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mommy to 3!

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I'm a 23 year old mom of a wonderful 4 year old little boy who is always very happy and always having fun and who can ware you out in ten minutes flat. , a beautiful 1 year old little girl who takes after me ...attitude and all. and just had another beautiful little girl feb 1st, I'm married to the greatest man alive, who is an amazing father and husband. I live in canada and love it here!!!!!!

  • Im looking for a book name?

    Im looking for the name of a book I read a few years back. this may be a long shot.

    The story is about a teenage girl who lives in a colony ( could be something else) she goes to normal school because they have to though i believe the head guy doesnt like it much. She ends up with a study buddy learning about god in th colony, the end up haveing sex because they believe that its how god is speaking through them. she gets pregnant and the boy takes his own life. her sister ( i think) cant have babies and the head guy says its because they did something to anger god. they end up locking the teenage girl up until she gives birth. she tells them while pregnant she never had sex and its gods child. of course they dont belive her until the baby boy is born and his hands are in a praying position ( they didnt devloup right) they give the baby to the girls sister.

    any Ideas?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • painting a room with a child sleeping beside it?

    My niece and I want to paint my sons bedroom, however im wondering ( we plan on having his window open and a fan going) if it will harm ( or bug ) my daughter who is sleeping in the room beside my sons room?

    4 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • cooking pork tenderloin in a slow cooker?

    hey everyone, So Im making my husbands parents dinner tonight, Its something I do every week or so, anyways i was tired of the same thing ( I always make beef roast ad a whole chicken) So i decided i was going to make pork tenderloin, I have took cooking course, I Love cooking and everyone complents me on my cooking, people come over all the time because they love my food, How ever I have NEVER cooked a pork tenderloin, and Im at a loss, i want to do it in the slow cooker but im getting conflicting reveiws on it, I'm reading some people saying that it gets way to dry and others saying it makes it so moist you can cut it with a plastic knife and fork, I'm so confussed, i dont have much time so need to know if i can cookit in the slow cooker and approx times, its only 2 1/2 pounds. thanks everyone

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Ideas for games/ contests?

    So Im throwing a "party" for no other reason then putting use to those dresses you get for weddings/ grads/ ect back into use, just a bunch of friends and friends of friends going to pretty much play dress up, all the girls are going to wear dresses and the boys a nice suite or dress pants and shirt. Just for an intresting fun night. I want to have a couple games to play and a couple things to give prizes away. One that i have already thought of was the "best dressed" . But i really cant think of much else. any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment10 years ago
  • parent in laws 37 year anniversary?

    Okay im asking this here because this is where i feel the most comfortable asking anything!

    So my in laws celebrated their 36 year anniversary this year, and last night i was think that over the past 3 years that i have been in their life's they have been amazing...okay amazing is not even the best word to describe them, when my husband was working out of town they would watch the children while i went for all my pregnancy appointments, they took me grocery shopping so i didn't have to take a bus, they did everything, my father in law even came over to take out the garbage and change the cat litter.

    my husband is really close with them, he talks to his mom everyday for at least 2 hours, he helps his father out all the time, we are always there or they come over to our place for dinner. okay to get to the point, they had a rough year this year, with both of them having surgeries, and so forth, this years anniversary was the greatest, but we did pay for dinner for them, i know its not normal to have a huge celebration on a 37 year, but i really want to throw them a huge thing for their 37th anniversary, in a way to say thank you for being so awesome, and to also say that they have the most amazing love, and knowing them makes me believe in the power of love and working on a relationship ( i grew up much differently then my husband, i though when you have problems you walk away, you don't fix them.....)

    so what im trying to ask is it okay to throw a huge party for a 37th year anniversary ( i plan on inviting a few 30 or so) or is that something that should be left for 50 year?should i invite less and make it more causal, like just a nice dinner?

    6 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • what could be causing my sons diarrhoea?

    so my son is 4 years old, and today alone has had 8 bowel movements, that are like water ( he is not potty trained, a medical issue we are currently working on with his paediatrician) yesterday and the day before he had about 6 bowel movements but they weren't as running, they were loose but not as bad. ( he normally has 1 a day) he has NO fever, isn't acting sick, and says his tummy doesn't hurt! he is not a big eater as it is, so i haven't really noticed that. im just unsure if this is something i should take him to the clinic tomorrow? seeing how its not going away, or if its probably just a virus that has to pass through?

    just a little not where i live we cant just call our dr. you can make an appointment usually 2 weeks from the time you call, or you go in as a walk in and wait any where from 6 -8 hours depending on the day.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • would you or do you ever do this?

    So my husband and i don't ever get to g on dates, we either never have the time or i just don't feel comfortable leaving the kids with a random sitter, and well my family doesn't help and his is usually busy as well, any way i don't think we have gone on a date since the birth of our middle child who is almost 18 months.we finally got to spend alone time a couple weeks but that was at his work, so i could help them out! we had a rough weekend and he has to work late tonight, so i decided i was going to cook him a romantic dinner, im making chicken stuffed with ham asparagus and cheese, rice, and brown sugar glazed carrots. but i feel guilty because the kids had spaghetti ( well my son had 2 spaghetti sandwiches...don't ask) though this is there favourite food, and when i say favourite, im sure if they could eat it every day all day they would. so i know they don't mind. but this is the first time I have not eaten with them! my husband wont be home until the kids are in bed, and we wont really be alone because of the baby, but this is the closet thing to our time as possible! do you ever do something like this? does your partner enjoy it?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • 17 month old hasnt peed since about 3 yesterday?

    yesterday my husband and i had to take our youngest to the hospital for a appointment, we had to drop the older two off at friends, i changed my daughter around 11, because she had a bowel movement, but no urine, i didn't really think about it, however when we got home i changed her and diaper was completely dry this was at about 7 ish i figured that my friend had just changed her before we picked her up and wasn't concerned, however this morning when i woke her up at 9 30, her diaper was Again completely dry, so meaning she went at least from 7 until 9 30 without urinating, so i decided to ask her sitter who said she changed her bum at about 3 or 3:30 she had peed but it was nt a full diaper, Im concerned, I honestly don't know if its normal for a child her age to not pee in that long. is it? she is acting normal, playing, and seems to be fine but im concerned and wondering if i should take her to the dr, she isn't sick hasn't had loose bowel movements, or vomiting, she always has a cup of water. though she hasn't really eaten much in 2 days. My husband isnt working in the city today, so now im wondering if this is something i need to rush her into the ER for or if she will be okay until my husband gets home at 5?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • help with 4 yr old sons attitude!?

    My husband and i are at a loss with my 4 yr old son. He is normally a good kid (aside from the normal 4 yr old boy stuff, tons of energy, fighting with his sister...normal kid stuff) however for the past 2 weeks he has had this " I can do whatever i want attitude"

    example....Tonight my husband told him it was bed time, he said "no it isn't" so my husband told him Again that it was agian "no it isn't" ( but With a no it all attitude) so i told him it was bed time he looked at me and said "ugh NO... IT... IS.. NT " ahhhh i don't know what to do, we have put him in time out when he just doesn't give it up, he doesn't care when you take toys away...and personally i don't think this is a good reason to spank him. At his fathers he gets away with EVERYTHING...if he says no to bedtime its not bedtime, if he says no to cleaning up he doesn't have to....if he asks for something and is told no and he cries he gets it...Im sooo frustrated! Any advice on how to get him to ditch this "i know everything" attitude?

    thanks guys

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • So whats on the unch menu today?

    Just a random question, what is everyone making for lunch today?

    I think i have decided to make pasta, so i think its going to be pasta, with tomato sauce, and yogurt.....

