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Amd is the best processor for graphics. But why more choose intel processors?

7 Answers

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Amd is the best processor for graphics???. which idiot said this crap

    AMD is best processor in the small budget

    if you are making 3d stuff than you need powerful CPU (with powerful CPU i mean multi core clocked 3/more then 3GHz)

    but there is no difference weter you are using the INTEL or AMD

    but if you are gamer also there is no difference except off the price wheter you have intel or amd it should be 4/more then 4 core processor colocked at 3/more than 3GHz

  • 4 years ago

    the two platform PROC are greater then adequate for accepted job and university for the main area yet there's a $seven-hundred cost hollow between the two if funds is tight i would not blow $1000 on intel I7 980X CPU.greater beneficial $seven-hundred on your pocket is a plus to me whether I had the money its just to lots uncooked computing potential for my needs information superhighway,gaming,excel,powerpoint and such and that's why am working a i7 920 O'C 3.6GHZ.properly If i became into you and between the two i could circulate with AM3 X6 cpu and there are some superb new chipset for AM3 Socket superb boards and that i could yet that greater beneficial overhead right into a video card. I7 980X professional: KIller quickly 6 middle PROC overclocks properly with a aftermarket cooler CON:cost AMD Phenom X6 professional: quickly great overclocker runs cool and cost genuine some might say below priced CON:its no longer a $1000 cpu lol The specs component to AMD yet at coronary heart am Intel guy who no longer prepared to spend the money on a i7 980X cpu.possibly in 4th Q 2011 while there's a bettter priced 6 middle 1366 socket cpu.

  • 1 decade ago

    The graphics duties are actually handled more by the GPU (graphics processing unit of the video card) than the CPU. AMD owns ATI, which does make the fastest video cards. But the fastest CPUs are made by Intel. Here's a performance comparison on the fastest AMD CPU versus Intel's fastest:

    Intel chips are faster but tend to be more expensive, so they're found more on higher-end PCs. AMD CPUs are a good deal for the money for lower-end systems.

  • 1 decade ago

    depends on the buyer, mostly people buy intel chips coz their retailer suggest them. Intel has a deep market in india than amd. For a mainstream pc, amd is the best and also offers the chepest quad core cpu useful for running games like gta4 and mafia2. For a high end pc, go for intel

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  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    bit confused about question

    i assume you mean ATi are great but why do they have less processors than intel

    also ignore person chatting about heat as that changed amd phenom 2 run very cool where as i7s easily reach 70+ on prime95 my 1055t doesnt go above 50

    but anyway re word your question so it makes sense please

  • 1 decade ago

    Comparison of view, AMD will have a large heat when it works, and Intel does well in this side, so AMD is used to play game mostly, and there aer more choose intel processors. ;-)

  • You can easily over-clock Intel CPUs.

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