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jingersnaps asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Considering getting rid of my cat, but I can't imagine anyone would want her.?

My cat is mean and growing meaner all the time. She won't let you hold her much or pick her up often. She scratches the kids and company and hisses. She won't eat any food I buy, but only cries for people food and doesn't get it so she is really skinny and she won't use the litter box and craps all over the house. She was sweet when she was young and I have had her since she was very very little. It's like after I had her fixed she became feral.

If I take to the animal shelter they would probably kill her, but I don't want her anymore. What would you do? We have another cat that is sweet as can be so I just don't get it!

Update: sounds like a lot of people are assuming that I haven't tried changing food and litter types. I failed to mention that but I have numerous times. She was fixed over a year ago and no matter what I do for her there is no change.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Make her an outside cat, she will eat cat food after she's out there awhile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cats don't usually act that crazy unless there is something being done wrong. Do you try holding her against her will all the time? cats have to come to you when it's their decision. So many people try smothering their cats with love, and the cats turn out antisocial and mean because of that. Cats will learn to trust you if you treat them right and stop trying to hold them all the time, and she will get better.

    Just hold firm and don't let her eat people food. Eventually she'll eat her own food. have you tried wet can food? That is usually more appetizing for cats. Try fancy feast, cats LOVE it!

    If she is pooping all over the house, she probably is unhappy with your litter box. make sure you have one big enough for two cats, and scoop it EVERY single day. Not every other day or every week, but every day. It is healthier that way, as bacteria builds up and becomes stinky if you leave it too long. Your cat might have a disease, so take it to the vet. They may be able to tell you why your cat is acting up.

    Please don't take your cat to a shelter. You are the one that took on the responsibility of raising a cat. That is like adopting a baby. Cats usually last 15 + years, so that is a big committment. You can't just change your mind because it doesn't have a perfect personality. You just have to work through these problems. If you show your cat love, consistency, and give it boundaries, it will be fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you had her weight loss and change in appetite examined by your veterinarian? How about a urinalysis and/or fecal exam to rule out reasons for her innapropriate urination and defication? I'd say do everything you can to make sure these are not being caused by something else..perhaps a new cat, animal, litter, even down to a new scent in a scented plug-in or laundry detergent can cause all of the issues you've said.

    If you've done all you can I'd kick her outside, let her be a barn cat for you or someone else. I've recieved two older cats that were brought to the clinic I work at for innapropriate urination and defication as vomiting that I rescued as barn cats and they are happy and healthy catching mice all day and living it up.

    Source(s): Cat owner for 22years, veterinary assistant for 7years
  • 1 decade ago

    Please do not do anything to hurt her, Before u give up get her a good vet checkup, when we are sick we get unpleasant at times, she could be ill or allergic to an ingredient in her cat food. Why not give her some people food? It may be what her body needs.. u r starving her, ... remember that she depends on you.. the people who say to put her out are off base. She has been a pet. She will not be able to fend for herself.. Trouble is, people sometimes forget that this is a different species and she does not think the way we do.. they do not do things to spite us.. they act from instinct.. They do not have language to speak as we do. She is crying because she is trying to tell you something is wrong in her world, she trusts you and has no other way to let you know. Please feed her something that she likes or try different brands of cat food, most will eat some kind of canned variety.. but like us, we would not want to eat canned or kibble type food every time, please feed this poor kitty and get a vet check up before you give up on her. I do not think it has to do with being spayed , that usually calms them down... There may be a turf war with your other cat, that u r not even aware of. A no-killl shelter may be willing to work with her and place her in a home as a single cat... Please DO NOT put her on Craigslist... I do not want to upset anyone but let it be said that there are people out there that look for free animals and do terrible things to them... and u can not tell, they send some one who is a good actor or actress to con u into giving them the pet... PLEASE do not do this.. You have had her a long time and she trusts you to do the right thing. Please know that you did, so you will not feel bad later. I know it tries your patience to clean up after her ... also have u tried having two litter boxes??? some cats have big turf wars over this... Get some good information on the Net .. She is hungry... think how you feel if you were not able to eat what was offered you because it made u sick... You are a caring person if you have pets.. they can be like little kids who dont always do the right thing. It is up to us to figure out why and to try to do right by them.. Good luck and God bless.. Oh and who was there first?? She may be meant to be an only cat, or do try to work with her starting to see if her refusal of cat food is just because she does not feel good u know how when u r sick u may have a taste for certain things but not for others??? She is not being bi**** on purpose....

    Source(s): cat shelter worker and cat owner 50 years.. and I care..
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  • 1 decade ago

    Your cat had a behavior shift, this is usually caused by something going medically wrong with the cat. You make no mention of having her checked over. A cat in pain can't tell you what's wrong. Having her treated is paramount. The fact she STOPPED eating is a good reason to have the vet take a good look at the condition of her teeth, pain does this for cats.

    They're not garbage to throw away, you're supposed to be the owner for life, not for convenience and kittenhood. There is a REASON she's acting like this. You're not making any effort to find out what it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    There must be a reason for her sudden change in behaviour such as change in diet, litter etc or there could be an underlying health problem. I would get her checked over by a vet and if you feel you have done all you can for her then take her to a shelter with a no kill policy. Best of luck x

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ok i am having a problem with my cat as well. if your feeding your cat fancy feast then it may be the food. fancy feast has changed their "formula".....stating it has thicker gravy and bigger chunks. to be specific the grilled in gravy flavors. my cat was getting real soft poops like diarreah and even vomited alot as well. i let her eat for one week the fancy feast classic but none of the gravy crap.....she went back to the cat box and didnt crap on my floor at all. after a week i gave her some grilled/with gravy....and thus started to find and smell sloppy doodoo on my carpet!!!! i have returned the fancy feast and will invest my cat food money in the no grain expensive cat food you can only get at the pet stores, as its cheaper than buying new carpet! also i read where a lady had ended up at the emergency vet because both her cats were dripping mucous from their butts and they were very sick. after taking them off fancy feast they are doing fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you do get rid of her, you can bring her to a no-kill shelter. Depending on where you live there could be some in the area.

    Source(s): I work at one.
  • 1 decade ago

    would say theres sumthing wrong with her medically. you should take her to the vet she may b experiencing pain, esp when u touch her, hence the growling n malicious behavior. try a low cost clinic if ur low on funds. but dont turn your back on her just yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    to johnny appleseed i would want a cat and i have a cat and she is mean and nice when she wants to be i don't get it either but i would make sure that she isn't sick or hurt maybe take her to the vet and see its not nice to get rid of any cat

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