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Why do atheists answer questions in Religions and Spirituality when they are neither religious or spiritual?

That's the whole point of being Atheist, am I right?


THANKS! I love to learn new things. I truly thought Atheism was the total non belief in anything spiritual or Godlike. Agnostic was "Im not sure or dont know". I didnt know that some Atheists have some kind of beliefs in something bigger than them. I have many pagan, wiccan, druid etc. friends so now I just learned something new! :)

Update 2:

Well, Ms. D is the only one that seems to be able to answer with some sort of friendliness. Thanx again for that. Im constantly learning and wanting more information

Update 3:

Additon: Except for one or two...I was mainly suprised by the Christians that answer..sadly intolerant. Thank everyone for their answers I have learned new info to think about.

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can only speak for myself in saying that I come here because I find religion interesting and it's followers intriguing.

    I like learning about different things.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why are you so ignorant of what an atheist is?!

    More to the point if you do not know what an atheist is why are you so intolerant, hate filled, bigoted and persecuting towards them?!

    ATHEIST - someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one. But that does not mean they do not hold strong moral or religious beliefs! They can follow any religion that does not have a god and there are a lot of those!

    Like BUDDHISM – Religious teaching from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) man can attain perfect enlightenment!

    Where do you think christianity got it's ideas of a soul and afterlife from for goodness sake?

    They stole it from the pagan tribes and peoples which existed hundreds and thousands of years before christianity!

    From the stone age through vikings, Egyptians, Maoris, Aborigines, American Indians and especially the chinese, they all had elaborate funerals and grave goods to speed the soul into the next life with comfort!

    Add christians and muslims together and they amount to just under a third of the world population the majority of the rest is made up of atheists and religions without gods!! So they are in the majority here!

  • lantey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a million. No. because of the fact there is not any information or solid reason to. 2. uncertain what you advise via reason. 3. None 4. the belief of a deity, or afterlife or spirit, would be unable to be evidenced or examined subsequently, all of it fails from that component. 5. None 6. No 7. Unknown. could as properly ask what befell earlier you have been born 8. No 9. no 10. i'm precise 11. none 12. doubtlessly detrimental 13. Baptist. found out it grow to be full of crap at approximately 6 years previous, that has in user-friendly terms grow to be greater firmly examined with age 14. No 15. i think of faith is the top effect of loss of severe questioning, and information approximately fact and that's self pleasurable in that it prevents that that's it somewhat is reason.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being an atheist does not prevent one from being spiritual and certainly doesn't prevent one from having an interest in religion, arguably I have (as an atheist) a far greater interest in religion and spirituality than any theist I know.

    The 'point' of being an atheist (if there is a point to any belief) is that one doesn't believe in any deity, that is the whole thing and the end of it, any other character traits you or any theist wishes to label all atheists with, are not intrinsic to atheism.

    Once again for the theists: atheism does not insist that one accepts evolution, nor understands or pretends to understand the origins of the universe and the beginnings of life on Earth. Atheism does not mean hatred of your god (how can one hate that which they do not believe in?), it is the rejection of ALL deities, just like any monotheism is the rejection of all but one deity.

    I'm not single and I'm not dating but no one seems to have an issue with me posting in Singles & Dating.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Being an atheist means ONLY a disbelief in gods....there are plenty of religious concepts (and even some religions) that have nothing to do with deities. Spirituality is an even more general concept, and includes ones relationship with the universe itself, something that any person could have a reasonable interest and opinions regarding.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally, I myself am neither religious nor spiritual.

    However, I *do* have knowledge about what people in the world claim about religion and spirituality, and I have opinions on those subjects. Just like I have opinions on professional football even though I'm not a professional football player.

    Additionally, the *actions* of people that are religious and/or spiritual affect me and the world I live in whether I believe those things or not. Since their actions affect me, it only seems fair that I should be part of the discussion of those topics and the actions they motivate. Wouldn't you agree?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, everyone on this site is open to answer whatever questions they please. I like to add my input to all sorts of questions, whether they are directed at my beliefs or not. Secondly, I hate how people assume that all atheists and/or agnostics lack any sort of spirituality or morals. I consider myself to be spiritual, not religious in any way. I'm agnostic myself.

    Why is it that a serious answer that doesn't involve a million smiley faces and having exactly what you want to hear in it considered a rude answer? It appears that quite a few answerers on here aren't trying to be "unfriendly," but merely honest about how they feel. Is that really so terrible? And being spiritual doesn't mean believing in any sort of God. Why don't you look up the definition for spiritual?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    (1) the section is for people who are interested in religion and spirituality

    (2) the whole point of being atheist is not believing in God: most Buddhists are atheists, I would say that they were generally quite a spiritual bunch

    (3) bored of this question being asked so often and no one just, oh I don't know, checking the archives before they annoy everyone again?

    Edit: Oh FFS, Atheism is simply disbelief in deities, nothing more. Get the terminology right or I will begin saying that all theists believe that you shouldn't eat pork.

    Source(s): agnostic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ohhhh lets out a massive Y__A__W__N. How do you know whether or not an atheist is spirtual or not? Clearly an atheist is not religious but these are two seperate things otherwise this section would just be called "Religion" - don't you think - professor clever clogs? Try again - with me......

    Source(s): common sense and truth
  • 1 decade ago

    That's as stupid as asking "why do humans answer questions in the Cats section when they are not cats?"

    Just because some people may not be religious or spiritual, it does not exclude them from answering questions related to these topics. These questions are supposed to be open to everyone, so deal with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do heterosexuals answer questions in the GLBT section? Oh, right. It's because it's a subject discussion, not a website -for- those people.

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