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  • Attachment image

    Is there a hydraulic advantage with using a pressurized fuel tank (diagram included)?

    I want to build a box shaped fuel tank that can hold 20 gallons of fuel and supply fuel to a car without the need for mechanical fuel pumps. It has a fuel outlet fitting at the bottom (1/4" diameter), and an air inlet fitting at the top (1/4" diameter). If I fill it up with fuel, and then pressurize this vessel with 5 psig (lb/in^2 gauge pressure) of air, what will the resultant pressure be at the outlet fitting? The air exerts force on the fuel's surface area of 100 square inches. Please see the picture I drew.

    Thinking about this without using math it seems intuitive to me that a small amount of air pressure exerted over a large surface area would cause the pressure of the liquid fuel to be substantially higher than the air that is pressurizing it, but I have not found any proof of this, nor mathematical formula that can be used to calculate the resultant pressure.

    1 AnswerPhysics6 years ago
  • How can I downgrade my iPhone's carrier version from AT&T 8.0 to AT&T 4.0?

    My iPhone 3G is on 4.1, jailbroken, and it has the 06.15.00 iPad baseband. I need to downgrade its carrier version from AT&T 8.0 to AT&T 4.0, which is shown when I go into Settings>General>About and look in the Carrier field. I tried downloading an .ipcc file for AT&T 4.0 and I used iTunes to install it on my iPhone but the carrier version didn't change. How can I change my phone's carrier version?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • My computer crashes when I play most videos (files and YouTube)?

    For about a month now, I have had this problem where my computer (Windows XP) will get a stop error (0x0000008E) (a.k.a. Blue Screen Of Death) every time I...

    1. play MOST of my Flash videos on my computer using Real Player (the newer ones seem to be more problematic)

    2. play ANY videos from YouTube (whether on or an embedded video)

    One time I also got this error while...

    1. browsing questions on Yahoo Answers

    I discovered the problem about a month ago when I double clicked on one of my Flash videos to play it. After Real Player opened, the mouse froze and there was a short pause followed by the blue screen. I wrote down this about the error...

    1. it was 0x0000008E

    2. it pointed to "watchdog.sys"

    All of the video files that cause the problem now USED TO WORK JUST FINE

    WHAT I TRIED (these didn't work)

    1. AVG antivirus and Malwarebytes' scans

    2. two to three "registry cleaners" that either did not fix the problem or wanted payment

    3. playing the videos from a different directory (I tried this today and got the BSOD)

    I'M CERTAIN that my files are not corrupt because THEY ALL PLAY JUST FINE ON ANOTHER COMPUTER.

    Here's what my computer has:

    Windows XP Service Pack 3, Version 2002

    Dell Inspiron 530, Intel Pentium Dual CPU

    E2180 @ 2.00 GHz

    1.20 GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM

    Please don't tell me that my computer's hardware isn't good (I think it's great when it's working correctly) or that I have to download a "registry cleaner" that doesn't work or doesn't work unless I pay.

    I WILL award best answer for the most straightforward free fix and explanation of how my computer got this.

    5 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • What are/were the characteristics of your high school boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?

    If you are currently in your first boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in high school or were in your first boyfriend-girlfriend relationship in high school within the past five years...

    -Where did you first meet (school, party, etc.), what were your ages, and do you think that this first meeting made a significant impact in your relationship? Why or why not?

    -About how much time passed between your first meeting and the first day where there was minor affection (hugging) exhibited between you and her (him)?

    -About how much time passed between your first meeting and the first day where there was major affection (holding hands and/or kissing) exhibited between you and her (him)?

    -What environmental and social factors benefited and impeded your relationship development?

    -On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very shy and 10 being not shy at all, how shy were you and her (him) throughout your relationship? How did your level of shyness and her (his) level of shyness benefit or impede your relationship development?

    -How did your other friend benefit or impede your relationship development?

    -Was it difficult for either of you to talk at first? How did you overcome this issue?

    -Were you involved in any subsequent boyfriend-girlfriend relationships after your first? What factors (affinity, environmental, social) contributed to you getting involved in these subsequent boyfriend-girlfriend relationships?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I properly wire a ceiling fan motor for connection to an electrical socket?

    I have taken apart a ceiling fan so that I can use the motor from it for a science project. I need to know how to properly connect the wires coming from the fan motor to an electrical cord (the type used in the United States). I have a three meter long section of electrical cord with the standard two prongs on the end (one prong is wider than the other). The "input" wires for the fan motor are white and black.

    How do I properly connect the white and black wires from the fan motor to the two wires on the electrical cord? Does it or doesn't it matter which prong on the electrical cord is connected to the white and black wires? I know that the white wire is known as the "neutral" and the black wire is known as the "hot" but I am not sure what that means for what I am trying to do.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can you help me describe this chemical reaction?

    When trichloroisocyanuric acid (C3Cl3N3O3) is combined with certain organic compounds like sucrose, wheat flour, and corn starch in a homogeneous mixture and heated, a chemical reaction occurs. The chemical reaction produces a hissing sound, a pungent smelling white smoke, and a significant amount of heat (hot enough to burn somebody if they touched the reaction crucible). The smoke has the same odor regardless of the organic compound used. When the reaction is over (about 15 seconds later for 2 grams of the mixture), a delicate black to gray crust (resembling ash) remains in the crucible.

    I have two theories about what happens in this chemical reaction:

    1. The trichloroisocyanuric acid (which is an oxidizer) assists in the combustion of the organic compound.


    2. The organic compound serves as a catalyst in the decomposition of the trichloroisocyanuric acid.

    What occurs during this chemical reaction and why (prove my theories correct or incorrect)?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • AVG Free anti-virus: Toolbar item "Page Status" is not functioning properly?

    I recently downloaded AVG Free anti-virus software for my computer. I like it for the most part except that the Page Status feature on the AVG toolbar (used in Internet Explorer 8) is not functioning property. For every site that I visit, the Page Status feature is always gray with a question mark. When I click on it, it says:

    "Unknown - AVG Search-Shield was unable to scan this page.

    AVG Search-Shield was unable to read this page.

    It may no longer exist or there may have been an error.

    Ratings are provided by AVG. Site owners please contact AVG for questions."

    All sites are displayed as unknown. Even familiar and safe sites like Yahoo and Wikipedia are classified as unknown sites on the Page Status feature.

    I know this is not how the Page Status feature is supposed to function because I have seen it on my friend's computer before and it is able to rate almost all of the websites that he visits.

    Why doesn't the AVG Page Status feature work on my computer and how can I fix it?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How important is the 'hosts' system file in Windows XP?

    I recently was infected with malicious software called Security Master AV. I found a website that provides instructions on how to remove Security Master AV from your computer which I was able to do successfully.

    The instructions found on the link above claim that Security Master AV makes a system file called 'hosts' corrupt. The file is found in the directory:


    I tried to perform step 18 in the instructions but I could not delete the hosts file. I am also nervous about doing so because it is a system file and the download link for the Windows XP hosts file does not give me the same hosts file that my computer currently has (I know this because the files are not the same size). Do I even need to replace my computer's hosts file?

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is there a website that can tell me how long somebody has lived at a certain address?

    I am looking for a website that can give me free details about any residence that I specify. Based on the address, city, and state that I specify, I want to know how long the homeowner has lived there. I would also like to know who else lives at the specified address.

    Is there a website that can do this for me?

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How do I make a 'find and replace' program in Java?

    I have developed a special code using simple symbols that I can use to form letters which combine to form words. When I want to translate something into my code, it takes me a long time because I have to do it all by hand (not quite as slow as it used to be because now I have memorized all the symbol combinations). Because of this slow translation speed, I want to make a Java program to help me out. This is what I want it to do:

    The window of the program will be laid out in BreezySwing GUI. If possible, I would like to stay away from complicated syntax in my program; that is why I use BreezySwing. The window will have two text areas, and one button. The user will type whatever they want into the upper text area and make it just like they want it. When ready, the user will click the button in between the two text areas. This will activate a method in the program that will translate the user's text into my code.

    One possible method for translation is find and replace. I got this idea from the find and replace feature in Microsoft Office. It works by searching for a string in a document, and then inserting something else in its place. In my case, my program could somehow search the user's input for all the different letters, numbers, and symbols and then determine what the coded letter, number, or symbol would be. This is the part of my program that I need help with.

    Here is an example:

    Assume that the user's input is "Find and Replace".

    Once the translation method is activated, the program will start searching the input for matching characters. It could begin with the letters, and then end with other symbols like period, comma, question mark, space, etc. When it finds matches, it will start displaying the translation in the second text area of the program's window. When done with a specific letter, number, or symbol, it will move on to the next character.

    Guaranteed ten points for best solution.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How would I design this Java program?

    I want to design a special Java program that works like a code machine. I have already made the window layout for the program in a class called KeyTranslator. This program cannot do anything right now because it is missing the syntax that will process the user's input.

