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Fellow Christians, could you have the faith of Abraham and Isaac?

We all know the story. We all know how the Lord provided at the last second in this scenario. Abraham trusted the Lord that even if he were to carry out the sacrifice of his own son Isaac, that God would somehow fulfill the promise of Genesis 15 where He told Abraham "I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars" (paraphrasing there). I mention Isaac having the same faith here because he was old enough to know exactly what was going on and could have run away....but didn't.

So fellow believers..........are we capable of carrying out this same kind of absolute faith and reliance on the Lord today?

Thanks.....and be blessed today


16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. Genesis 15:6, Romans 4 say that Abraham believed in the Lord and righteousness was credited to his account. Let's no forget that Abraham also lied on at least 2 occasions and failed to trust God and stand up to his wife in the Hagar incident. Because of that the sons of Hagar and Sarah have been warring ever since. Though Abraham's faith wasn't perfect and waned at times, God blessed it and his faith became evident in the willingness to sacrifice Isaac concluding that God was able to raise him from the dead. Abraham also had direct revelation from God in ways that you and I do not have today. Even the most sincere charismatic would be a fool to believe that God audibly speaks to him like He did with Abraham. Abraham was living as a pagan in Ur of the Chaldees (Babylon) and walked hundreds of miles to Haran and then to Canaan because God promised him that his descendents would dwell there because of the sin of the Amorites (Canannites) which constituted in wicked barbaric sacrifice of children to the gods.

    Praise God that He accepts faith as small as a mustard seed as long as it is directed in the person of His Son Jesus Christ who is Abraham's Seed (Galatians 3). Our faith can be small but genuine and is better than large faith in an unreliable object which is anything other than Jesus Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    The faith of The Father of Many Nations called Abraham and The Lord Is Sporting called Isaac for it is appointed for peoples to face tasting death once and then The Resurrection and The Life and Great White Throne Decisions Seats; and Jacob, (where Jacob means he grasps the heel, a Hebrew idiom for he deceives as God Prophesied at the Tree concerning Serpent) becoming Israel (called struggles with God to overcome situational family dealings the curses on the land to prevail to remain in The Blessings) as Tower of Babel and Noahanic carryforward Mysteries for part of A bra Ham is Ham from among whom Canaan tribes have descendancy.

    For is not this planet as a small mustard seed (sen a pi; sense in the rounds; 3.14) in the vast expanse of the Universe? Yet, many children from among our kind and from previous Millenniums among the generations wavelengths in the waters gathered together and called 'seas'.

    (666 X 3) + 14 = 2012...

    Or, 666 X 3.14 = 2021.24

    2012 - 2021 =~8 years as 8th day in day for year form as the Prophecy given through Ezekiel.

    (777 X 3) + 14 = 2345

    777 X 3.14 = 2439.78

    323 + 2000 + 12 + 8 ...

    418 (490 - 418 = 72) =+ 2000 + 12 + 8 First Day..

    1.00 - .78 = .22 = 2 X .11 = .10 + .12 where the 10 % is the whole life dedicated for instance in the callings and Lives Work in whatsoever was done was done as Nehemiah for returning Double among posting guard concerning what was entrusted, and work efforts and dedication 10% Lifespan and The Council of Priesthoods.

  • 5 years ago

    I am not a scientist, nor have I researched the available information in enough detail to say one way or the other. I do know that there is a lot of evidence to support an Earth older than 6000-10000 years. Even if the measurements used are off base, I really don't think they can be off by billions of years. Also, the negation of a theory, for example, Darwinian evolution, does not automatically make an opposing theory correct. The more data that is collected, the smaller our margin of error becomes, so we need to keep looking and studying. The more we discover about the physical world we live in, the more I am personally amazed by the complex beauty of God's creation, whenever, it doesn't matter so much to me. He gets the glory either way!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not without Jesus we won't, Abraham is a living example of faith and hope in the promises of God (Hebrews 11:10). Our lives should be so lived that when we reach the end of our days, our faith, like Abraham’s, will remain as an enduring legacy to others.

    Great Lives from God's Word, 8 Volumes

    By: Charles R. Swindoll

    Source(s): TLS
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Jan P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have to be in the sense that my medical insurance is $1100 out of pocket and I have to have my other knee replaced. God has told me through various sources that He will provide. I don't know how. I have to leave it totally in His hands because otherwise I would be a basket case of worry. I have to give it to Him the same way Abraham gave up Isaac since that is the ONLY way to handle it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, as his children through Jesus Christ, we must have the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

    Jesus being the seed of Abraham and being born again by his Spirit, faith being a gift from God

    Jesus said have faith in God

  • 1 decade ago

    Many show this kind of faith even today, are are often ridiculed for it, or even worse.

    For example, when we obey the injunction given in Acts 15:28, 29 by seeking quality alternative medical treatment, we are showing our full reliance on and faith in Jehovah God.

    Source(s): Experience
  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is the *race* we are to run, so yes, we are capable, but are we there is the question ? I believe there are SOME who have reached that point in faith.... I am *racing* towards it, but in all honesty, I am making slow progress..... go in peace.... God bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know I couldn't,but God knows the measure of our(oh ye of little faith).Some don't have enough faith

    to take them to church three times a week.Wonder if it will take them to heaven?

    Source(s): KJV bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, Abraham saw God face to face but we believe in Him without seeing Him.

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