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Lv 6
pbJ asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Does everyone have a quarter-life crisis?

I feel ridiculously lost right now and I can't figure out what to do. A year ago I was the happiest person...I had a good-paying job, I was about to graduate college, and I was with the guy who I thought I was going to marry. One year later I'm alone, still can't find a full-time job, and have more bills than money coming in.

I feel like all my friends (and everyone else my age) is getting everything handed to them...landing awesome jobs right out of college, getting engaged, buying houses, etc. I feel depressed but I don't even have health insurance so I can't even see anybody about it.

Has anyone else gone through this? How did you get out of the funk? I'm tired of feeling like crap :(

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Life is cyclical. Unfortunately, you're going through one of those rough patches.

    After I graduated college, I was no longer with my ex girlfriend, had a degree but no job offers or direction in life. It sucked and coming from my family just wasn't acceptable. I continued to plug away at life and now have a high paying solid job, bought my first home earlier this year, girlfriend blah blah. Not to toot my horn but i'm just telling you that things can get better and will.

    But, things will get better but not overnight. You have to keep fighting. As long as you keep fighting, usually things seem to turn out okay. It may never be exactly what you envisioned but it's definitely possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well sure next will be your 1/3 life crisis then mid life crisis then your 2/3 life crisis then your 3/4 life crisis then you die. Life is nothing more than suffering and death, lol. Just relax sounds to me like you just need to make changes in your life whether small or big make changes. I am telling you if you do not make changes everything will stay the same and do not say I can't because my financial situation doesn't allow me to. That is your negative side holding you back, just get as many job interviews as possible or get a second job to get your debt cleared. Dating is nice but if you are in a negative place right now then you need to make yourself right before you try to bring someone else into your life. There is nothing wrong with being single and maybe you will have to find a job that you do not like but hey make changes and work your debt off. Have you ever considered moving to a different area for a job in what you went to school for? I went to college and nothing worked out for me either finding jobs, buying home, girlfriend, so do not feel you are the only one going through this. I am currently looking to go back to school for maybe a two year in nursing because the health field is in need of people. Just sit down and make a list of everything you would like to change in your life serious and silly stuff. Then right down ways that you can achieve that goal and go do whatever you need to do to make those changes. Nothing is never handed to you, it is up to you to earn what you get in life. You can not just mope around feeling sorry for yourself it will only make you feel worse. Do what makes you happy and stay away from things that irritate you. I recently started hiking and I love it so I stumbled across a web site called and found hiking groups near me and now I hike with other people and not by myself. So be positive and good luck to you!

    Source(s): Me and my so called life experiences!
  • Mario
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i went thru my 1/5 life crisis 2 years ago when i turned 15 lol

    don't worry, everyone goes thru major ups and downs thruout life, u just gotta stick thru it

    im just getting out of a down period in my life, u can push thru it, just keep trying, everything will fall into place eventually

    course, i'm only 17 so i'm not that experienced atlife, so....

  • 1 decade ago

    Umm.. No.

    But we all have our ups and downs and you ma'am are going through a down period. The question you have to ask yourself is "What will I make of it?" Will feel sorry for myself OR push through it and beat it?

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