    This is how it will work:

    I have already made the layout of the program in BreezySwing, so I would like to try and keep to the BreezySwing syntax for the rest of the program. The window is arranged with two JTextArea objects and one JButton object. Each text area is at the top and bottom of the window with the button in between. The user will key whatever they want into the upper text area until the text is just as they want it. Then they will click the "Translate" button in the middle. Then the program must be able to evaluate each letter, number, or symbol that the user has keyed into the upper text area. It must then display what the user has just keyed into the bottom text area; only this time in a special code. I already know how the code is associated with different letters, numbers, and symbols.

    The code that is displayed must be in the same order and position as the text that the user has entered.

    What would the syntax for this program include?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Can any chemical turn solid metal to dust?

    I want to know if it is possible for some chemical substance to be erosive to soft metals like aluminum, copper, and zinc.

    When a solid piece of aluminum, copper, or zinc is placed into the chemical, it should be able to erode it in a way similar to mechanical (physical) processes without using mechanical processes and without changing the chemical composition of the metal (no chemical reaction).

    Does such a chemical exist? If so, what is it and how does it work?

    5 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • In Java, how do I design a text analyzer program?

    I am in the process of making a translator that uses a special code. I have already made several versions of the program, however they are difficult to use. I designed them all in BreezySwing, but they are difficult for the user to use because the program does not allow for the use of the keyboard.

    That is what I want to do next. To keep it simple, I want to create a simple test program first. It's job will be to display a window with two JTextField objects. Then the user will type a string into the first text field. As the user is keying data, the program must instantly display the user's input in the second field. It must also be able to backspace if the user presses the backspace key.

    How would I go about designing the syntax for this program?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Java program runs on one computer but not on another?

    I made a Java program on one of my three computers called Conversions. This is a very large program (.class file is 20kb) that uses the BreezySwing package to allow the user to convert values between different types of data types. If you are unfamiliar with Java simplification packages, you can read about BreezySwing here:

    To make my program reliable to use, I created a batch file that would execute it and packaged it in a file folder that I could transport to other computers. The only thing I did not include in the file folder was a JDK download.

    I was able to successfully copy the program to one of my other computers and have it run perfectly. There was only one minor problem with it. The problem was that during execution, Java would throw a NullPointerException error. However, the throwing of this error did not interfere with the functionality of the application; which still run fine. Both the design computer and the computer above had JDK version 7 installed.

    Then I tried to put my program on a third computer (everything was exactly the same). However, when I attempted to run the application on this computer, Java throws a NullPointerException but does not allow the application to execute. In other words, the program does not work at all on this computer, it runs with runtime error on one, and runs perfectly on the original.

    I find the problem very strange and I have no idea how to fix it. By commenting out certain parts of the source code of my program, I was able to determine that the error is being caused by the constructor, shown below:

    //assume all variables have been declared before constructor

    public Conversions(){

    setTitle("Convert Application");

    initialLbl = addLabel("Initial Value--->" ,1,1,1,1);

    resultLbl = addLabel("Result--->" ,2,1,1,1);

    initialFld = addDoubleField(0.00 ,1,2,1,1);

    resultFld = addDoubleField(0.00 ,2,2,1,1);

    convertBtn = addButton("CONVERT" ,3,2,1,1);

    helpBtn = addButton("Help",4,2,1,1);

    //repeated instantiation begins here...

    tempLbl = addLabel("---Temperature---",6,1,1,1);

    //begin placing temperature measures down rows

    rbcelsius = addRadioButton("Celsius",7,1,1,1);

    rbfahrenheit = addRadioButton("Fahrenheit",8,1,1,1);

    rbkelvin = addRadioButton("Kelvin",9,1,1,1);

    lengthLbl = addLabel("---Length---",10,1,1,1);

    //begin placing length measures down rows

    rbinch = addRadioButton("Inch",11,1,1,1);

    rbmillimeter = addRadioButton("Millimeter",12,1,1,1);

    rbfeet = addRadioButton("Feet",13,1,1,1);

    rbyard = addRadioButton("Yard",14,1,1,1);

    rbmeters = addRadioButton("Meter",15,1,1,1);

    distLbl = addLabel("---Distance---",16,1,1,1);

    //begin placing distance measures down rows

    rbmile = addRadioButton("Mile",17,1,1,1);

    rbkilometer = addRadioButton("Kilometer",18,1,1,1);

    massLbl = addLabel("---Mass---",19,1,1,1);

    //begin placing mass measures down rows

    rbgram = addRadioButton("Gram",20,1,1,1);

    rbounce = addRadioButton("Ounce",21,1,1,1);

    rbpound = addRadioButton("Pound",22,1,1,1);

    rbkilogram = addRadioButton("Kilogram",23,1,1,1);

    NOTE: The entire constructor of my program is too large to place all of it here, so I have included most of it.

