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Is this harsh? would you do this?

Okay so I joined a mommy group in my area, and have found some really good friends. I had been talking to this girl for a couple months on the mommy group thing, she seemed down to earth and we set a play date for the kids, she also has 3 around the same ages as mine ( 4 ,1 and 6 weeks I believe hers are 5, 2, and 3 months) anyways I went to her house, and we started to talk about our children and rules we have for drinks and food. i bring a sippy cup for my daughter and a straw cup for my son when we go places, they both have milk in them, she had mentioned to me she would never do that. her kids have a schedule and they cant eat nor drink off this schedule, Now i'm not trying to bash her parenting cause her kids seem find but i find it kinda harsh, she showed me their schedule, and its pretty much get up, eat breakfast with a glass of milk, then at 10 ( they have to be up and at the table by 7 am) they ge a glass of water ( but have to sit at the table and drink it, they have ten minutes to drink it) then they eat lunch at 12 nothing to drink then at 2 they get another glass of water at the table same as before then dinner with water at 6 then one more glass of water at 8 and bed at 9...Now i get that schedules are good and everything it just seems silly to me to schedule when they are allowed to drink as well as eat, they get nothing in between meals and nothing to drink in between drinks, i asked her about it and she said because kids are lairs and fake being hungry or thirsty just to get attention. We had lunch there and i honestly felt as if she put to much on her sons plate, ( i brought my kids there own lunch) he struggled to eat it and wanted to get up told her he was full and she pretty much said to bad eat it. Kinda made me feel bad for them, but at the same if it works for her it works right? I know its not my Business or place so i'm not asking what i should do about I'm just wondering if others do or would do it and if they think its a bit harsh and mean?


Thanks guys, i thought maybe i was crazy in thinking it was harsh. i believe in schedule's as well but i think this goes over the top, I would never force my children to eat and if they are thristy then i give them a drink, water 90 percent of the time but i do give them milk 2 sometimes 3 times a day!

14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    But the thing is this doesn't work for her works for her. Basically she sounds very lazy to me. Doesn't want to have to get a drink or a snack between set meals so she forces them to eat on schedule and eat when they aren't hungry. This could lead to major problems in the future with her kids eating even when they aren't hungry or dehydrating when they aren't getting enough to drink. She sounds like a real nut to me. As for what I would do...I would likely stop the play dates but thats just me. If she asked me why I would tell her I honestly think its very neglectful to deny a child a drink and I just feel we are too different in our parenting methods that I'd rather meet some moms more like myself. If she took it bad then oh well. I try to stick with moms who are similar to myself.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I can understand meal schedules or saying something like "a cup of water before bed but not after lights out" so that kids don't use "I want water" as an excuse to be out of bed all night. But throughout the day, I have no problem with a child requesting water whenever they are thirsty. Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, and can actually help to make sure kids don't overeat. I also don't believe in making a child completely finish a meal if they're really full. As long as they eat enough of it to be getting good nutrition and won't be asking for a snack in 5 minutes, I don't think they need to force down every bite.

    As for asking for food as a way of getting attention, I think that can be avoided without forbidding snacks. When I was a toddler, my mother emptied out a bottom cabinet shelf and a bottom self in the fridge. She stored small, single serving healthy snacks there like apple pieces and baggies of cheerios, and I was allowed to go and grab one myself if I was really hungry.

  • I'm all for schedules. They help the day go so much smoother.

    But I can't see ever denying my daughter a drink when she is thirsty. It doesn't matter if it's 5 minutes after a meal or an hour after a meal, if she asks me for a drink, I get her a drink.

    Same with meals, I feed her as much as she wants to eat. If she wants a second plate, she gets one. If she's full halfway through her first plate, I'm not going to force her to clean her plate off.

    She has a good idea going with having a set schedule, but I do feel she is being too harsh with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a few friends who do scheduling, but this seems a little over the top. I think ROUTINE is good, but not strict schedules. I'm even going to go as far as saying that I think forcing your children to eat too much in one sitting, or not letting them eat because it's not a certain time is slightly abusive.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe harsh, but... She might have had problems with her children not eating because they've drank milk etc during the day. And as far as nothing to drink while eating, we had the problem with my son for a long time that if he got food and drink at the same time he'd fill up on fluid and wouldn't touch his food. So we had to restrict drink during meals until her learned to balance the two.

  • 4Red
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'd have to ask her if she is only thirsty at the same times everyday?

    I'll bet they end up having some issues with food later in life. Probably other problems as well because if she's that controlling over food and drink, I'm sure she has some other freaky rules.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like someone who obsesses over food (not like the 50s at all....I actually was around back then, and nobody told me I couldnt drink when I was thirsty.)

    Its one thing not to cater to fussy children. Its another to deprive a thirsty child of water because the clock hasnt chimed yet.

    She has problems. Dont pay any attention to her.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand the mothers point but I definitely would not be so strict about it, from what I've heard her system does seem harsh. I would impose eating at designated meals but not let my children suffer or force them to eat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my daughter will be 10 months on the 29th and i never had her on a schedule.

    she eats when she wants, and drinks when she wants. i never force her to eat at a certain time, and when she is hungry i dont make her wait.

    you cant help when you are hungry or thirsty.

    it is harsh to force your child to eat and making them wait to eat at a certain time. but thats just my opinion. everyone else has different ways of raising their kids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds very extreme to me, especially with the drinking thing. If a kid is thirsty (especially if they've been playing), they need to be given water. And to make them eat their meals without anything to drink? She sounds like a frigid b*tch to me, I feel bad for those poor kids.

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