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What are/were the characteristics of your high school boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?

If you are currently in your first boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in high school or were in your first boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in high school within the past five years...

-Where did you first meet (school, party, etc.), what were your ages, and do you think that this first meeting made a significant impact in your relationship? Why or why not?

-About how much time passed between your first meeting and the first day where there was minor affection (hugging) exhibited between you and her (him)?

-About how much time passed between your first meeting and the first day where there was major affection (holding hands and/or kissing) exhibited between you and her (him)?

-What environmental and social factors benefited and impeded your relationship development?

-On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very shy and 10 being not shy at all, how shy were you and her (him) throughout your relationship? How did your level of shyness and her (his) level of shyness benefit or impede your relationship development?

-How did your other friend benefit or impede your relationship development?

-Was it difficult for either of you to talk at first? How did you overcome this issue?

-Were you involved in any subsequent boyfriend-girlfriend relationships after your first? What factors (affinity, environmental, social) contributed to you getting involved in these subsequent boyfriend-girlfriend relationships?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm my first high school relationship....

    I liked him my freshman year. We were in every class together. I was a big flirt and I was so scattered brained that I would flirt with every guy. It was fun. By the end of that year I had started to chill out and like the guy, Troy, more exclusively. During the summer, he asked me to go places with him, movies, out to lunch, etc. They were dates. The only thing was that he always invited his friend Jacob. For me, I enjoyed the extra company and it didnt put stress on me and Troy. We were still trying to get to know each other on a better level. The beginning of our sophomore year, Troy asked me out. I said yes. At first all we did was hold hands. I had braces so I had never kissed anyone. When ever we would leave each other we would hug and eventually after a few weeks of dating, I would give him a peck kiss but thats it. Jacob continued going with us on some dates in the beginning of our relationship but over time started to feel like a third wheel and stopped. Eventually I got my braces off and I allowed him to kiss me. We stayed on just kissing for months. What I enjoyed was that his best friend was dating as well so we would go on double dates a lot or go and have a movie night at his friends girlfriends house since she had a huge house and a theatre inside. Talking was a little barrier at first, and thats just because he was a guy and I was a girl and we didnt have that much in common. All we knew is that we really liked the other. I was shy with him for quite some time. Then after 6 months of dating, we were very comfortable with each other. Just spending every day together and talking often helps a relationship become less awkward. Our physical level hightened as well, but never too extreme. I was a virgin and had strict "no touching me" rules. Troy was the first guy I loved. We shared many great memories and I am still quite fond of them years later and after many other boyfriends. Sadly, the case has not been the same for him. We dated for 10 months and I was his last real girlfriend.

    High school relationships are very important. For me they helped with my self esteem. Its all about the experience and as I'm 18 now, I have taken those past experiences for my own good and they have helped me make my choices of what I want and do not want in a future spouse. Now I'm in a relationship with a guy who is a bit of every past boyfriend I've had and his own little twist. I'm glad that we are together and I thank my past relationships for making me who I am today so I'm confident in this relationship.

    You sound like a parent. I wasnt allowed to date till I was 16. Take your precautions with your childs relationship. Let them know that theres nothing to rush. Meet the boy/girl and if you are the parent of a girl, sit down with the boy and stand your ground and let the boy know that you are a main influence in your childs life and you care about them. My mom had "the talk" with Troy and he was such a good boyfriend because of it I believe. He respected me and my mom.

  • 5 years ago

    I don't think the noise of out loud kisses is that odd if they are close, BUT the rest of it- VERY odd. If you marry her without knowing, this is going to end badly. Obviously if she was in the position she said she was in and found her brother sitting there in the dark, he molested her. Most women would hate him but maybe she thinks that is a normal B & S relationship because of that, I don't know. The bottom line is that even if everything else was normal, the fact that she always sides with her brother, or anyone for that matter, over you, is a sign she is not ready for marriage and that alone will ruin it. No, you are not overreacting- if anything, you are under reacting. Marriage w/o her getting counseling is a big mistake. No one on line is going to be able to tell you to not marry her though. YOU have to realize that love her you do, but she has deep emotional problems and needs more help than you can give her. If she gets psychological help for her anorexia/ bulimia issues, urge her to talk to them about her early memories of her brother. You now need help from professionals, not us on YA! but please, don't think you are over reacting.

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