they were the ones who sentenced jesus to death and still put him down 2000 years later

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