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When applying for the Tier4 student Visa to the UK, should my passport be translated to English?
This week, I will be applying for a Tier 4 visa. I have everything ready . Yet, I have a doubt about whether I should translate my passport or not?
The application rules state that all the documents that are in another language than English or Welsh should be accompagnied with an official translation to English or Welsh.
My passport is written in Arabic and French (the bio-data pages). I wonder if I should translate it or passport don't need to be translated?
I will be grateful to your advice.
Thank you in advance
3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoUrgent plz! Applying online for the Tier4 student Visa to the UK before having the bank statement, possible?
I am a Moroccan resident in Italy and I want a Tier4 Student visa for the UK; the courses I want to attend start on September 24 and I am afraid I will be given the meeting for the visa too late.
The rules state: “A Tier 4 (General) student must show that he/she has held the required money for a consecutive 28 day period (finishing on the date of the closing balance) ending no more than 1 month before his/her application. “
I want to make sure I have an early meeting date in the Visa Application Centre and I have a doubt:
The rule means that the application cannot be done more than one month after the 28 days period ending date BUT it does not mean that the application cannot be done before the 28 days period ending date. CORRECT?
SO provided that
1) I already have the money in the bank from 5 days,
2) I am sure the money will stay where it is and
3) I will have the correct bank statement on the day of the meeting,
Please help me to figure out how to solve this puzzle. I will be grateful to hear your advice and opinions. Thank you in advance.
2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoWhat is the delay between the online application and the meeting date when applyin for a 4 tier student visa ?
How much time does it take usually between the online application and the meeting date at the application center when applying for a tier 4 student visa?
Are there any factors that determine this? Like the number of the people applying? The country?
Thank you in advance for your answers
1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoTravel to Schengen, without visa, for EEA-family members?
I am a EU citizen family member and I hold a 5 years permit of stay in Italy. I am currently outside Schengen space and I will be traveling there next week, entering through Spain .
Can I enter just with my valid passport and my valid permit of stay? or do I need a visa?
Thank you in advance for your advice and opinion.
1 AnswerImmigration9 years agoApplying online for the Tier 4 (general) student Visa to the UK before having the bank statement? possible?
I have all the necessary documents ready to apply for a Tier 4 (general) visa except the bank account statement which I can only have by the end of July. This is because I can only go back next week (beginning of July) to the country from where I will be applying, open the bank account and wait for 28 consecutive days (till end of July)
As the rules of applying to a tier 4 visa state:
A Tier 4 (General) student must show that he/she has held the required money for a consecutive 28 day period (finishing on the date of the closing balance) ending no more than 1 month before his/her application.
I wonder if the only way is to wait for having all the documents to be read and then apply?
I can do the online application now while waiting for the bank statement and book a meeting date after having the all the documents?
Please help me figure out how to solve this puzzle. I will be grateful to hear your advice and opinions. Thank you in advance.
3 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoShould the translation of my documents be recent when applying for a Tier 4 student visa for the UK?
Hi folk,
I am a Moroccan citizen and a resident in Italy. I intend to apply for a Tier 4 student visa in Italy as soon as possible. I have gone through the UK Boarder Agency website several time but I still remain with some doubts.
Well as I am from Morocco and I had completed my studies in Morocco, my certificates and documents are either written in Arabic or French or both. I have already made translated those documents to English 3 years ago in Morocco. Now I wonder:
1) If the translations of my certificates and documents, which are 3 years old, are valid for making my visa application OR should the translation date be recent?
2) Are those translations that were made in Morocco valid for making an application in Italy OR should the documents be translated in Italy (this latter is a bit of prodigy because it is very hard to find translator from Arabic/French to English in Italy)?
3) My Moroccan passport is only written in Arabic and French. To make the visa application shall I just provide my original passport and its photocopy OR should I include an English translation of my passport?
If you any of you has already face such a situation or know the answer to these questions. I will be very grateful to hear your advice.
Thank you in advance
1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoHow early can I book an appointment at the visa application center for a Tier 4 Visa?
I am an international student and I will be applying for a Tier 4 Visa in Italy. I intend to attend the appointment in the beginning of August. I wonder if I can apply now to the date that is convenient for me or there is a time limit for booking the appointments?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoMy cat is taking a long time to recover from Rabies vaccination?
Two weeks ago, my cat, who is 11 months, had the worst two days of her life. I had to take her to the vet for two successive days to do an additional shot of rabies vaccination, a vaccination of Panleukopenia, blood analysis and AIDS diagnosis. All these are requirements for her to be able to travel to Europe.
The first two days after all these vaccinations and analysis, she slept all the time. I guess it's a normal things.
Yet I am worried, because my cat is usually active and loves to play all the time (when not sleeping), while since those two days in the vet and which were two weeks ago, she sleeps almost all the time, and almost never play, she is with bad humor and sometimes she rejects to be touched.
The good things is that she still eats good, drink and use the litter.
concerning my worries, I checked with the vet and he said that she will recover soon.
Do you think that some cat may take long periods to recover (more than two weeks)? do you think that there is something I can do about this?something that can make my cat become again, active and with good humor?
Thank you in advance
3 AnswersCats9 years agoWhen applying for a Tier 4 student visa, should my bank statement also be in English?
I understand that all my academic documents should be translate into English. My doubt is about the Bank statement.
My bank is an Italian Bank that issues bank statements in Italian language and I will be applying for my Tier 4 Visa in Italy. I wonder if a bank statement in Italian language would generate the refusal of my visa. Or would be acceptable as both the bank and the embassy are in Italy? if it wouldn't be acceptable, should I translate my bank statement to English or do I need to open a bank account in an English bank in Italy so that they issue me a bank statement in English ?
Would you please advise me, if you know something about this?
Thank you in advance
2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoSchorlaships for overseas students to study in the UK?
I was admitted to a postgraduate program in a university in the UK. I am very interested in understaking this master but its tuition fee is just out of my possibilities, as usually the tuition fees for international students are very high. Thus, scholarship might be a solution. I have been searching for while, yet it seems that such schorlarships are very rare.
I wonder if you know of any schorlaship for international student to study in the UK ?
Thank you in advance :-)
3 AnswersStudying Abroad9 years agoWhat are the beautiful/good and the ugly/bad aspects of the Ecuadorian culture ?
I guess that would help to understand better the culture of where I live now.
4 AnswersEcuador10 years agoImproving one's pedagogical skills?
I'm eager to improve my pedagogical skills. A course in university or on-line is the best way, plus classroom practice of course. For last one, I'm not worried, as I get a good share in my teaching sessions. Yet, I feel that I need to built a solid consciousness of the learning, teaching and pedagogical methods.
what would it be a good alternative way for someone who doesn't have time to go to university or take an online course ? Do you know of any good Internet resources? or any suggestion or experiences you want to share?
Thanks in advance
1 AnswerTeaching1 decade agoWhy this question has been asked thousands times?
" What is the meaning of life?' seems to be the most frequent question.
is it because it's what most humans have wondered about most of the time or
because people expect somebody else to tell them (this notion have been throughout the history) or
Maybe just both and we carry the hope of positive sharing....
9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agodo you think the world is going toward becoming a better place or toward becoming worse place?
It's hard to make a huge fixed opinion about it. I just have been torn between the two opposites and having a hard time to be more optimistic about this whole global situation.
Should we be more optimistic or should we let the pessimism make our thoughts?
9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat is the effective way to get rid of the oppressive military junta in Burma?
Burma has been under this dictator regime for decades now. Its people, mainly the ethnic groups are victims of violence and torture. The villagers have their villages destroyed and burnt and they have to flee in the jungle. The farmers have to pay high taxes and end up with insufficient harvest. The children don't go to school because the parents can't afford the price. The soldiers take by force the food and the money of the villagers. Men undergo forced labor, Women are object of rape and murder. people are shot insight.
Today there are hundred of thousands of displaced people all around Burma. Over 3 million refugees in neighboring countries. The refugees usually have underpaid jobs and are exposed to discrimination, violence and to human trafficking sometimes. Those in the camps have a better situation but no future outside.
The opposition is defeated in killing pots or in jails. There are at least 2000 political prisoners.
All this and the UN seems to be unable to do more than sending an envoy
The international banks are negatively contributing by keeping the fortunes of junta leaders safe.
Well could it be worse???
1 AnswerPolitics1 decade agoL Visa extension in China ?
I have a 30 days L visa that I want to extend. Do I only have to go to the PSB of the city where I will be and ask them for an extension?
are there any specific documents to show?
is it necessary to have financial proofs for financing the extra duration? should be proved through bank account or just cash? if so, how much money? is there any trick to avoid that ?
is harder with some PSBs and easier with some others? or is it the same? if different, what cities are better?
What is the best timing to ask for a visa extension? on the last day before the visa expiration? or few days before ? how many days before the expiration?
Thank you in advance :-)
3 AnswersChina1 decade agoHow would you say this in Spanish ?
" Good to hear that you are interested in learning french"
the sentence is addressed to " ella" or " usted"
Thanks in advance :-)
6 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoAre You Your Mind ?
12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago