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Just how much responsibility does a step parent have for their step kids?

I am recently engaged to a man that has shared custody of his two children. His ex wife is pretty low life, live off the government in housing, on disability for bi-polar disorder, alcoholic, etc. She lets the 10 yr old run. Because of her lovely parenting DCFS took them away from her for two months this summer. I took care of them while I was out of work with no thanks from her. She has been arrested numerous times for fighting with boyfriends and then the police. As soon as she got her classes done that DCFS made her take to get the kids back she resumed drinking and has become increasingly irresponsible with the care of her kids. She will only have them on the her scheduled day regardless of birthdays, holidays, family functions, etc.

So I worked with the kids during the summer, got the 10 year old to the doctor for behavioral medicines because he is screwed up from all the instability, got him into counseling as well. Now she doesn't comply with the medicine and has ruined all the good I tried to teach him.

I told my fiance to tell her after our last problem that I no longer wished to take care of them after school etc if she was going to let them run wild and come home to us acting the same. I have a job and so does my fiance. She told him that apparently I was going to be their step mother someday and that maybe I needed to step it up a little. Well he told her that maybe she needed to step it up and be a better mother and not expect other people to take care of her kids. She doesn't work, but she still won't watch her kids.

I know you are probably thinking why don't you just take them away from her all together. Well,..that costs a lot of money in legal fees that we don't have and her family has money. Also the kids are so bad that you can't stand to be around them. I love them to death, but they will give you a chest pains. So anyway I am not their parent so I can't make that call.

So how much responsibility do you think I have? They aren't my kids. I do tons for them as it is. I love them and treat them like they are. I take them places, buy them things, read to them, give hugs, tell them how much I love them. Am I supposed to do more?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm no expert in the matter, but IMHO, as far as how much responsibility you should take on is a discussion you should have with your future hubby. I can understand why it feels so overwhelming to take care of children who seem to misbehave and are all riled up, but it really just seems like they're acting out because they're not getting the affection and support they need from a mother, their mother. Children really are very easily influenced by their parents, and if she isn't stepping up to plate and constantly living her life the way it is, it's having a major affect on them.

    What you're doing as it is, is good enough. That really is all you can do at this point. I know it costs a lot of money in legal fees to gain complete sole custody, but perhaps the damage in fees would be worth protecting those children's well beings? I would speak to a legal aid for professional advice as to what the best actions to take are.

  • Kiwi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm probably jaded due to a bad marriage, but I'm going to be honest and tell you that bad step-kids can RUIN A MARRIAGE. I know you think I'm awful and mean and horrible, but I'm just being honest.

    I know you love the man you're engaged to and all but I would think real long and hard before marrying into this situation. Like I said, I know I sound mean and horrible and like a complete witch, but I am speaking from experience. There's only so much good you can do as a step parent when the actual parents (or in your case parent singular, not plural) are doing a poor job of raising their child. You will be fighting this battle the REST OF YOUR LIFE. It will never go away or get better!

    I really do wish you the best and I know you hate my answer, but I felt compelled to be honest. :-)

    Source(s): my experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Legal guardianship is a separate issue

    As far as treating them goes - you treat them as your own. Do whats best for them even if you need to sacrifice something. If you dont like the idea, dont marry a man with kids.

    There will always be drama with the bio mother. Always. She's there real mother and nothing will change that. If you dont like it, lol dont marry a man with kids!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    You are doing what you can with what you've been given. You can't control their circumstances with their mother...unless you do get custody. Until then, you have to do the best you can with them. While they're in your care, try to be as stable and supportive as possible. Teach them what you can. Do for them as if they were your children. Hopefully one day it will all work out and you can afford custody of them.

    I believe the cost of custody would outweigh the headache of dealing with them like they are?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you dont have ANY responsibility for them, you arent even their step mother yet and she has no right to think you need to be taking care of her kids. she is their mother and needs to get off her dead @$$ and act like one..on the other hand, if the father decides to take them from her and make you their step parent then you can finish raising them as you see fit, or at least to the extent that he will allow you to. i think its pretty disgusting that she expects you to raise her kids for her.

  • kim h
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes you are to do more. You are to do what you would do if you gave birth to them. I f you cannot do that then you need to walk away.

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