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Is it OK to binge once a week? Diet details inside?

Hey everyone,

I am 15, turning 16 next month. I am 5'1 and weigh 113 lbs. I'm trying to lose another 10 lbs, and then I'll be satisfied. My diet is basically, as follows:

Breakfast: Ricecake with water(26 cals)

Lunch: Sandwich or salad(Under 300 cals)

Dinner: 2 slices of brown bread(182 cals)

Snacks: Ricecakes

I've been doing this for like a week or so, and I've lost 7 lbs or so, but you can't notice anything!

Is it OK to binge once a week? And also, how can I make the results more noticeable?


5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES it is okay to binge once a week, splurging wont ruin your diet! Look at the article on this website it is exactly what you need:

    To sum it up, basically as long as you control your intake the rest of the week you should be fine.

    And i know this wasn't your question, but i'd have liked someone to tell me when i made this mistake. It doesn't sound like you're eating nearly enough calories. I did the same thing. I am a 15 year old girl and when i lost weight i dropped my intake to 1000 calories per day. It worked and i lost weight but now my metabolism is SUPER slow. My body went into starvation mode and slowed my metabolism down like crazy. When your body goes into starvation mode it stores calories as fat because it is afraid its not getting enough to keep you alive. Luckily, i didn't gain too much weight afterward, but i did gain 3 pounds because of it. So eating too few calories will cause you to gain weight not lose it! Just be careful, and at our age we need at least 1,500 and anyone would say thats even too low. I know how badly you want to lose weight but please don't make the same mistake i did. Hope this helps, good luck :)

  • ginder
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Binge Eating Once A Week

  • 1 decade ago

    you shouldn't have ur calorie intake that low, it will help u to lose weight but when u do binge ur body will store all those calories as fat because it doesn't think it will get enough food again, so it is storing fat for later. The reason u haven't noticed anything is because its not healthy weight loss, u are losing fat but u are losing a lot of muscle too, which helps u to look thinner and more toned. Try eating 1200 calories a day, it will help u keep off the weight rather than gaining it back really quickly when u binge, and it is ok to treat yourself once a week to like a day when u eat 1600-1800 calories, but don't do it on a regular basis, try to do aerobic exercise 5 times a week like running or the treadmill, it will make u look thinner because u will burn a lot of fat and gain muscle. Good luck!!!!!

    Source(s): was 170 now 135 :) and counting
  • 1 decade ago

    Enjoying your favourite foods once a week is actually a good thing. It keeps your metabolism running high, rather than slowing it down with constant dieting. Not to mention that it keeps your will power up.

    Although I would not binge to much, but a couple of meals a week is good.

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  • 1 decade ago

    no its not ok. u shouldnt starve urself because that makes u lose weight slower. 508 calories a day is not even doctor reccomended. bingin doesnt help at all.

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