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what are these pains and contractions telling me?

This is just first week of my 9th month, after intercourse last night i started having horrible contractions with back labour pain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they have been really awful with belly tightening with contractions which were lasting for few mins and interval has been short. this is my 2nd baby so i'm not all that un-familiar but it wasnt this horrible during my actual labour first time around and i still have a lot of time to go. the terrible contractions had been going on since 2:00 it has just started to slow down but still coming with varying pain levels. what shuld i do?


i even tried pain killer, no effect.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Each woman may feel contractions differently and it can also differ from one pregnancy to the next. It is frightening for some women because contractions are involuntary, and they also occur without warning.Monitor your contractions because it is the only way to tell whether you might be heading to the delivery room soon.

    False labor contractions usually begin and remain irregular. The contractions also do not increase in frequency, duration and intensity. It is also first felt in the abdomen and remains confined to the abdomen and groin area. False labor contractions differ greatly to true labor contractions because the symptoms usually disappear through ambulation and sleep. With false labor contractions, a woman may experience a strong onset of contractions that go weak afterwards. And although it still causes pain, this form of contraction does not lead to cervical dilatation or the opening of the cervix.

    True labor contractions on the other hand begin irregularly but they become regular and predictable over time. It is first felt in the lower back and it tends to sweep around the abdomen in waves. There is also notable increase in the duration, frequency and intensity of the contractions. It can come in regular intervals that can last from 30 seconds, to a full minute. True labor contractions cannot also be relieved through positioning, or any type of activity. A woman may feel that her contractions are getting too close together, and she may also notice that it lasts longer. The intensity of the pain is also expected to increase and at this stage, coping measures like breathing techniques are very helpful.

    Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like labor is close but everyone is different. My pain started in the belly and moved down to know.I was in labor for 3 days.Maybe you should go to the doctor and see if you have dilated.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its is most likely to be your lady bits contacting after sex. but maybe contact your midwife and they might check you out. It could mean that you will go into labour before 40 weeks, past 37 weeks you are classes as full term so if it happens there is no problems. xx

  • 1 decade ago

    If i were u just go to the hospital bc all labors r different... u can have caused an early labor.. just go get checked out

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  • 1 decade ago

    you need to call your doctor or the hospital you will be having the baby. they will tell you whats going on and what you need to do

  • 1 decade ago

    sex can cause you to go into labor you should go to the doctor asap

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