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Where do you live and what is the best thing about living there?

I live on the coast of Lake Michigan. Every day I get to see the mood of the lake change.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live on the outskirts of a major city in Connecticut and I absolutely love it. We're about an hour away from Boston and New York City and in CT, we actually have seasons. Our fall and winter are gorgeous and there are some amazing people from here. We have one of the best colleges in the country about 15 minutes away from me and one of the best prep schools in the country is in my town. It's a pretty good place to live. We invented the hamburger and have some of the best pizza in the country. I would never want to live anywhere else besides Connecticut, It's a wonderful place to live.

  • KRS
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I live in PA also. It is the best place in the world to live. We are an hour outside of NYC which is the metropolitan mecca of the world. We are an hour or so out of Philly which is another major metro city. We are also only 30 mins from the Poconos where people ski, hunt, and chill in cabins and shyt. Then we are not that far from the Jersey shore with Atlantic City and Seaside Heights. Like I said, we got it all. The best restaurants, plays, concerts, fashions, styles...we get it all first here. By the time they get up on shyt down south it is like 5 years old and played out up here already. Nowhere else can you ski, surf, gamble, go to concerts, see plays, shop, dine, party, and chill all first class and in all in just a day trip.

    Now top that Canada!

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I moved to the US from a Nordic country many years ago and now live in California. It's very nice here, but it gets entirely too hot in the summer. I tend to go home that time of year as the weather is too much for me, even after all these years.

    I think the best thing about living here is there's so much here we didn't have back home. I live on the outskirts of a major city (I'm from a very rural area above the arctic circle originally) so it's an easy trip to the city and all the activity there. Also - a year round growing season! We can grow anything here except coffee, cacao and tropical fruits. I've eaten things here and enjoyed them I'd never even seen back home and I have easy access to fresh things I didn't have to shoot myself (or make after milking one of our goats) any day of any week any time of year. I'm especially fond of avocados and have an avocado tree in my back garden. I can also get any cuisine from anywhere in the world here, all within an easy drive from my house. I can go for dim sum for lunch then walk across the street and get Eastern European food. I much prefer CalMex though - my favorite! The multiculturalism here keeps it interesting and I'm always discovering and learning new things. I love that!

    When I do go home - and I most likely will eventually - I'm taking all the avocados with me. MUAHAHAHA!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just outside Philadelphia. Philadelphia has lots of history. It's also a big city with a small town feel. We're also just an hour south of New York City and 4 hours north of Washington. We've got every cultural thing they do but we're a lot cheaper.

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  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My city has been ranked as one of the smartest 4 cities in the US.


    Which is funny because you would think it'll be the cities with the top 4 unis.

  • 1 decade ago

    A small town in Alberta.

    The best thing about this otherwise miserable town is the job opportunities (w/ amazing pay).

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Ontario

    the best thing about living here is, that I am Canadian

    Good Morning

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretoria, South Africa. The weather, the wildlife and the ladies!

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