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have a couple question about my 1 year old daughter?

Okay so i have 2 questions.

First one...I think my daughter ( who is just turned 1 in december) may be constipated, now I'm not 100% sure as she is having bowel movements, she just seems to be in alot of pain, and having problems going. I have tried prune juice and well that doesn't seem to help. any thing i could try, she has been so irritable and i feel so bad for her. we do have a dr's appointment tomorrow and though its going to be about my second question, i will mentioned this. but any ideas on what to do for tonight?


for the last week my daughters hands have gone purplish blue and really really cold, i wasn't super concerned until this morning i noticed her lips were a bluish purple as well, now the thing is she is not sick, she is still playing with her brother, no fever, she is not cold ( her body is warm and i have taken her Temperature witch is normal) for about 2 hours this morning her hands were blue and freezing and her lips where blue, but she ISNT showing any signs of not being able to breath, other then being cranky because of well the first issue she is completely normal, she will still laugh at her brother play with him, she is not wheezing and doesn't have a cough or anything. however knowing blue is not a normal color, we have a dr's appointment tomorrow, I'm just wondering if any one could give me any insight as to what it could be?


bri ...i'm sure if she was really low on oxygen..she wouldnt be running around playing, like i said she is fine and she is not currently blue its random comes and goes.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ?Taking both questions into account, it sound like slight dehydration which causes harder stools and mottled/discoloured skin. Make sure she always has a sippy cup of water (plain old water, sugary drink won't help and extra milk may make constipation worse!) available and put a non-spill cup of water (or bottle) in her cot so she can have some at night =)

    Here are some other possibilities too;

    1 - as she's 1, have you just put her on normal full-cream milk? Could be an intolerance if so, you may need to try semi-skimmed (I have to give my daughter half semi-skimmed, half hot water). If not, think if there is anything else new in her diet, any recent disruptions to her routine or could she be teething (I recommend Ashton and Parsons teething powder - or a similar teething powder). To help giver her pear/prune juice (not too much of course!) and plenty of water to soften the stools. Make sure she has plenty of fruit in her diet, particularly pears, plums and avocados. Obviously fiber is good for constipation too as is plenty veg. Dairy products are generally what make it worse.

    2 - It could be bad circulation! Have you tried giving her arms and hands a good long, firm but gentle rub/massage to see if that helps?

    Good luck xx

  • 1 decade ago

    Call the doctor NOW! If that baby is turning blue it means shes not getting enough oxygen. If you can't get a hold of the doctor do to the ER before this leaves irreversible damage.

    Her body might not be porcessing the oxygen so it might seem shes breathing ok but isn't getting the oxygen she needs.

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