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would you say something or walk away?

Okay so I'm 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I have a almost 4 year old and a 10 month old, Now this baby wasn't planned but I still love it and want it and I'm still happy! Anyways I have received so much crap about it from ( my) family, My sisters went on to talk about how I should have aborted it because My daughter will only be 14 months and blah blah blah anyways That bothers me, and at the time it was said made me really upset, I Got over it and well realize its my life, I'm married, own a house and very happy. Anyways I'm not out spoken ( well i guess with somethings) but in public I normally don't say much if someone gives me a dirty look or says something I walk away. Now My Mother in law is very out spoken And we get along great, I love her to pieces, any ways We were out yesterday going shopping, and this lady kept looking at me, My mother in law was holding my sons hand and i was pushing my daughter in the cart. Well I stopped to look at something and my mother in law was asking my son if he was hungry, well the lady came up and was like "you have beautiful grand kids" my mother in law said thanks and started talking to my son again then this lady went on to tell her that" if my daughter came home as young as yours and and told me she was pregnant not once but 3 times and one after the other like this " ( pointing to me and my daughter) " I would make her abort them or give them them up for adoption so they could have a real life" Now i would normally be like I'm married thanks and 22 and walk away...My mother in law looked ta her and started laughing she told her well seeing as my daughter in law who is married to my son is old enough to make her own decisions, about the damn house she owns, about how she spends money and how many damn kids her and her husband will have I don t think I would step in and say she should have killed her baby or gave it to a damn abusive family...( or course she wasn't meaning every adoptive family but within her experiences) the lady just looked at her..then apologized and said well she assumed i was like 17 and lived at home and off the government. my mother in law told her never assume and that really even if that had been the truth its no ones Business but mine....I just kind of stood there....So what do you normally do? would you say something if someone said something about you, or walk away?

by the way this is just a random question. you look your age? Or do you look older or younger?

I'm 22 but I have passed for a 12 year old taking my niece swimming...hehe they only charged me 4 dollars instead of 12 hahahahahahaha.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If a stranger came up and said such terrible, presumptuous things to me or my family, I would tell them not to assume they know a total stranger's situation, and leave it at that. You don't owe that lady an explanation of anything, she is nobody to you.

    On the other hand your mother in law probably taught the woman a good lesson. So for people who are inclined to stick up for themselves like that, I can also see the merit in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh I get this a LOT. My son is autistic and has tantrums. Also he is a lot taller then most children his age so could pass as a 6 or 7 year old. I get people constantly giving me dirty looks or making comments to me or under there breath about me. At first it bothered me but now I just let it go. People are ignorant, they are quick to jump to there own conclusions without the full facts and closed minded. Your moth in law was right. How many children you chose to have is your business and people need to mind there business. You are not directly affecting them so why they need to make a comment on you is beyond me. With me if someone insists on forcing there opinion on me I tend to respond with a "oh I'm sorry . . . is his autism bothering you?" which always shuts them right up. I hate people like that.

    BQ: I'm 25 but look like Im 17 or 18. I still get ID's in shops.

  • 1 decade ago

    You owe your Mom in Law cookies, she rocks!!

    Yes, depending on the situation, I usually respond to ignorant statements with a polite pass, kids remember how we respond, and these are the best times to teach.

    My example is different, but it amazes me how often a total stranger feels that I need their approval.

    I have 2 boys, one looks like his daddy (dark skin, black hair, blue eyes) the other blond, pale, brown eyes. And we live in an area where hispanic names are a target.

    So when I present ID (I'm white) I often get asked if we're married,got married to make my husband legal (3rd gen citizen) and if they have the same father. I usually just say, yes same father and the same mother, too! Every now and then I'll really let them have it, with a rant on their parentage perhaps intimating that stupid is forever, but only with large words, kids remember this stuff.

    But cheers to anyone who wishes to let them have it on my behalf!

    Source(s): experience with stupidity of the masses
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a mother but if I was and someone said that to me I either would have told them off or corrected them in a nice way (depending on how upset I was at their statement). I think I tend to look slightly younger then my age.

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  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would have told the woman off if she had said something like that to or about me. Furthermore, you shouldn't let your family talk about you and your children that way. Stand up for yourself and your babies.

    BQ: I'd say I look my age, but I do still get carded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see stuff posted like this all the time.

    I refuse to believe this actually happened. Yes, there are rude people out there - But I will not believe this situation and those words were actually spoken. Maybe something less mild and you are trying to make it worse - but no - a stranger suggestion abortion to live children? Dont' buy it.

    I would just walk away - people aren't worth my energy. I've learned getting mad only wastes my energy and accomplishes nothing else.

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