    What is causing the problem with Java throwing NullPointerException? Is it the program syntax itself or is it the JDK or something else?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Zinc + Sulfur = Aluminum + Sulfur?

    When zinc dust and sulfur dust are combined in certain proportional ratios and ignited, a violent exothermic reaction occurs. Because the reaction only depends on two components; zinc and sulfur, but not oxygen, the reaction has all of the components that it needs within the mixture. The same is also true for a mixture of magnesium and sulfur.

    However, the same reaction does not occur with iron and sulfur. Instead, the mixture reacts slowly over a period of a few minutes rather than flashing to smoke in less than a second.

    Now for my questions:

    1: If aluminum and sulfur were combined in the same proportional ratios as the zinc and the magnesium mixtures were, would the reaction be as fast as the zinc and the magnesium mixtures? Why or why not?

    2: What properties of the different metals used in these mixtures makes them behave so differently?

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • How is zinc powder manufactured?

    How is it produced both industrially and small scale and what methods would be most efficient and cost effective?

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What software is available that allows for e-mailing on a local intranet?

    My network has four computers connected to it. They all connect to a router to receive internet. One of them receives its connection by wire, two others by wireless and the remaining one does not get internet. I recently connected the computer that does not have internet to the router in preparation for creating an e-mail network. I want each computer to be able to have its own address on the intranet network. I do not want any of the computers to use regular internet e-mail for communication with each other. It is also desirable that the software be freeware and have a file sending feature that would allow transmission of files across the network.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my batch file?

    I am trying to make an MS-DOS batch file that runs a .class file from Java source code. It is complicated to get it to work because it uses a package that is not native to Java (meaning that it does not have the format: "import java.x.y.z;"). The program I made uses the package BreezySwing, which is sometimes called "easy GUI" because it is basically a simplified version of the Java GUI package. However, that does not matter that much; what matters is that my program needs a foreign package that is not part of the JDK. Here is my batch file so far, the program is called AddFields:

    @echo off

    cd \acorn

    set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin

    set classpath=.

    java AddFields


    The directory (where the .class file is located) for the file "AddFields.class" is located in C:\acorn.

    When I run this batch file, I get the error:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BreezySwing/GBFrame

    Can you please instruct me on how to fix this? Will give best answer and thumbs up points for most useful and detailed answer.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Could I use a batch file to run a Java program?

    Is it possible to include a set of instructions into a Windows batch file so that when opened, it will execute the byte code file for a Java program? I do not know if batch files need the compiled .class file, or if they use the source code, but I need it to be able to run it as it would in its development environment (without opening the IDE though).

    I have had no success with other methods of running Java files so I want to know if using a batch file is a way to do it. If so, please give a process for creating a batch file and making it work with advanced package programs such as those using TerminalIO and BreezySwing.

    Here is some information about my Java system:

    - IDE: JCreator

    - Currently using jdk1.6.0_07

    - jdk is installed in this directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07

    - PATH environment variable is set to the 'bin' folder of the jdk.

    - I have both the TerminalIO and the BreezySwing add-on packages installed in the 'bin' folder of the jdk.

    - All of my programs can be made, compiled, and run in JCreator successfully.

    Ten points and thumbs-up awarded for the most useful and detailed answer.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do I successfully create a Java applet in an html file?

    I want to create a Java applet that interacts with the user just like it would if it was running in the program's IDE. This can be done by creating an html file and specifying the byte code file from the Java source code. This is what I have tried so far:





    <applet code="Conversion.class" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="500">




    The program is a BreezySwing GUI program that was made in JCreator. I opened it up and changed some things to make it suitable for use in an applet:

    1. The class name now extends GBApplet

    2. The method "main" was deleted

    3. There is no use of the setTitle method

    4. The constructor was replaced with "public void init()"

    I compiled this program to get the byte code file (.class) and then put it into the html file. I was able to create the html file, however, when I opened it, the area where the program message box should have been was blank and replaced with the statement "Error. Click for details". The error message that was given was: "NoClassDefFoundError", which I have seen a lot in my programs, but I do not know what to do about it. I already performed and double checked the instructions in my textbook on how to do this and I still receive errors.

    What do I need to do to my process so that I do not receive any errors when I try to run the applet?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago