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  • 12 year old boy doesn't listen and always doing the wrong thing.?

    My 12 year old son has always had some behavioral problems. Although they are way better than they used to be, he still continues to screw up his day. He doesn't seem to be able to listen and follow a simple rule or he is just so impulsive he can't control it. I don't understand. He seems to act now and then suffer the consequences later all the time even over stupid things. For example the weather was really snowy yesterday and the roads were still covered. I have a rear wheel drive car now and have no experience driving it in snow. We had a hard time getting down the road and I was scared and he wouldn't shut his mouth no matter how much I explained the situation, yelled eventually. He couldn't go without the last word. Also there is a kid down the road he plays with, he has no phone there so I always say you can go get the kid to play, but not to go in the house there are no adults there. He continues to still go in and wait for this kid to go out. Even after an hour. He gets lectures and chores and an occassional spanking which we hate and is not done out of anger. Nothing seems to help him to think at all!

    3 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • My 11 year old son seems to have a serious personality issue and I don't know if I am overly concerned.?

    My 11 year son has always had some behavioral issues and seemingly antisocial tendencies. His father and I are quite moral considerate people as well as his little sister, however he is very self serving. No matter how many long hours and days we have spent trying to explain to him that things he does are rude and inconsiderate, he can't help but turn around and do them all over again. I don't think he means to do a lot of things he does. What I don't understand is why he isn't learning from his mistakes.

    He tends to bother people, pester people, knock on the door while your in the bath, be right up in your business all the time, he won't play by himself and rarely stays out long. He messes with peoples things and often breaks them. He would bother you or anyone day or night if he felt like it and has. He will ask anyone for anything over and over until he gets it. Manipulator.

    Is this in anyway normal for some people or kids his age that have attentive loving parents? I know I never acted that way or wanted to use people when I was a kid. I didn't want to be around my folks all day. We can tell him to go out, lock him out, whatever. He would rather bang on the door or sit against the door for hours than just go do something else.

    3 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Why does my daughter act this way?

    My husband and I are very worried about our step-daughter. She is very aloof, doesn't notice things that normal people do. Asks really stupid and obvious questions. She is about to be 10 and won't brush her hair or bathe or change her clothes unless she is with us and not her mother and she goes back and forth. She acts like she can't remember anything. She is very clumsy and messy. She won't talk about any problems. How can we help?

    8 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • what is my fiance's problem?

    I was hoping someone could please help me out with how to work out this problem. My fiance bought me a fishing pole today. Here's the thing he only seems to be interested in getting me things he likes or something. We were at Gander Mountain today looking around my birthday is coming up and my fishing pole needs replaced because one of his kids or he broke the tip on accident. Well I showed him this cool pink one I found and I said too bad it's not my birthday yet. He is pretty short on cash right now so I told him not to buy it. I asked him and asked him not too and he just took it from me. I went and looked around some more and decided that I didn't think I liked the quality of it so I set out to find him in the store and sent his son to look too and when his son found him and told him I said that I didn't want it he bought it anyway. So I just tried to go with the flow and be grateful. Later on I decided to put it together I asked him one question and he took it from me. Made a big production about how to put on the hook even though I am not dumb and I wanted to do it on my own. I went into the house to put something up and on my way back out I decided I wanted to try it and he is in the backyard casting it. I said stop please I wanted to be the first to use MY new pole and he casted it out again. I feel like he does things like this often. It's not the pole it's the act and it really bothers me. We are set to get married in October and his selfishness scares me.

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How to deal with my fiance's ex wife.?

    I try to be strong and most days are much better than others, but today I am in pieces because I am so tired of dealing with my fiance's ex-wife. She is in our lives because he has 2 kids by her that we share custody of. The problem here is her. She continually lives a life that puts drama in our lives everyday and no matter what it still affects us. I get so sick of hearing about what stupid thing she did today and it's even to the point that I get judged by the general public because of how the kids look and behave when we get them back from her. She doesn't make them take baths when they should and she hardly ever does laundry which causes the clothes we buy the kids to all end up there because what they have is dirty. She calls daily about the kids and the kids talk about her when they are with us. I feel like I have to compete with this woman every day of my life and she isn't worth really worth a darn as a person. She lives off the government, buys the kids crap all the time and when there is an emergency it's our emergency because she doesn't have money. She won't give one of the kids their medicine because she can't remember and can't control him to make him. They have both been diagnosed Bi-Polar. She is an alcoholic and has had DCFS called on her twice in the past for being drunk and stupid with and around the kids, locked up twice for domestic abuse and the all the case worker can say is no court would take them away from her because she is compliant to the treatment they force on her. I love my fiance dearly but it kills me to call him on our lunch break frequently only to find that he has already talked to her because she called about some new bull***t drama that has happened in a matter of hours.

    I don't know what to do. I love the kids and my fiance with all my heart and besides her it is wonderful. I have 6 months to my wedding and I feel like I could bust out in tears sitting at my desk at work.

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Considering getting rid of my cat, but I can't imagine anyone would want her.?

    My cat is mean and growing meaner all the time. She won't let you hold her much or pick her up often. She scratches the kids and company and hisses. She won't eat any food I buy, but only cries for people food and doesn't get it so she is really skinny and she won't use the litter box and craps all over the house. She was sweet when she was young and I have had her since she was very very little. It's like after I had her fixed she became feral.

    If I take to the animal shelter they would probably kill her, but I don't want her anymore. What would you do? We have another cat that is sweet as can be so I just don't get it!

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Question about the Hogs Gone Wild TV show?

    So my boyfriend and I watched the Hogs Gone Wild TV show last night and the whole time we were saying "Why don't they just shoot them"? I mean I can understand not firing in a neighborhood I guess, but some of these people are on ranches and farms and these wild boars are destroying their livelyhoods. These people are turning their dogs loose to bring them down and tie them up or they are trapping them and hauling them off. So are they turning them loose elsewhere? I don't get it and they didn't explain on the show. Does anyone have any ideas or experience in these matters?

    Reality Television1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with diagnosing the problem with my car?

    I have a 95 Ford Taurus Wagon. It has a good mechanical history but lately has decided to only start some of the time. It has a new battery plugs and wires and other obvious things are ok. It will turn over but just not start. I can hear the fuel pump and it has been tested and found to be ok. I towed it to my dad's shop late one night and the next morning it started. It started the next two days no problem and then wouldn't start again all day yesterday. This morning it started up and my bf drove it to my dad's shop again. ugh!

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Tell me something about...?

    Just for fun. Be nice. Tell me about me. I realize you don't know me, but wouldn't it be cool if you got some things right. Maybe you are even a bit intuitive.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is the hardest part about being a mother? being a step mother?

    What is the hardest part for you about motherhood? What about step-motherhood? How do you cope with it?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Just how much responsibility does a step parent have for their step kids?

    I am recently engaged to a man that has shared custody of his two children. His ex wife is pretty low life, live off the government in housing, on disability for bi-polar disorder, alcoholic, etc. She lets the 10 yr old run. Because of her lovely parenting DCFS took them away from her for two months this summer. I took care of them while I was out of work with no thanks from her. She has been arrested numerous times for fighting with boyfriends and then the police. As soon as she got her classes done that DCFS made her take to get the kids back she resumed drinking and has become increasingly irresponsible with the care of her kids. She will only have them on the her scheduled day regardless of birthdays, holidays, family functions, etc.

    So I worked with the kids during the summer, got the 10 year old to the doctor for behavioral medicines because he is screwed up from all the instability, got him into counseling as well. Now she doesn't comply with the medicine and has ruined all the good I tried to teach him.

    I told my fiance to tell her after our last problem that I no longer wished to take care of them after school etc if she was going to let them run wild and come home to us acting the same. I have a job and so does my fiance. She told him that apparently I was going to be their step mother someday and that maybe I needed to step it up a little. Well he told her that maybe she needed to step it up and be a better mother and not expect other people to take care of her kids. She doesn't work, but she still won't watch her kids.

    I know you are probably thinking why don't you just take them away from her all together. Well,..that costs a lot of money in legal fees that we don't have and her family has money. Also the kids are so bad that you can't stand to be around them. I love them to death, but they will give you a chest pains. So anyway I am not their parent so I can't make that call.

    So how much responsibility do you think I have? They aren't my kids. I do tons for them as it is. I love them and treat them like they are. I take them places, buy them things, read to them, give hugs, tell them how much I love them. Am I supposed to do more?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • what does keep it "uptown" mean?

    I just watched the movie Date Night and when the Foster's whether or not to have sex, Tina Fey's character asked if he just wanted to "keep it uptown". Does anyone know what that means?

  • Insecure boyfriend keeps asking if I am leaving?

    I have been seperated from my husband for well over a year now, not being able to afford a divorce and meeting the man of my dreams, I started a new relationship anyway. I couldn't just pass him up. lol So anyway finally all is been taken care of with the divorce and I will be signing the papers in a week. Since the news my boyfriend has been really insecure and keeps asking if I am going to leave him since I will be "free." I am not sure how to handle the situation or what is going on in his head. any ideas???

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Tanning bed questions...?

    I recently started tanning in a tanning bed. I usually tan pretty quickly and don't burn much. I went for the second time yesterday and now my front side from the chest to my knees is burnt a bit and the rest is not. Can anyone explain this?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • dating question. dont understand this situation.?

    I have been dating a guy for 3 weeks now. I has been great when I see him, but he doesn't seem to need to spend time with me or text me much when I try to talk to him which isn't any more than we used to text by far. He says everything is fine. He seems distant. He has been sick and has a sick relative but he won't talk about it. I am feeling like a fool. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think I will lose my job?

    I work at a Casey's General Store. Tonight while I was working an employee came in off the clock and took some staled pizza out of the trash to take home for his dogs. I was unaware of what was going on because I was busy getting the store ready for close. The employee had been hanging out in the store for awhile so I wasn't paying attention to him. Apparently a Casey's employee from another store was in the parking lot getting fuel and saw him take the pizza out to his truck. So the guy comes into the store pointing fingers and yelling at me and the kitchen worker for allowing him to take the pizza. He threatened to call my store manager (whom by the way doesn't care) and make sure we are properly handled. He accused me of lying to him because I didn't initially even know what pizza he was talking about and then said we were disrespectful. So is it feasable I could lose my job because another employee stole from the store on my watch?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • This guy asked me over for dinner and?

    So this guy asked me over to his house for dinner a few days ago. The next day he told me he didn't know it but is on call for his job. I asked if he wanted to cancel and he said he would have to see what the schedule is like and he would let me know. So last night he told me he wouldn't know until today and now it is dinner time date night and I haven't heard from him at all. We have been talking on facebook only and he is an old friend, but we haven't seen each other in a while. I am confused. Why wouldn't he let me know? It's still kinda early, but he should have been home from work a up to 2 hrs ago. What do you think is going on? What should I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • So is he into me or just friends?

    I recently came out of a LTR and moved back to the area where I am from. About a month or so before this I had an a guy I used to date in HS look me up on Facebook trying to figure out if I was single or not. I told him I wasn't and that was that.

    So anyway, while on the way back home, I posted a message that I was coming back for good and the next day he pops up and wants to know why. So we talked back and forth for a few days and he always seem supportive and never creepy or anything. So now of course I'm starting to like him again, I always did before, but I had a on off boyfriend that I couldn't let go of. So I finally worked up the nerve to ask and see if he wants to hang out sometime and he invited me to his house for dinner. My question is What is this guys intentions? Guys don't usually make friends with girls unless they are interested in them in other ways am I right? Is he expecting a one night stand? HELP!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Kitten question...please help.?

    I got a 10 week old kitten from the Humane Society about 3 days ago and I had a few questions about it's behavior. He is very healthy been checked out and has shots. I've had kittens in the past, but this one seems different. He doesn't want to play, he only wants to crawl all over me all of the time. He won't quit and if I don't hold him he cries. I've never had such a dependent kitten. All he can think about is being attached to me. He will calm and go to sleep if I put him in his sleep area. I just wonder how much attention I should give. I don't want to ignore him, but he needs to get over this. I have other cats, but they don't care about him at this point.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • why are men so fickle?

    Give them attention and they don't want it and ignore you, ignore them and they can't stand it and won't leave you alone.

    15 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago