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So now my parents know I'm atheist, so what now? (ATHEISTS ONLY PLZ)?

First of all, sorry for the long question.

Well, after so long my family finally discovered I'm atheist. (They're Mormon btw) It happened yesterday night, while I was reluctantly sitting there with them while they read their Book of Mormon, they started asking questions like, "do you believe in this?" or things relating to that. I was basically forced to tell the truth.

So now the results are, my siblings just don't seem to understand as they are younger than me (I'm almost 14) my Dad is a little more respectful, and, as expected, my mom was a complete b**** about it.

I feel really sorry for her, being that she has been having a real hard time, she's only 36-37 and both her parents are dead. Also she had post-pardum depression after having a 4th child. All this was apparently too much for her and now she is deadly religious, which is bad for me for she will make may life a REAL he l l.

She doesn't get angry, thank goodness, but she keeps trying to make me change my mind. She blames it on me reading things on the internet, or Satan has warped my mind. She also blames it on the media, and always denies confusing, or stupid things about the church even when it's obviously true. You know what I do? Sit there telling her why I don't believe in it, and begging her to just let this all go, and we should just continue our lives in peace. Obviously, I knew it wasn't going to work, but I tried.

She now requested that I do this "book of Mormon challenge" and if I still don't feel anything after it (which is what is going to happen) she'll finally give up trying to reconvert me. What it is, is every night she comes down to my room to read the book of Mormon and we're supposed to pray, and when we finally finish it, she will expect me to make a decision. I find this is the only thing I can do.


Should I do this challenge thingy just to make her happy? Or should I deny doing so and have to spend the rest of my teen life having to pay her for motherly services. (I don't really make that much money.)

OR could I complain to the police or a counselor about emotional abuse? Because all this is just making me depressed. Another factor to this is because I'm all alone on it, and I really wish I had a good friend that could help me with this.

And if it helps, this is why I don't believe in religion, and more specifically, the Mormon church.

1. There is absolutely not visual evidence of god's existence. It's always "this warm feeling" that means nothing.

2. I am strongly opposed to the anti - gay law the church preaches. I consider myself bi - sexual.

3. If the whole "god thing" was true, I still wouldn't follow god, because I think its completely unfair how we didn't decide to exist and that we must follow all these (mostly) stupid rules, like no sex before marriage, or you can't be gay. In other words, slavery, with a big happy face sticker on it.

4. Hell is obviously a way to scare gullible people in to believing ridiculous things, like magic underwear.

5. I believe religion started out as stories to explain science before we knew how to test these things and get proof of what ever we were researching.

6. I am also strongly opposed to the age and sexism in this religion.

7. The money spent for tithing could be better spent going to charities. Instead, they use it (probably most of it) to help spread their cult. While a tiny amount of it might go to charities, if lucky.

Once again, sorry for the long question, but I really need help on this.


By "motherly services" I don't mean should would stop feeding me, I mean she would charge me for the extra, less crucial things that she would otherwise do for free. (haircuts, fast food restaurants, driving me places etc...) so I wouldn't really consider it as abusive as, hitting me or not feeding me or letting me take showers.

However, she is pressuring me a LOT, and it's really stressful.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sorry you are going through this. Being a teenager can be bad enough without your parents going off the deep edge.

    I'm an atheist ex Mormon, so you don't have to explain it to me :)

    As long as you live with your parents, you play by their rules. There are TONS of ex Mormon kids going through what you are now. You don't have a lot of choices. It's either their rules or do something self destructive.

    If it was me, I'd do the challenge just to see if she keeps her word at the end. You know you aren't going to start suddenly believing this stuff just because she reads and prays.

    In the meantime, I'd 'soft sell' the disbelief. Tell them you just need some space because you think religion is real important and your trying to figure it out your own way. See how long you can string that out.

    The important thing is that you have to do what is best for you in the long run. Don't lose track of that. It means you have to get an education and get a good job so you can support yourself without their help - even if that means working around them for several more years. You are obviously very well spoken, you write well, and you spend time analyzing things. You need to get a college degree to take full advantage of your skills. Don't let their religion get in your way.

    It probably means keeping your head down and living a Mormon looking life. The worst way to freak your Mormon parents out is to set a bad example for the younger kids. They may not put up with that, and they can make your life a lot worse if you threaten the image of their happy Mormon family.

    If you are forced to attend meetings, you might consider asking trouble making questions about the religion just enough to find out if there are others in your ward like you. It might keep you from getting callings too. You have to be careful not to get too much attention though.

    If you get interviewed by your Bishop, feel free to lie when he asks questions that are none of his business (like sex and religion). It's the quickest way to keep him off your back.

    Try and build a support system outside the church and family. Look for ex Mormon adults if you are in Mormon areas. Try to connect with people who will be able to help you in the long run if push comes to shove.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. At first I was going to say do the challenge, and do it with an open mind. That should show her you have considered all possibilities, and are still happy with your decision.

    Then I realized the better phrase would be a not-closed mind. You don't have to agree with what's in the book of mormon, but there may be points you can agree with to show her you care and are willing to listen. Even an atheist can see the benefit of The Golden Rule, or Thou Shalt Not Kill, without having to accept them as religious concepts.

    But then you say, she will expect you to make a decision. Fine, but will she accept your decision? You've already made a decision, and she doesn't respect it. Unless you feel she will consider your decisions based on your feelings and beliefs, after educated discussions on the book, you are wasting your time and hers.

    I guess what I really mean, is if someone wanted to put forth an educated argument to prove the sky is red, you should at least listen to their argument before blowing them off. Giving her that opportunity may make your life with her easier, but I wouldn't hope for too much.

    PS - it's a NO on the abuse idea. That would be like trying to report her for making you eat your veggies.

    Source(s): Sorry, wish it was easier for you. By the way, I'm not an atheist, but I believe in everyone's right to decide for themselves. I wouldn't try to "convert" you to my religious beliefs because I have no proof of them. B)
  • 1 decade ago

    complain to the police? what are they gonna do about it? it's not like she's beating you or anything.

    just humor your mom and do the book of mormon challenge. yeah, it's not gonna change your mind, but sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and make your mom happy. you said it yourself she's having a hard time. it sounds like your mom loves you, and she just wants the best for you, and she thinks thats mormonism even though it's not reality. do the mormon challenge thing, and if that doesn't work, just suck it up until you're 18 and then get the hell out of there. she'll most likely come around to the idea that you're an atheist after a while, i dont know how long it will take though.

    edit: your mom makes you pay her for being her mom? do you pay with money from your job or how?

  • Derek
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I know I'm going to get some flack for this, but you're in a tough spot. Everyone touts the "be yourself" mantra all the time but that just doesn't fly with religious folks. As a teenager you learn to lie to your parents about all kinds of things, so just add this one to the list. You're not going to be honest with them about drinking and smoking and all the other crap kids do (get all of that out of your system, it honestly does just hurt in the long run), so lie and pretend to follow their religion until you're of legal age and can leave.

    There are plenty of atheists who never come out to their parents because it would hurt them so much. It's thankfully not like being gay in the sense that you CAN fake it and no one would know the difference if you don't say anything. The sad fact is religious family and friends will in all likelihood not accept you for who you are.

    So yeah, lie to your parents. It won't hurt anything but your pride. You can fix that easily once you're on you're no longer dependent on them legally and financially.

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  • I say you shouldn't take the challenge. You need to stick your ground and stand up for what you think. I'm pretty sure your mother will accept it soon enough. Beliefs are some of the hardest things to work around in human nature, and I hope the best for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Sigh* Middle Eastern Religions (Christianity in this case) sure do suck.

    Your Mom's depression is definately a factor to contend with. I can't help you on that but I can tell you that it is good you are respecting it.

    Now, I am going to offer you a religious practice I get thumbs-downed: "God is All-Knowing."

    People really hate that for some reason.

    So, ask your Mother if her God is stupid.

    Then tell her to have faith that because HE is ALL-KNOWING and created you with foreknowledge of knowing you are going to be an Atheist, then she should respect His Wisdom!.

    Else, she is judging God as too stupid for creating you by criticizing His decision to create you exactly as He knew you would be.

    Or, she can talk freewill, but then you can counter with God's Freewill of making you the way you are and if He doesn't have a beef with you being the way He created you, she should just shut-up before she condemns herself in His Eyes (again, exactly the way the ALL-knowing knew long before it happened.)

    Boy, people sure hate practicing the "God is Omniscient." Watch the thumbs-downs grow!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Should I do this challenge thingy just to make her happy? Or should I deny doing so and have to spend the rest of my teen life having to pay her for motherly services."

    Does this mean shes going to charge you for being your Mum?

    That is totally abusive! What a *****!

    Leave home asap!

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like me.... only you had the courage to tell your family. I would oppose the little challenge thing, as shes only trying to make you break down from this and do what she wants.

  • 1 decade ago

    Respect your parents, do he challenge, and get counseling. Because unfortunately until you are 16 you parents own you and can pretty much make you do whatever they want as long as it doen't break the law.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you cant support yourself yet, you have no choice but to obey your parents....

    Your parents have a vision for you they want to give you every skill to be a well rounded just riped that out of your mothers heart, (in her eyes).

    Try to be understanding of your parents feelings, respect them and comply with your mother, be honest and tell her your side during the challenge.

    It sounds like a good time to bond with her.

    Pray to Isis to keep your family happy. LOL

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