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foxylady asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

do you think the world is going toward becoming a better place or toward becoming worse place?

It's hard to make a huge fixed opinion about it. I just have been torn between the two opposites and having a hard time to be more optimistic about this whole global situation.

Should we be more optimistic or should we let the pessimism make our thoughts?

9 Answers

  • novice
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It seems everything in nature happens cyclically. Better and worse go on in a reciprocating fashion. If u ask me now in which part of the cycle we are currently, I would say we are in the upwards trend, ie, going towards better.

    This is because, overall, more people are living than anytime ever in history (meaning lower net death rates), more democracies compared to say, 100 years before, less large-scale nation wars (like world wars) etc.

    One may think that its worse now because of all the negative news we hear from around the world, but the situation was worse a 100 years ago, its just that due to lack of media, we did not hear that much earlier. But nowadays, due to media, we come to know of all the bad things happening, so, we think its worse now. But its not so. Earlier, entire populations would vanish, and nobody would know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    def a worse one! trust me,it is already a worse one,: terrorists plan new attacks(saw it on the news),global warming:colder winters+hotter summers (im considerin wether the ppl will die cuz of the icy coldness (almost 19 ppl in russia died bcuz of it a few day far =( ) or if they're gonna burn,die in our own trash nd excrements or die by suicide.more problems: plate tectonics --> earth quakes (there was an earthquake in the place where i live a few days ago nd there're usually no earthquakes nd actually a very safe place),

    tsunamis.volcanic eruption. nd have u noticed the ppl r getting unfriendlier? + theres much more crime than..lets say 40 years i guess..idk im 16 but from what ive heard nd read the adults from india or ..uhm..pakistan or so told about their lives when they were kids,u know,they werent rich but the area was peaceful,they played with self-made toys,it smelled like food n the streets nd so on,then they moved away to..the usa for example nd when they returned to the places they lived before there arent any kids playing or running thru the streets anymore,there r ppl begging 4 money or food everywhere nd it smells like cat-piss

    =( sadly the worlds becoming worse,but the end is not near..but it'll come nd concern everyone. we 2 wont be alive anymore when that day comes but our descendants..nd they're gonna have a hard life.. (also more school lessons+shitty celebs included)

    i always make a smily at the end but..i dont feel like making one after writing that,but i want u to know ..sounds weird but i just want u to know that someone out there loves u.try to be nice to everyone nd have fun as long as u live <3

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's been maxed out in the improvement department, I feel. With six and a half billion humans and growing fast, the population is on the high road to nowhere. An optimist feels this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true.Let's just be realists, learning and evolving into a better people than our ancestry.

  • 5 years ago

    i have had several Time travel dreams. the most recent dream seemed to be a time travel to the late 1960's. the attitudes and the peace of mind i felt in that DREAM seemed to be more peaceful but as a whole Mortal Men have always been the same. Crazy people have always existed. Demon possession has always existed. Men have always rebelled against God. so it is circular, it gets Good and declines into hell, it goes to hell and ascends into something better. in the history of mankind, two civilizations were destroyed by God. the preflood era was completely destroyed, noah was saved and then God destroyed Sodom and gormorah. God has also destroyed Israel at least 2x But God also raised UP Enoch and the city of Zion. This city is described as being the most perfect and faithful people that has ever existed. After Zion was raised up, there were at least 2 other civilizations that came so close to what Zion and the kingdom of God on the Earth would be, however ONE descended into wickedness and the other self destructed after 400 years. what history records is not the perfection of faith and righteousness but the wickedness and false religions it became.

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  • LaAn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You should remain optimistic despite the state of the world. It's certainly not getting much better, but has improved in many areas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For each of us it all depends where you live. Overall, the world is becoming a worse place due to overpopulation.

  • angel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    if optimism keeps your day going, then keep with it. pessimism, no matter how realistic or logical it may seem, those thoughts can drag you down and get you depressed

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    as long as women put the glass ceiling and not pay men an equal pay

    for the job it is getting worse. you see the ads women and minorities

    are preferred to apply.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good place. Technology is advancing.

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