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What direction would people like to see the U.S. govt. go?

I am trying to figure out exactly what people want from the govt. What direction they would like to see it take.

The U.S. has been a world power since the end of WW1. No other country comes close to giving as much financial aid to countries, people in need, as we do. Our Constitution gives more freedoms than most other countries. Our Bill of Rights gives us more rights than most countries. Our taxes are much lower than the European Nations, and we get a lot for our taxes.

How should our country change? What would be the benefit? Also consider what the cost would be for any changes you suggest, financially and the possible loss of freedoms? Take into consideration if other nations have tried what you advocate, and the long-term outcome.

Please no silly or immature answers like a free house and free car for everybody.


Slick... if we "bring down" large companies we put a lot of people out of work.... do you really want the gov.t to decide what you can and cannot eat?... The reason foreign products sell so well in the US is Americans like "cheap things."

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We need to return to our Constitution as intended- not as it's been re-interpreted. Lower taxes and less regulation will spur economic growth, but large corporations (which should have never been allowed to become "too big to fail" ) need to be closely watched to prevent corruption and unfair business practices that affect the entire nation.

    We need to get out of the UN and rescind our agreement with Agenda 21 which is designed to redistribute the wealth of the US among developing nations. This is also the driving force behind illegal immigration, trade policies that allow dangerous products to be imported, cap and trade and other job killing energy policies, and loss of private property rights.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    we also spend the more money on the military than the rest of the world combined. We are currently involved in 2 foreign "interventions" (aka "invasions") and the American voters have a "choice" between 2 parties; both of which are beholden to the war industry.

    Congress has completely abdicated their responsibilites (ex. they are supposed to be the only branch that can declare war) and with the Supreme Court trend towards "unitary executive" the constiutional "balance of powers" has gone right out the window.

    Lobbyists have WAY to much sway over elections and candidates and money determines elections. Until this changes, big money will determine who gets elected and big money is always has Wall Street as a top priority over Main Street.

    I'd like to see some true REFORM but I don't think it will happen until this country has the total economic collapse it is heading for.

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Go back to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, limit the government, close the border, stop all the free give aways, this would be a start.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I want to see diminished power from the federal government as well as my local government. Reduced government spending, reduced regulations, reduced taxes, reaganomics! Rescently Virginia Beach has banned the longtime tradition of setting off fireworks on the 4th, also you cannot have a few beers on the beach anymore. Police literally stand on the beach enterances on the 4th harassing and sniffing everyones plastic cups, because my city assumes the public is too incompetant to have some fireworks. Next they will assume everyone is too incompetant to own firearms and we will be in the same hole as europeans.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go back to strictly what the Constitution says is the job of government, Get the he!! out of our lives, Stop foreign aid, stop welfare, food stamps, unemployment checks unending, Put the Marines on the border and shoot any SOB that steps foot over. Kick the House ***** and all his liberal pukes out and get some people in that have an ounce of common sense...I don't care what party they clami, but NO LAWYERS....

    Source(s): 65 years of observing the Liberals taking away our freedoms, giving away our resorces, ruining our economy,buying votes from minorities with every free giveaway they can think of, exempting themselves from all their BS they demand on us. I will never in my life vote for a anybody that runs under the Liberal democratic party flag...
  • Chin T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "Our Constitution gives more freedoms than most other countries. Our Bill of Rights gives us more rights than most countries."

    Actually these things do that by LIMITING government, and I would like to see us LIMIT government and go back to our roots.

    Government has no business legislation individuals lives or providing for things at the expense of other individuals.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm bored with individuals on welfare getting unfastened glasses and dental care and scientific care on an identical time as my husband has to artwork his *** off to take care individuals. i think of that desires to alter in this u . s . a .. the middle type consistently finally ends up getting shafted. i don't get to bypass to college for unfastened yet they do. i comprehend lots who're going to college for the 2d time only reason they did no longer % to artwork with the 1st degree that they've. i wish Obama could make some differences. yet i do no longer think of putting us extra in debt is going to make something extra valuable. our little ones would be determining to purchase this mistake in the long-term.

  • Rising
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    reduced, regulated more often by the people, change the electoral college to a popular vote system, and it shouldnt cost so much to run for office this isnt a tv show.

  • 1 decade ago

    they would like to see the united states of america make apeace In iraq and afghanistan and open more jobs to the nation and immigrants.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to see them close our borders, kick out ALL illegals of ALL races, then there would be millions of jobs to kick people off of welfare and get them to work.

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