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Lv 7
JZD asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

"Muslims not all terrorists" shock?

In an effort to get local Muslims to commit crimes, the FBI planted a former criminal posing as a Muslim in a mosque, apparently to incite violence. However, his radical extremist views resulted in the Mosque taking out a restraining order against him.

How do these tactics reflect on the FBI and their apparent world-view?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm both shocked and appalled that this total 'loon' representing the FBI was even sanctioned by his line manager to carry out such an operation. It is almost the stuff of comics if it wasn't so serious. It's like saying all white people are atheists and black people cannabis addicts et cetera. It would be quite funny in any other circumstance but it does make me fear for our childrens' future! I will be very interested to hear what excuses the FBI come up with and whether or not the 'agent' retains his job and pension.

    During the course of my lifetime I have worked and socialised with Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Prodistants and they are exactly the same as any other breed one cares to mention. The extremeists who act against the Koran's teachings, killing and maiming fellow human beings is beyond my comprehension. I assume that the up and coming militants have been 'brainwashed' and feel 'big' to belong to a notorious cause - much like villians anywhere. When you have these views pressed upon you relentlessly, you tend to believe it to be true and follow the pack like sheep. I know this doesn't answer your question but I wanted to give you another viewpoint.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly one needs to keep an open mind as to whats printed in newspapers. Reading some of the comments that this interesting question has attracted also dispells another myth that 'extremism' is also not another predomitabley Muslim trait either. Government agencies throughout the world not only spy on others but also on their own. What unsurprisingly comes from this story is the best possible indication that Muslim's by and large are policing there own faith to keep it being discredited by extremists.

    Source(s): University of life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is good and bad in all religions........But if Muslims want to be accepted into western society they must stop the hatred of other religious peoples, irrespective of the dictates of their faith! Which classify all non muslims as infidels, "which we are not !" ......" We just don't want to follow their particular branch of faith !" which funnily enough has the same roots as the christian faiths!!...When they can regard all creatures & peoples created by allah with respect, and not take part in obscene celebrations because 42 Israelis have died in an horrendous fire !! or that hundreds of westerners have died due to suicide bombs !! then they will be on a road to general acceptance...... They have to realise that there are another 80+ religions worldwide and the majority of the world's population are not muslims ! Much of the world's art literature and sciences originated from central Asia (Mesopotamia) before the muslim faith had such a stranglehold on Peoples minds!! .. so get back to logic & reason and stop the Insanity of religious wars !... Please !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There would be a lot more easier ways to gather this type of information!!!! I would assume it would have been a lot more informative if the "plant" had not been overly suspicious!!! as it appears he was. In a world where we can obtain access to telephone information, information on internet access and any type of personal information, I do not believe this type of entrapment is necessarily the best way of obtaining information that is required to ensure a safe environment. Places or people of any form of suspicion can be monitored in a less obvious manner with possibly better results. However, we cannot believe everything we read and a small amout of evaluation is required throughout life in order to evaluate our understanding and choices we make during our journey!!!!

    Source(s): Life experiences!!!!!!!!
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  • blust
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Assalamaulalaykum sister i think of that is using fact nuns are seen as overlaying for God while Muslimahs are seen as being "oppressed" and "advised to cover with the aid of the adult males of their kin" which isn't authentic yet that's what some non Muslims think of. additionally using fact it could desire to be such a uncommon sight to work out a Muslimah in hijab or perhaps completely coated different than the eyes it makes them experience sorry and say issues that they in all probability do no longer advise to declare whilst they do stumble upon a Muslimah who's completely coated or is only wearing the headband. maximum folk have in all probability in common terms seen the media's definition of a Muslimah on the information so whilst they what a authentic Muslimah sounds like in guy or woman they get puzzled and particularly of asserting something to make themselves embarrassed and not desirous to look incorrect they bypass with "all Muslimahs are oppressed and have no rights". that is an basic fake impression of the non Muslims and the biased media portraying Muslimahs as meek creatures cowering in the corner whilst their husband has a awl in his hands and is walking in direction of her waiting to kill her for no longer "obeying" him. possibly if there have been extra Muslims in rural communties then it does not be such of a ask your self anymore to non Muslims and that they could benefit some perception and certainty into how Muslimahs are extremely dealt with in Islam and get to be attentive to them extra valuable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shock indeed....! FBI wants what they perceive. Islam - The word Islam originates from the root word PEACE. Simply meaning acquiring peace by submitting your well to the Almighty, to the one who is the creator and Sustainer. I am surprised that why everyone and specially western world thinks that Muslims want to make other people Muslim by force. In Quran (The holy book) clearly mention that you can't make anyone Muslim by force. You become Muslim when you accept it by heart and by tongue.

    I have been in UK for the last 3 years and i did not see any Muslim with any evil-thinking about Uk or any other Non-Muslim or even US. We want peace and love in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh god really? That sounds like an April Fools Day story not real news! If that's how they act, then no wonder the US and its allies are being attacked left right and centre. It seems the FBI shares the view of racists and idiot - that all Muslims are terrorists, which is obviously not true. I hope this sorts them out, and shows them what utter plonkers they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds a lot like entrapment. There is no way this kind of palaver would be tolerated in Europe - and may i remind you, we've been putting up with domestic terrorism for much longer than Americans have.

  • And in the last few days, many Americans (especially the rabid ranting ones on Yahoo) have told us that we British are 'paronoid' about the United States stabbing us in the back over our forces so-called 'lack of effort' in it's WOT. Now it transpires that they have been 'MANUFACTURING' their own paranoia as this story shows.

    An interesting story indeed, and one that should open our eyes hopefully.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are 100% right and entire world knows it. But the problem is they use 'Islam' as base for there

    holy work. And when it come to religion all 'muslim' become sensitive. This makes every one to put every one under single 'bracket'. Are you fallowing what is happening?. Mix up should be stopped and clear cut distance should be maintained.

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