    BQ, whats on the dinner menu

    Im making BBQ chicken, shrimp salad rolls, mixed veggies and whole grain rice....mmmmm

    BQ #2 what did you ( your SO and kids) normally drink with lunch and dinner?

    mine would be water, hubbys is coke ( or a slurpee) and the kids get Milk or apple juice.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is this harsh? would you do this?

    Okay so I joined a mommy group in my area, and have found some really good friends. I had been talking to this girl for a couple months on the mommy group thing, she seemed down to earth and we set a play date for the kids, she also has 3 around the same ages as mine ( 4 ,1 and 6 weeks I believe hers are 5, 2, and 3 months) anyways I went to her house, and we started to talk about our children and rules we have for drinks and food. i bring a sippy cup for my daughter and a straw cup for my son when we go places, they both have milk in them, she had mentioned to me she would never do that. her kids have a schedule and they cant eat nor drink off this schedule, Now i'm not trying to bash her parenting cause her kids seem find but i find it kinda harsh, she showed me their schedule, and its pretty much get up, eat breakfast with a glass of milk, then at 10 ( they have to be up and at the table by 7 am) they ge a glass of water ( but have to sit at the table and drink it, they have ten minutes to drink it) then they eat lunch at 12 nothing to drink then at 2 they get another glass of water at the table same as before then dinner with water at 6 then one more glass of water at 8 and bed at 9...Now i get that schedules are good and everything it just seems silly to me to schedule when they are allowed to drink as well as eat, they get nothing in between meals and nothing to drink in between drinks, i asked her about it and she said because kids are lairs and fake being hungry or thirsty just to get attention. We had lunch there and i honestly felt as if she put to much on her sons plate, ( i brought my kids there own lunch) he struggled to eat it and wanted to get up told her he was full and she pretty much said to bad eat it. Kinda made me feel bad for them, but at the same if it works for her it works right? I know its not my Business or place so i'm not asking what i should do about I'm just wondering if others do or would do it and if they think its a bit harsh and mean?

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • how much should she have gained?

    hey my little girl is just over 2 weeks old ( born feb1) and we have our first dr appointment today ( our family dr was on vacation until today) anyways i was cariuos to how much she weighed and so i weighed her today ( she has been spitting up alot) and she is still 7 pounds 1 oz...her birth she didnt lose much when we brought her home the next day after we brought her home she was 6 pounds 15 oz so only 2 oz was what she lost but that means thats all she has gained in 2 1/2 weeks..her appointment is at 7 tonight and of course ill talk to the dr...but i'm just a little worried that she is not gaining enough weight...we have tried 3 different formulas because none seem to be working with her. ( dont even mention breast feeding of course if that was an option i would be doing it) my husbands side of the family has a history of milk allergies and i'm wondering if thats the problem. I'm just worried that if she doesnt gain weight she will be put in the hospital. but i dont know how much she should be gaining and if what she did is okay seeing how she is only 2 weeks old....i just dont know as my older 2 both lost a ton of weight at first.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • so much Pressure at 34 weeks pregnant?

    Hey mommies and mommies to be, So I'm 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my third. very excited ( surprise baby) anyways, since yesterday i have had A lot more pressure, i have felt pressure since about 32 weeks but yesterday felt as if there was a dropping feeling and then now i feel so much pressure i cant even walk sometimes. i know the pressure is normal ( right? pressure at this point is normal, or is it a concern?) never thought it was a concern, though i do not remember feeling this much pressure with my first 2. anyways I was just wondering if anyone has anyways, or things to help with the pressure, walking techniques, or anything that helps it feel not so heavy, I kinda feel like baby is gonna fall out lol ( i doubt that's gonna happen) but that the amount of pressure like its falling out. so if anyone has any ideas on what i can do to stop that feeling or at least make it feel less bad that would be great.........or is this one of those pregnancy things you just gotta deal with, without any relieve?


    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • have a couple question about my 1 year old daughter?

    Okay so i have 2 questions.

