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Who was/is the most evil republican president? Who was/is most evil democratic president?

And why?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Republican: Richard Nixon, for


    2.)Going to China, and betraying Taiwan, creating the stage for the current standoff and Cold War in East Asia, and allowing for the eventual economic growth that has damaged the US economy. Their cheap slave labor, coupled with greedy CEOs reducing manpower costs, due to free trade deals, caused industries to collapse in the US and Canada.

    3.) Abandoning S,Vietnam, causing its eventual fall, and the great social tragedy that followed, with re-education camps, mass murders of the S.Vietnamese leadership, and the "Boat People" tragedy, and allowing the dominoes to fall, in the form of Laos, and the "Killing Fields" of Cambodia.

    Many millions of Asians died from this period.

    Democrat: at the moment, a tie

    Carter, for

    1.) the SALT Talks, allowing for the Soviet Union to improve its nuclear weapons stock

    2.) General cowardliness, not standing up for people who needed our help ANYWHERE. This led to Soviet incursions and adventurism throughout Africa and S.America. His spinelessness made the Soviets so confident that they invaded Afghanistan, to prop up a weak communist government, but really to just make a new puppet state closer to the Persian gulf. This would have succeeded, if Charlie Wilson and his Stingers and Milans didn`t come along.

    Cowardliness in not supporting the Shah, regardless of his inadequacies, led to the Iranian Revolution, and the 50 US hostage ordeal, where allt his fool would do is "pray". Pres. Reagan had to fix things, but the damage was done, and we have one of those young revolutionaries of the period eventually become the leader...Ahmedinijad.

    The other terrible Democrat is of course, Obama, for:

    1.) Weak, or no support for the commanders of the US and Western militaries.

    2.)Defense cutbacks during a time of war.

    3.) Dithering, rather than acting promptly on the proposals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, over War Strategies and reinforcements.

    3.) Weakening the eventual decision, giving the US military 30,000 new troops, rather than the 40,000 they asked for. Modern western soldiers volunteer. They are not conscripts, and serving in dangerous places is their JOBS.

    4.)Ridiculous Rules of Engagement, further endangering ALL western troops in Afghanistan.

    5.) Leaving Iraq too quickly, before Iraq had enough competent troops to replace our troops. This endangers the gains of the whole Iraq War.

    6.) Trying to release dangerous terrorists from Gitmo, thinking that somehow they deserve the same rights as US common criminals.

    They are NOT common criminals...their motivations are totally different.

    They can NOT be re-educated, since it is part of their bizarre mind set, that murdering people who don`t share their exact same religious beliefs, is a good thing.

    They HAVE. ARE, and WILL return to murdering and torturing people.

    They are NOT American, thus do not fall under the rules of the constitution.

    They are NOT prisoners of war, since they do NOT represent any government. This means that the rules of the Geneva convention do not apply.

    7.) Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty.

    This gets him a Nobel Prize, from the simpletons who do not understand Geopolitics.

    This actually caused the US, thus the West, to now be WEAKER than Russia, while not really limiting or reducing the nuclear weapons of anyone but western countries.

    The Russians, unlike the deal in 1977, can now mount nuclear bombs on bombers.

    NO restrictions were put on the rogue states, like China, N.Korea, and Iran.

    8.)Indecisiveness and weakness in Asia, over the Futenma base issue. This apparent weakness has emboldened N.Korea and China to expand their demands. N.Korea torpedoed a S.Korean warship, while laughing at Obama the whole time. China is trying to now claim a 200 km territorial water limit, which claims the waters of most of Asia, including Japanese waters. We now have the dispute over the Senkaku Islands, because of this.

    So...for world peace, both Obama and Carter are total failures.

    Pres.Bush, by the way, was the right man at the right time. He had the strength of character to ACT after 9/11, and we have relative security in the west because of this. Obama is trying to liberalize and weaken his (Bush`s) actions on tighter security, and "Cut-and-Run" from military responsibilities everywhere, abandoning whole countries and allies. He wants to give rights to terrorists.

    Clinton was a wimp too, but he DID eventually act to bomb Serb munitions and supply dumps, thus finally ending the Bosnian War. He did NOTHING for the Croatia War, leaving the onus of trying to stop the genocide there, evidently, to mostly Canada.

    Clinton was kinda good for sexual rights though, defining, in court, that a BJ isn`t sex.

    Reagan, with Gorbachev, ended the Cold War. This makes ANY of his other shortfalls tiny, in comparison.

    Bush Sr. acted against Saddam when he invaded Kuwait. His problem is that he just didn`t finish the job, and we had to go back and finish it in 2003, without the support of the Liberal Press.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well only one President ever attacked a country and killed an estimated 1 million people for nothing. Then there was the guy who attacked half of the United States to subjogate them. I guess that was worse. I can't think of a Democrat that was really evil. Some have made mistakes.

    Edit: I should have gotten Andrew Jackson for the Indian removal act as the Dem. I had two great grandmothers walk the trail of tears.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a hard question, honestly. Nobody would be able to agree on that 100%, but I'll offer my sincere view.

    If we're talking about 20th/21st century politics (which is easier to judge, earlier times have limited historic perspective), I'd have to say

    Republicans: Bush junior: He started two wars (Afghanistan was just, but heavily neglected-- 10 years later we're still there, and losing even more people now; Iraq was based off a lie and cost us a trillion dollars/ caused world oil prices to spike) while cutting taxes and creating a medicare drug program which didn't seem all that successful at containing costs. He essentially destroyed our budget, turning a 1 trillion dollar Clinton era surplus into the largest deficit in US history (Obama might be taking that title soon however-- but would Obama's spending be so important now had Bush actually reduced the deficit instead of greatly increasing it?). Signed a free trade agreement with Central America, expanding NAFTA and costing us even more jobs. Failed to address the illegal immigration issue while republicans controlled all branches of government, an ideal time for some type of legislative reform to be passed.

    Democrats: Lyndon Johnson-- started the Vietnam war on what was shown to be lie (USS Maddox was NOT fired on); tens of thousands of soldiers lost their lives, many more were injured psychologically/physically. The war was devastating on an entire generation's mindset, our economy, and actually helped to spread communism. His dishonesty and the war heralded the end of the prosperous post WW2 era into the turmoil of the 70s and early 80s (yes, wars can affect economies for a long time).

    Source(s): i know a little about history here and there
  • 1 decade ago

    The most corrupt Republican President was Nixon. Why ? Because he was a crook.

    Who was the most evil Democratic President was Nixon. He played both sides and in hiding he was a Democrat. Why ? Because he was a two faced crook. Played two sides of his card.

    Lesson: You need to take time to capitalize the names of Republican President and Democratic President.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Republican- Richard Nixon, Watergate.

    Democrat- Andrew Jackson, Indian Removal Act.

  • akien
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Mr. Obama, Pay no interest to those uneducated teabaggers in the back of the curtain. you have the help of 70% of the yank human beings in case you keep your campaign supplies. human beings have been wanting time-honored wellness care because Republican President Teddy Roosevelt first stated it. The Repugs dealt with Mr. Roosevelt so poorly he ran along with his very own celebration. They did the comparable ingredient to Mr. Carter while he took on the firms--do no longer enable them to do the comparable to you! get up for what you promised, substitute, and we are going to insure you have 8 years to do it. The rightwingers haven't any plan and their base isn't smart adequate to attain they have been suckered by applying the comparable nonsense for the previous 60 to 106 years, so get us healthcare, close Gitmo, get us out of Bush's wars, and attach the economic equipment Cheney and the rightwingers trashed. we are going to lower back your play, and we don't would desire to deliver weapons on your activities. we've acceptable on our factor, and you have the secret provider to maintain the gun nuts of their place. long stay the Union! basically, CSUN Harley Rider

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Teddy Roosvelt; for allowing the U.S Fed Reserve theft to continue; and enter the U.S into wars

  • 1 decade ago

    Repub:Bush(both of them) . Democrat: Truman or LBJ

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GOP- Lincoln declared war on the Southern states

    Dem- Obama declared war on Arizona

  • 1 decade ago

    now describe what you mean by "evil".

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