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allycat asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

What type of mental disorder is this.?

These are the things that I have noticed in him through the years.

1. Did not have a stuffed toy or blanket as little one but carried yellow squash that had to be replaced as it rotted.

2. Had children do his getting even for him started in elementary school he did this by being able to talk other kids into doing what he wanted he himself was not a bully and not a very big kid. If teacher made him mad he had his friends egg their house, while he sat back knowing the job was done is still able to do this to date and is now grown man.

3. as teen 14 or 15 bonded with a blanket this blanket has long since fell apart but he has piece of it he hangs onto.

4.Got and became friends with stuffed animals which he talks to and sleeps with this started around age 17 or 18 and is still going on to day and he is grown man father of two, Lord help anyone who touches one of his stuffed friends.

5.As young teen and High School teen would cheat on his little girl friends, when they found out they would break up even through he had girl he cheated with he would become depressed and say he wanted to die and would kill himself. Always it was girls fault who broke up with him he would go after them to hurt and punish them not with physical violence but mental and emotional. Never owned up to he brought on break up his cheating.

6. Married on 18 Birthday put that wife through much mental abuse, daughter born at age 19 never helped care for her but would grab her to hold when others fussed over the child. He took all credit and developed unhealthy bond with child she was a daughter and his love.

7. While married to first wife he went in Military, while serving state side as enlisted man he had an affair with female married officer. It was his Birthday and his wife and daughter were home waiting for him to come home but he let them stay up all night worrying about him making calls to find him while he treated himself to this woman. The next day he came home and told his wife he had given himself this woman for his Birthday. His wife throw phone at him that phone was to turn into 4 years of abuse by her toward him his version of why the marriage failed.

7. He and the female officer both mustered out of service and divorced spouses married and lived an open life style till she became pregnant by someone else. All this mess he has blamed on his first wife and his mother.

8. We are now many women later there is another child he is teaching to hate all men but him claiming he will be the only man she knows. He is teaching this child who is now 4 she can only like females she is to hate her mother just love him. The mother of the child has lived with mind games and in hell with him for 6 years, she is much younger than he. He has told her he would kill himself and them there have been many crazy acts. The mother has just taken the child and left but he is hunting her and has said he will kill her to get child. Again during these years he has slept with his daughter, he has brought one woman after another to the home where he has slept with all of them in front of mother and child. But again he takes no blame he is the innocent victim and all problems are the girl friends fault. I might mention he had tracking devices on her computer and in her phone and was blackmailing her so she was stuck there till enough was enough and she got herself and the child out.

This is just some high lights of his life I need to make someone understand that he believes the lies he tells so for him they are truth. What does he have and how can I get him help.


I need some real help here a child is in danger.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like malignant narcissism, read more here:

    Also report him for child abuse immediately! He has more than one disorder.

  • 1 decade ago

    dillard made me laugh...but on a more serious note, he sounds like a sociopath/psychopath by which i mean his brain doesnt process emotions normally preventing him from having empathy, and as such doesnt understand the consequences of his actions on others; his world does not extend past himself which is why he can bond to an object just as well if not better than a human). he is obviously a womanizer, and has an insatiable need to control(hense why he might like an object better than a human), based on the seriousness of this situation i would advise you ask a professional, they wont give a diagnosis without seeing him, but they will give you an pretty good idea, they can also give you resources to get help and advice to what to do, and it may help to have a professionals opinion when trying to get help for this woman and child

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Woah, that was a long read...from what I can put together, he sounds antisocial and manipulating. The violence is defiantly waving a red flag...if I had to put a name to it, my first guess would be borderline personality disorder/needs anger management.\

    ^BTW, I'm not a professional, but I'm pretty sure he's got a variety of things wrong...

  • 1 decade ago

    if a child is in danger HOT LINE this man ASAP. as for a diagnosis of this man and his mental health issues. no one on here is qualified to diagnose him. only a qualified psychiatrist is qualified to do that and that can only be done if he wants help and is willing to get it for himself. if he is a danger to himself you can talk to his doctor and see if maybe you can have him admitted to a psychiatric ward for a 48-72 hour observation where they can decide if he is mentally ill and then a judge can have him committed until he/she decides that he is no longer a danger to himself or others. you might seriously consider that route.

    Source(s): personally have been there. my family had to do that with me after a suicide attempt on my part.
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  • HD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need to call the police and go to a women's shelter. You cannot change a man like this - you can only be his victim and then a statistic.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like your typical Republican politician! The only hope for this type is a brain transplant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HE HAS SEROUS SOCIAL PROBLEMS. That reminds me of a horror movie I saw once.....

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