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What do Christians and Jews think about Muslims?

I just want to know what you guys think about the religion. 10 points for the best, yet respectful argument.


be descriptive. state things that you do not understand about the religion that seem irrational.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel sorry that they are fed hatred everyday. It must feel really awful and desperate to have a heart that just think about destroying and hating others who do not agree with you.

    Their god is one that wants them to die for him, when the true living God died for us.

    Their god order them to sin, our God wants us to be holy like he is holy.

    Their god ask for massive murder and killing of those who do not believe in him, our God as us to love our enemies and tell them the good news of salvation so their soul can be saved from eternal hell.

    Their god was chosen by a man (Mohamed), our God chose us.

    Their god promise them nothing unless they kill themselves while killing others, our God has promised abundance if we obey his commandments, he promised us peace in the middle of trouble, and an eternal place of grace with him.

    Their god has never given them anything, neither can they ask him anything, our God gave himself to us, and gave and give us miracles, he cares for us, provide for us and listen and answer to our prayers.

    Their god only gives orders, our God has a personal relationship with each one of us.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're really asking two different questions--one about a faith, and another about the people who adhere to it. Regarding Muslims themselves, I've found the ones I've interacted with to be quite well-adjusted, with a system of values that in many, if not in most places, overlaps with my own. Regarding the religion, I think that it is mostly correct. I disagree with the Islamic ideas of Christ and the Church. These *are* major issues, but I think that traditional Christianity and the Islamic faith described in the Qur'an are together more inimical to secular humanism than they are to each other.


    I also have problems with what seems to be a tendency in Islam to think of the actions of God in terms of divine voluntarism. This is distinct from Christianity's teaching of the primacy of the divine intellect, which informs the divine will.

    Having said this, I have met only a few Muslims who explicitly think about this, just as there are very few Christians who give it thought. From what I understand, divine voluntarism does not have same place in Islam that a defined dogma would in traditional Christianity. I myself don't think it follows from the logic of the Qur'an, but I am not a Muslim, so the value of my opinion here is limited.

    This does bring up another issue I have with Islam theoretically; there is no body which can, even conceptually, give a definitive answer to theological questions. Islam has the Qur'an, but the Qur'an can't stand up and say, "Hey, you're misinterpreting me!". Traditional Christianity, on the other hand, has the Church, and she can give definitive answers to theological questions that are irrevocably binding upon the conscience of Christians. She can do so because, on the one hand, she defined the contents of the Scriptures, and on the other, Jesus said she could (cf. Matthew 18:18).



  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, religion will not save us to go to Heaven. You cant say, this religion is the best.

    All religions are man made.

    God is not about religion.

    Its yor relationship to God, while we are stil alive on earth, is our chance to know our Creator, Savior Jesus and ask for forgiveness.

    When we die, you cant say sorry Lord i dont know.

    God will always send somebody to minister to you and will give you chance while we are alive.

    If people know Jews and Muslims are half-brothers which came from the lineage of Abraham, their father.

    Muslims are descendants of Ishmael mother is Hagar- and Jews or Isarelites are descendans of Isaac,mother is Sarah.

    They are fighting what was passed on to them.

    Believe it or not, we have a place here where Jews and Muslims are very good neighbors.

    I hope this helps and i totally agree with Pastor who made an earlier comment. Just to add on to that too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe they are wrong about who God is and His Son.

    The Qur'an claims that Jesus was just a sinless prophet, yet for Him to say things like "I am the Way,the Truth and the Life. None gets to the Father except through Me." Means He was either insane, a liar or he was telling the truth.

    Source(s): The Bible and what I have read from the Qur'an
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  • 1 decade ago

    I admire their tenacity in prayer and tradition, but it is unfortunate that it is to a false entity. As a Christian I should be as dedicated as them to prayer and to carrying out what GOD asks of me. Christianity is a religion based on the love of Christ, even though some atrocities have been committed by men in HIS name. As a Christian my duty is to proclaim the word of GOD, not for me to convert anyone but so that the world can know of the true living GOD. I am not out to convert or kill any one. Muslims need to rewrite the "koran" and make it a religion of love toward one another for in one GOD exists.

    Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad - Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.

    Jesus: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

    Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshipped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

    Joshua 24:14-15

  • 1 decade ago

    They believe that they are wrong. (Obviously, because I am not a Muslim.)

    I think it's interesting how only the "radical extremist Muslims" are terrorist. Most Muslims are peace loving, but those that claim to be radical kill other people. Does that mean that the peaceful Muslims are hypocrites? I just find that interesting.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have all the problems (A-Z) with the religion not much with the followers.

  • Ross
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I view them as victims of this cult called islam.

  • 1 decade ago

    They can see the absurdity and falsity of every belief except their own.

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