    First one...I think my daughter ( who is just turned 1 in december) may be constipated, now I'm not 100% sure as she is having bowel movements, she just seems to be in alot of pain, and having problems going. I have tried prune juice and well that doesn't seem to help. any thing i could try, she has been so irritable and i feel so bad for her. we do have a dr's appointment tomorrow and though its going to be about my second question, i will mentioned this. but any ideas on what to do for tonight?


    for the last week my daughters hands have gone purplish blue and really really cold, i wasn't super concerned until this morning i noticed her lips were a bluish purple as well, now the thing is she is not sick, she is still playing with her brother, no fever, she is not cold ( her body is warm and i have taken her Temperature witch is normal) for about 2 hours this morning her hands were blue and freezing and her lips where blue, but she ISNT showing any signs of not being able to breath, other then being cranky because of well the first issue she is completely normal, she will still laugh at her brother play with him, she is not wheezing and doesn't have a cough or anything. however knowing blue is not a normal color, we have a dr's appointment tomorrow, I'm just wondering if any one could give me any insight as to what it could be?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Pick the one you would use, only one!?

    So I'm making a vote, Now I will list the names, But i want you to just pick one, We dont know if we are having a girl ( baby wouldnt show) but I'm not to happy with the name my husband picked for a girl. so I'm just putting names i like to see what one gets the most votes! The middle name has to be elizabeth!

    Loralei Elizabeth

    Tilly Elizabeth

    Gabriele Elizabeth

    Adrianna Elizabeth

    Haley-Anne Elizabeth

    Danica Elizabeth

    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How long were you together when you had a baby with your partner?

    I'm a little bored

    how long were you together with you partner or well married before you had a baby?

    How did you tell them or how were you told?

    how many kids do you have?

    what are there ages?

    How old were you when you had them?

    I was with my husband for 5 months when we found out. ( we wernt married just dating)

    I really wanted to wait to tell him ( he wanted a baby) and give him a surprise but when i seen the postitive line i got so excited i made him come into the bathroom. he was so excited but didnt know what to say he just stood there and looked at it. I was scared though because i had a 2 1/2 year old and was scared I would be left alone.

    I have 2 and one on the way...( 24 weeks and 5 days)

    My son is almost 4 ( in january) and my daughter is ten months ( will be 1 in december) and I'm due feb 21st.

    I was 19 when i had my son ( 3 days after my 19th birthday) 21 when i had my daughter( one month before my birthday) and I will be 22 ( one month after) when this one is due.

    23 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • would you say something or walk away?

    Okay so I'm 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I have a almost 4 year old and a 10 month old, Now this baby wasn't planned but I still love it and want it and I'm still happy! Anyways I have received so much crap about it from ( my) family, My sisters went on to talk about how I should have aborted it because My daughter will only be 14 months and blah blah blah anyways That bothers me, and at the time it was said made me really upset, I Got over it and well realize its my life, I'm married, own a house and very happy. Anyways I'm not out spoken ( well i guess with somethings) but in public I normally don't say much if someone gives me a dirty look or says something I walk away. Now My Mother in law is very out spoken And we get along great, I love her to pieces, any ways We were out yesterday going shopping, and this lady kept looking at me, My mother in law was holding my sons hand and i was pushing my daughter in the cart. Well I stopped to look at something and my mother in law was asking my son if he was hungry, well the lady came up and was like "you have beautiful grand kids" my mother in law said thanks and started talking to my son again then this lady went on to tell her that" if my daughter came home as young as yours and and told me she was pregnant not once but 3 times and one after the other like this " ( pointing to me and my daughter) " I would make her abort them or give them them up for adoption so they could have a real life" Now i would normally be like I'm married thanks and 22 and walk away...My mother in law looked ta her and started laughing she told her well seeing as my daughter in law who is married to my son is old enough to make her own decisions, about the damn house she owns, about how she spends money and how many damn kids her and her husband will have I don t think I would step in and say she should have killed her baby or gave it to a damn abusive family...( or course she wasn't meaning every adoptive family but within her experiences) the lady just looked at her..then apologized and said well she assumed i was like 17 and lived at home and off the government. my mother in law told her never assume and that really even if that had been the truth its no ones Business but mine....I just kind of stood there....So what do you normally do? would you say something if someone said something about you, or walk away?

    by the way this is just a random question. you look your age? Or do you look older or younger?

