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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Could my baby still be okay?

I'm 13 wks preg tomorrow, a bit overweight, so my OB told me to walk & swim. Tday was so beautiful outside, so my hubby & I took some nature trails, easy walking...about 4 miles. During our walk I felt a gush...sure enough, I was bleeding. Up to this point I've had no problems...after losing one in February, we've been so happy that our OB gave such a clean bill of health. We immediately went home, & I saw a couple small clots & lots of blood in the toilet. I called the emergency # to my doctor, & the doc on call returned my call. She said to get off my feet, keep my feet up, keep an eye on the bleeding & see if it starts to lighten up. Said that I possibly cudda overdone it with all that walking. I'm having NO cramping, the bleeding IS lightening up significantly. I'm just really seeking encouragement, because we want this baby more than anything.

*Has any1 else gone thru this, & had a successful pregnancy?

*I just rented a heartbeat doppler, & heard strong heartbeat yesterday- shud i try it again today?

7 Answers

  • NENA
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just keep your feet up, drink plenty of fluids also some orange juice today so you wont feel dizzy after the loss of blood. Only if you start to have severe cramps and lots of bleeding go to the ER fast. Yes try and hear the baby heartbeat and relax, Im pretty sure you'll be just fine. Best of luck!

    Source(s): 1 m/c, 10 weeks pregnant now
  • 1 decade ago

    Some slight bleeding can actually occur during pregnancy and not have any effect, as you have said you don't have any cramping I doubt you are miscarrying, I would try listening to the heartbeat again just to put your mind at rest, remember not to panic if you don't hear the heart beat straight away as it can take a minute or two to find it.

    Good luck and I really hope you hear that little baby's heartbeat!

    Source(s): 23 weeks pregnant.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to hear that your going through this- i know how you feel.. i've lost 3 babies, and am now 22 weeks pregnant with a healthy girl...

    on a positive note though, its VERY good that your not having any cramping at all. more than likely its just from overdoing it with the exercising...

    i agree with your doctor. stay off your feet for a few days.. rest... dont do anything you dont absolutely HAVE to do. with this pregnancy, i considered myself on bedrest the whole first trimester and some of the second trimester until i was forced to get a job. i talked to several ladies who lost more babies than me, one lady lost 8! and they all went on to have healthy pregnancies after going on bed rest for most of the entire pregnancy..

    i know how your feeling... after losing my first 3 pregnancies, when i got pregnant this time i worried about everything. any little pain and i was super worried that everything was ok. i invested in a fetal doppler and that helped reassure me, as well as requesting frequent ultrasounds to make sure everything was ok...

    try not to worry.. things sound like you should be fine... if your really worried you can go to the ER, they will usually do a ultrasound to make sure the baby is healthy...

    good luck, and keep your chin up!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that happened to me too. i was 6 weeks pregnant and i was working 12 hours that day,standing and walking all day long. i was pretty tired. when i went to restroom i was bleeding. i got scared then the next day i went to my doctor and told him what happened. she said i need to take a rest and dont force myself too much because there is a possibility of miscarriaging. so i dont work full time anymore. now, im 25 weeks and everything is fine. you can exercise but dont over do it. it is better to take rest. goodluck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i wouldn't stress about it stress could lead to a miscarriage... and that is very pain full...i would just relax for a couple of days good luck i hope you have a successful pregnancy!

  • 1 decade ago

    i have had 2 miscarriages, once was a single baby and the second time i miscarried one twin. it honestly sounds like you have miscarried. the doctor should have sent you for a scan

  • 1 decade ago

    if you want to try and listen to babies heartbeat then go for it as it may put your mind at ease completely

    Source(s): 9 weeks and 5 days preg EDD 13th June 2011
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