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I Think There Needs to Be a Bloody Revolution, BUT WHAT'S YOUR OPINION?

Holy ****, Obama is making *more* concessions to Republicans, this time extending the time there will be tax cuts on the wealthiest 1%. Why? What a ******* limpdick. He has to be bought off by the corporations, either that or he's being threatened and just filling out a spot until the Republicans can take charge again and **** over the middle class and let the oil companies run us into hell, but that doesn't make sense, one would think that kind of info would get leaked somehow, he's on the take.

Ok, I know, I'm ranting. But isn't that understandable at this point? What do you think about this situation? Why isn't Obama actually going for the jugular and making real change. **** the Republicans, they want an aristocracy ruling over the peasants, and the majority of their base are lower class idiots who are buying into their own doom. There is no "trickle-down" bullshit. The only trickle down that's falling on you is the fatcats pissing on you and your children's future. Them getting taxcuts will do nothing except **** you over, they'll continue to export our jobs to slave laborers in foreign countries, and make more money, while the middle class is destroyed and the poor get poorer.

And the Democrats are limpdicks who will do nothing about it, maybe they are drinking the Kool-aid too. I'm starting to think the only way to remedy this is blood flowing through the streets. Please, convince me otherwise.


@ThomasS, because he wasn't McCain/Palin and third parties can't win. The system is ******.

Update 2:

@Shotgun: Yeah, I'll admit that calling the president a limpdick isn't the best way to go about this... but I'm pissed, and I guess making *certain* things sexual has it's purpose at times. But maybe you are right there.

But on to the main point, the government is almost totally corrupt, and I'm starting to think Obama is just a part of the same ****. It's true that revolution doesn't usually work but if it gets any worse I can't see any other way.

The oil companies will ruin this country unless we change things... maybe, tho, *just maybe* we can have a "peaceful revolution" and somehow get everyone to stop voting, or vote some third party guy... but I'm doubtful we could really get that to happen.

Update 3:

@k.m.: I'm all for gun rights too. If we make them illegal, the people who won't have them are the law abiding folk. he criminals will get them no matter what... then again... in a revolution we'd all be "criminals" for that period.

Update 4:

*the criminals

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm just concerned with the fact that all our rhetoric is now in terms of sex/male anatomy.

    If Obama is a "limpdick," is sex the act of leading? Why are "balls" power? And on the same note, why are influential works "seminal," and not "ovular," or, for that matter, something totally asexual?

    To quote from your own canon, KC, "I'm tired of everything being compared to sex, you bunch of neo-Freudian nitwits."

    But to answer the question, has there ever (that would be in italics if yahoo would let me) been an ultimately successful political revolution? Velvet Revolution, I guess. If there are more, tell me, because I'm woefully ignorant. The point is just that I'm wary of revolution's capability to achieve real change against a government that is not totally corrupt and evil (but merely "limpdicked.")

  • 1 decade ago

    All this political bullsh*t is making me dizzy. Everyone already knows that America is corrupt, and there's no doubt about it. We have these idiots practically killing each other over whether they support the Rebulican or Democratic party. Sh*t, I remember in the 2008 elections, my younger sister would come home from school saying her friends were talking about 'killing' Obama, whome they were calling a "black retard". They called her "retarded" because she told them she didn't care for it, and that if she did, she'd prefer Obama to win. These are young kids in 6th grade, and I know for a fact that most of them weren't speaking for themselves, they were only reiterating what they heard their parents arguing about in the other room. It's complete bullsh*t. By now, it doesn't matter who we vote for; that's just how far America has dug itself in. One man or woman can't change what's been done already. And if they could, it would take YEARS.

    America as a people needs to realise what's going on and help themselves, one *** hole & his/her assistants can't clean up our mess for us. We've become too dependant on the government to take care of us, and they have taken advantage of that. I did support the Democratic party, but now I just couldn't care less. I didn't even vote on Tuesday. For a while I resented Bush(Jr) for everything I thought he'd done. But I realised it wasn't just him. We all had our heads way too far up our as*es to see what was going on; we had let the government completely take over, without giving ourselves a voice. WE took part in this frenzy of what we call a 'recession'. Obviously it wasn't all our fault, but by not being informed of the power we have as well and not caring to take part in it all, we created a dystopia. If we were to have any sort of a revolution, it would be that a bunch of us would come together(no matter if we're from CA or NY) and just NOT vote. I know it sounds crazy, but it would confuse the hel.l out of those pigs, and something would have to change. I don't mean complete and total anarchy, I mean just to make a real change. I'm so fu*king sick of these bastards talking about "change", only to make the same mistakes as the baffoon before him. The only change they'll be making is from their pay.

    "The winner's always who we don't want, and the loser's always us."

    Source(s): Viva La Revolution!
  • 1 decade ago

    An revolution is the last thing we need right now, especially if less than 1/2 the people would do it....

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been plotting a revolution for a few years now, I figure the best way is a surprise sneak attack which is what I put myself in action for.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I been loading up and sharpening for 20 years. Welcome to the party KC

    I got the balls Fred and if I thought anyone would follow me I'd start the revolution now


    Exactly Fred, I couldn't agree more. They are all too busy with their cellphones and videogames. No one would do a thing about it. And me and the few that would won't toss our lives away for nothing.

    *Edit 2*

    MMMMMM CHEESE!! I am actually watching a ultra cheesy movie right now. Irwin Allen's "The Swarm" It's so bad it's good.

    Source(s): Burn baby burn
  • 1 decade ago

    I think Americans don't have the balls for the political changes that are needed and it's gonna get to the point that when they realise it needed to happen it will be way too late to do anything about it...

    Karl: You might, but how many normal American would honestly get off their **** to save themselves?

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree! It might be at little hard though without the guns all the democrats have restricted us from owning....

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with everything you said so much that it's ridiculous xD Democrats in office honestly need this kind of passion because I'm getting so damn sick of them being such p*ssies and trying to compromise with stupid conservatives who are only concerned with their own wallets and are going to push this country further into debt.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The whole world needs more common sense there is too much stupidity oh and don't forget cheese we need cheese xD

    Source(s): CHEESE INVASION FTW!!!
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    if White Pride isn't a troll, I will want to kill myself.

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