    I'm 22 but I have passed for a 12 year old taking my niece swimming...hehe they only charged me 4 dollars instead of 12 hahahahahahaha.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Beagle Training..Need Help!?

    Hey everyone, i have a beautiful,loving beagle, However She has some issues ( we do plan on putting her in training at the end of the month) We got her when she was about 1 1/2 years and she is now just over 2, She had so many homes because Guess people couldn't handle her,she has been hit ( previous owners) and i think has some issues from that. She is normally a pretty good girl. but Things I would really like to try and fix ( because I have 2 kids and one on the way and she becomes a handful, and I really really really don't want to have to give her up but at times it seems we might have to) Is

    Jumping on people when they come in the door, and barking at them.

    Stealing food from the kids, table, or counters.

    she thinks she is the pack leader and i don't know how to get her to understand she is not.

    I love her to pieces but she gets to the point where i have to lock her up when we have food around and she barks and howls. any ideas on how to work with her?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can no sleep really have an affect on a pregnancy?

    I'm 24 weeks pregnant, A bit stressed and very overwhelmed, My husband is working out of town and I have a 3 ( almost 4 ) year old that must have hit his terrible twos very late. He can be so sweet but turn to a monster in a second, and I also have a 10 month old Who is very cranky, teething and has decided to do whatever big brother does. ( i will admit its really cute) Well I haven't been sleeping really well just the past two weeks, I haven't been falling asleep until after 5 am( sometimes 6 30) and then my little ones wake me up at 8, last night I didn't sleep at all, had this strange burst of energy and clean my house at 3 AM, My husband wont be home until the 16th ( though he was supposed to be home on the 7) and though I'm not really worried about the no sleep thing ( besides being cranky at times) I think I'm doing really good, still playing with the kids taking them out and doing whatever else. My husband seems to be extremely worried about it, he thinks if i don't sleep that I'm going to go into preterm labour, he told me to take the kids to a babysitters today so i can sleep because he doesn't want to lose the baby! I understand he is worried, so now I'm wondering can having no sleep really harm the baby, of course i know I'll be drained and very tired ( already am), but i mean are there any negative affects? thanks everyone!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you do with your child when the cold weather hits?

    Hey everyone, I'm having a hard time with my son, he is 3 years old ( almost 4 will be 4 in january) anyways like any other 3 /4 year old he has boundless energy, he is a happy fun little guy but sometimes his energy drives me insane ( well only these last couple weeks) The cold weather has came and now its to cold to do what we normally do. I'm wondering any ideas of how to help him burn his energy In the house, without driving me insane lol. I don't drive yet ( learning and cant wait) so going any where besides our mall ( anything kid friendly like play places are on the other side of the city) would take 3 hours on a bus and With him and his younger sister ( who is ten months) it becomes very hard! I know he is getting bored ( i mean really he is 3 and just wants to play) so the way we did things before were.

    Wake up at around 9 am then we would eat breakfast Play on the living room, then around 10 30- 11 we would go to the park and play until about 12 30-1. come home eat lunch my daughter would have a nap, and he would play quietly in his play room, until about 3 30, we would then go for a walk, to the store or just around the block for an hour or so, come home and do crafts, then he would help me cook dinner, we would eat then play /watch TV then bath and bed...this worked really well of course there was days it was changed like we would go to the zoo, or whatever, But now its to cold and i have to wait until friday to go buy him and his sister better winter stuff. We do crafts, we bake, we cook, we paint , we color I have done everything i can think of but he still has this boundless amount of energy and acts out, his attitude has completely changed and its becoming way to much for me ( I'm also 23 weeks pregnant and sooo tired) I need ideas about what kind of things we can do in the house to burn some energy!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago