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Jehovah's Witnesses: how do you feel about the spew of unsubstantiated accusations recently on Yahoo?

There has been a few ridiculous questions and answers which have made claims (with no respect for producing evidence) that are very serious in nature e.g. profiteering, child abuse, etc

I refuse to report them because they show themselves up for who they are - malicious gossip mongers who delight in spewing lies for the sake of 1/ making themselves appear intelligent ( that's not working!) b/ bringing reproach on Jehovah's organisation

How does this make you feel?


Quix: funny that... I have actually studied the Bible ( including many other translations) and compared beliefs to scripture.

Update 2:

Quality not quantity. Some prefer the filth of the world to pure worship. More are kicked out because of immorality than those who leave voluntarily

Update 3:

Magpie - Dont know if I am allowed to identify by name but a recent flowery character has been particularly vindictive while ignoring calls for evidence

33 Answers

  • X
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You look at them and can't help but laugh at them.....and also pity them.

    Do these people really and truly think they're accomplishing anything but making themselves look like the fools they are? - Surely not.

    What kind of lives can these people have that they're choosing to spend their time in spreading hate and malicious lies rather than doing anything constructive or positive? - They must really be miserable.

    Do they really think that by merely making unfounded and baseless accusations (of which they NEVER support or back-up with anything of substance) that somehow people will believe their opinions as facts? - Some seem to be that delusional that they DO feel that way, and it's sad.

    They also think that ANYTHING negative said about Jehovah's Witnesses has to be true, no matter how outlandish, how ridiculous, or how easily disproven it is. That's brainwashed hate group mentality for you.

    We can easily refute the lying trash they're trying to push out to everyone through their thinly-veiled rants - and it's fun to do so - but they don't care.

    We need only consider Jesus' words about those who persecuted him: "if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also", and we know that we're in the best possible company. These haters and these people spreading lies and false accusations don't have a leg to stand on.....and they know it, as does everyone else reading their trash.

    - And if anyone claims they haven't seen any of the MANY unsubstantiated claims against us, they're either lying (which is most likely), or have chosen to ignore them.

    ** The question that Californiamama provided a link to is a CLASSIC example of the kind of ignorant garbage that is being posted as questions towards Jehovah's Witnesses. There's no sincere desire for an answer, it's just the question asker going off on a rant and tossing out as many ridiculous claims as they can.

    *** FYI, here's another of many unsubstantiated comments:;_ylt=Ap1dL...

  • danman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Unsubstantiated is becoming a favorite word of jw's to diffuse the actual truth of the matter.

    The reason no one has pointed to any of these false allegations, malicious gossip, lies, is the fact that in almost every case the evidence of Watchtower lies, deceit, false prophecy, child abuse, is in fact presented and the majority of this evidence comes from direct quotes of Watchtower literature.

    Only those who's minds have been so indoctrinated to not believe anything unless it comes via a Watchtower publication in the last few months, and can completely dismiss evidence based upon the age of a publication as to the validity of claims or assertions, makes any effort to educate you as to the truth about the 'truth' a very difficult process.

    If you can't accept your own textbooks as proof, and you can't accept anyone else's interpretation of the bible, then you fit the mold of a intransigent, defiant, unreasonable, stubborn, cult member who will see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, unless it is the evil we support.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can't really comment on "unsubstantiated accusations" without specific examples. Your question is phrased in sweeping generalities and uses the "straw man" technique of attacking the other side without actually discussing anything in particular.

    How about an example. (I'll check back later.)


    Californiamama provides a useful example in her answer above.

    Certainly the accusations should be backed up, and would be better stated without the rank judgmentalism that pervades.

    Of my own knowledge and research, I have looked at each of the issues mentioned and believe them to be true. It is unfortunate that the earlier questioner chose to use repulsive language as a foundation for what would be important issues to those truly interested.

    Thank you.

    Source(s): [Californiamama's link):;_ylt=AuK3yD6ZST...
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not bothered. But I agree that it has been the habit of some anti_JWs to make unsubstantiated accusations. Classic example is Unsilenced Lioness. She keeps on posting long answers on JW questions that are mostly not related to the question. She is so desperately convinced to herself that what she is posting is the general picture of the JW organization. She cites isolated cases and applies it to the whole JW org. In addition, the stories/incidents she cite have no substance at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I look upon it as nothing less than prophecy fulfilled. So that makes me happy. Jehovah warned us long ago of the slurs and hatefulness that would be directed at us. Now it's on the court record.

    Jesus was called everything but a 'child of God" - as the saying goes. When people hate you, or are ignorant of the basis for your beliefs, they resort to the only thing they can - name-calling and insulting and vindictive remarks. As you mentioned, they show themselves for what they truly are. I recall Goliath and the foolishness he spewed . . . just before he lost his head.

    Hannah J Paul

    Witness of the Most High God, Jehovah

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh boy! Okay some TD's and a waste of two points on this one.

    Okay, let me see.

    I've seen more unsubstantiated accusations about many religions, not just the JW's but every other religion out there.

    Some of these so-called allegations go to the spirituality of the religions, and some of them go towards the religion and its adherents as an institution.

    Reality check: religion is a fair target and an unfair target. No matter which one you choose someone is going to say its not the "right" religion.

    That's because its subjective.

    And there's a lot of hatred out there.

    So all in all, I read many of these things and chalk it up to hate, intolerance, ignorance, mistake, collusion, abuse, name-calling and just about every human frailty you can think of.

    Bottom line is, why should it matter to you that a few questions have targeted the JW's anymore than they have targeted Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans and the like.

    People will believe whatever they choose to believe. One person's "truth" is another person's "lie",

    And people are easily misled.

    If you want to discuss the intricacies of the JW's and how it distinguishes itself from other religions, then that's an honest and fair question and answer.

    If a person wants to make up a question which is insulting or they know is insulting, then they're just flaming you.

    And no .... I didn't see the accident. (Lighten up MB and just chuckle. Humor's good too).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ahhh...where do I begin. There are so many. But we can expect it. This person I had to block because he has gone ballistic. Here is a pointless question and check my answer out.;_ylt=At3le...

    The latest is Rustic B and claim on answer ratio verses %. Now isn't that so helpful for the community. Complete stupidity!

    I do hope that people stop having multiple accounts and I certainly hope a Witness would know better. If they don't, they better have a reality check!

    I do not want to debate these pointless issues any longer. And I hope I don't have to hear "liar" or "shun" anytime soon!

    Source(s): Edit: I wish Y!A had a provision for seeing who is putting thumbs down and they should state their reason. That would be "helpful"!
  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said to expect such persecution, so it's not suprising. either way, Jehovah's name will be vindicated in the end and his sovereignty magnified. that's all that matters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus and the early Christians were maligned. Jesus ignored these people. The Romans accused the first century Christians of burning down Rome, as an excuse to persecute them. Jesus said, "If they hated me they will hate you." Why? Because true Christians are "No part of the world," Jesus said, "On this account the world hates you."

    Satan is the father of the lie. People who spread rumors against Jehovah's Witnesses are following the lying way of this world. Jehovah's Witnesses are not perfect Christians, but they do, as a whole, follow the Bible in every aspect of their lives. There may be some individuals who fall into serious wrongdoing. Christian elders try to restore them to a relationship with God. If they don't want to continue as Jehovah's Witnesses or uphold Christian principles, they aren't allowed to remain. Unrepentant child molesters are disfellowshipped.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a strong policy against child abuse.

    Source(s): Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection agains child abuse
  • 1 decade ago;_ylt=As1eq...

    Here's one, people, if I did the link correctly. Yesterday she spewed so much poison her question was deleted so she switched over to attacking Mormons. And you should see her rip up the Muslim!

    How do I feel? I can't imagine a balanced, well adjusted person acting like this day in and day out. It makes me think there are demons directing her, personally. IMO


    "more demons released yes, but at a slow rate so you christians wont notice that your society is becoming more and more depraved and corrupt. I should know because I am one of those demons, my mission on earth is to torment and mock the the cults, especially those lunatic jehovahs."

    This is very good advice to the haters:

    Acts 5:38,39

    38 And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”

    EDIT: Unsilenced Lioness said "If you notice this particular (Flowery) poster has little comment from us..I have seen the questions and chosen to ignore them because they are vicious. NOte that all but 1 of the comments are from Witnesses and most of the exWitnesses ignored the question. wonder why?"

    A) Nice try. You are one of the worst offenders and I've wondered if Valentina is one of your aliases. Care to confess?

    B) the question was to JW's not ex-JW's so what's your point?

  • The truth is tough, and unfortunately the JWs are living a lie. But, of course, as you know, any JW will shrug off any accusation as "the work of Satan in the last days". Unfortunately, the accusations have been around since the incarnation of Jehovah's Witness over a hundred years ago. They're still fraudulent and misleading, even moreso than a hundred years ago. They have developed lies to cover their lies, and unfortunately, I don't think they even remember what the truth is.

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