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Would Mitt Romney's Mormon philosophy interfere with the responsibilities of a president?

Wouldn't we all really rather have a secular humanist in the White House? Does it cause anybody out there to shudder at the thought of a Mormon president? Does me.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please consider the entire picture. Mitt is the LDS church's answer to Joseph Smith's curse on the US. That the LDS leadership would be asked to take over the running of the country after the US government collapses. I kid you not.

    Seeing Joseph Smith had himself annointed King of Israel, while running for US President in 1844 (the year he was killed for abusing his mayoral power), in preparation for taking over the US, and eventually the world with a theocratic government... with him at the head, of course. With Mitt as the figurehead and the LDS as the government, of course. LDS membership welfare program is up, running, and ready and waiting for the masses. Become LDS---get food, safety, worth, help, because the government can't do it for you. Do you want that in exchange for your life? I don't. I've been there in the LDS. It's NOT pretty, and its NEVER free of strings.

    So what does that scenario remind you of, biblically?

    Exactly. So, yes, THIS president's religion is highly suspect. It's a cult of man. We've got enough of that kind in Washington already!

    Will they manipulate history and events to bring about the "prophecies" of Joseph Smith?

    1. LDS-- richest church in the world besides the catholic church (which is sinking fast).

    2. LDS--welfare program already in place.

    3. Mormon president.

    4. Able to finally change the polygamy laws... for "protection of women" during the ensueing chaos of a collapsed government? YOU BET THEY WILL. Once they get women on their side and subdued, its all complete. They usher the New Jerusalem into the world, with the LDS males as absolute Rulers.

    5. Do I sound crazy? Study the antichrist's system if think so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would it make you shudder? Mormons believe in working hard, helping others, fulfilling their responsibilities as leaders and friends. A Mormon president would be dedicated to caring for the people, which isn't something we've been able to say about all of our presidents.

    Mormons also tend to be educated, have strong values, and are encouraged to work hard to understand others. A Mormon president, then, wouldn't try to force his values on people. He wouldn't try to somehow make the entire country Mormon. He would only do what he could to protect America.

    You really shouldn't stereotype or generalize, though. Nor should you judge a potential president based on his faith. We've had presidents from many Christian sects. Some were amazing, and some absolutely sucked. Shouldn't you be judging Romney on his political stance and not his religion? If you base your opinion only on what you think you know about all Mormons in general, you're only proving yourself to be narrow-minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shades of John F. Kennedy!

    A Mormon president is just as bound by the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the government. Personally, I'd be more scared of an Evangelical Christian in the White House (read Mike Huckabee).

  • Elsie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So far, every single one of our presidents have had some kind of religious philosophy, and for the most part they've managed to not convert the entire nation to their respective religions. A Mormon in the White House wouldn't be any different.

    Politically, most Mormons are actually quite moderate. I think a moderate president would be a refreshing change after an extreme Liberal/Progressive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Considering that Atheist's put clear plastic Bags over the heads of two Million Cambodians, when they were in power...

    And that Atheists in China killed over 70 million people after the war in that country was over....

    And that Atheists in Russia murdered over 20 million people just for the heck of it...

    And right now as we type back and forth to each other, North Korea is becoming famous for being the place where cannibalism is making it's come back as a modern form of dining, because the Socialist Atheists have messed up the countries economy so badly (and people are starving as a result)...

    I am sure the United States could do worse than Mitt Romney. A lot worse.

    Then again I am not an Atheist, or a Cannibal, so I could be accused of being biased.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heres an article faith in the Mormon philosophy

    "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

    It sounds like Mormons are all about freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does a Mormon make you shudder? Does it make you shudder at the thought of having a Catholic, Baptist, or Methodist president?

  • 1 decade ago

    Heaven forbid that he lower the taxrate to 10%. <Shudder>.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a fear tactic, one that was used against JFK when he was running because he was Catholic.

    Source(s): LDS
  • 1 decade ago

    It's his incompetence that worries me, not his religion.

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