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Mama Tex asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Which is a worse owner?

An owner that leaves their unalter female in heat alone in the back yard or one who owns both a male and female dog both unaltered alone in the back yard while in heat???

In a Question early a woman stated she peeped out her bathroom window and saw "a male" dog hooked with her female. then contacted my email to say it was her male "does that answer my question",. To me this is worse than just a male getting in her yard...What do you folks think?


Because I wish to know what others think. Why do you ask a question.....because you want to know something

10 Answers

  • Chix
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Its different.

    Leaving two intact dogs out in a yard and wondering why nature takes its course is naiive. What do people think is going to happen ? I find it hard to believe people in this day and age would be that uninformed. Is that worse . Its standpoint dependant. I happen to feel many breeders breed for the wrong reasons- but there you go. Who am I to sit and judge them?

    If the women was suprised by this, I'm thinking she is one fry short of a happy meal. But details in your scenario are lacking, so I don't really know.

    Having a female in heat in the yard and then finding a suitor jumped the fence and had his way with her - assuming the yard was fenced and the dog was reasonably expected to be secure, I don't see that as wrong - I see that as an accident.

    I have such a female dog - and I have a 6 foot fence around my yard. Its possible - but not probable that a male could scale that fence and get to her in the off chance I am sitting here typing and not watching her. I don't expect to be judged as incompetent or negligent - I just feel its a calculated risk. I've had females for years unspayed - and have yet to have it happen.

    Because where I live, people must leash their dogs all the time unless they are on their own property. It could be very different in the country where dogs run loose more often - then I would have to adjust.

    However If the women had no fence around her female - or the yard had been frequently "visited" in the past by other males because the fence was not high enough or was broken in spots and now this time, they finally get hooked, well, then she's got what she bargained for and assuming she didn't want the dog pregnant (some people don't care) shes negligent in my view.

    I dont feel assigning a grade matters.

    Its not always about what you did in life that matters, its how you handle it.

    There are always choices - even after the fact.

  • Brenna
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Either way, the owner is an idiot that shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. If you are going to own a female dog, it must be spayed unless it is a show dog and no questions asked. There is no reason to breed a pet dog, just once before having it spayed or for any other reason, because this will produce badly bred dogs which there are so many of. I really can't decide which is worse, the idiot that doesn't know a male can smell a female in season from 3 miles away or the idiot that keeps two intact dogs together not expecting them to breed. Either way, I say a dog should only be bred to help that pure breed in the gene lines. This is a really hard decision but I think the person who owns both dogs is a little worse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both about the same. if you can't be bothered to stand in the back garden with your dog on an extending or long-line lead while she's in heat, then get her spayed. Unless you plan to breed her. then what the hey, you're a BYB anyway. Go ahead and toss your male out with her. There are some good breeders, and some bad. The good ones are the can-be-bothered ones. Bad ones are the can-be-bothered-to-do-nothing ones. Go figure. (<-- Seemed an appropriate way to end things -- "Go figure"...)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They should both be spayed and neutered. Unexpected pregnancies can sometimes cause people to disown the pups because they can't afford to properly take care of them. When this happens, they are often taken to the shelter and if they do not find a home, they may get euthanized.

    It's the responsibility of the owner to spay and neuter their pets. There are millions of dogs and cats that are euthanized each year because of this.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A female dog in heat must be enclosed in a pen with a top on it or kept in a building all alone and sometimes that doesn't even work!

    Source(s): Bred , raised and trained dogs for many years.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is worse to knowingly leave your male and female together when the female is in heat. If you are going to own a male/female, at least spay/neuter one of them and don't leave the female outside attracting every intact male within the city limits. I own three females, one is unspayed and when she goes outside she is on a leash at all times and if any dog is spotted, in she goes.

    Leaving a female outside while in heat is stupid and shows the owner cares nothing about its dog or their finances.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both. one is no worse than the other because at the end of the day the owner was irresponsible with their intact bitches while they were in season.

  • 1 decade ago

    neither should own intact animals

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    y do u even ask????

  • 1 decade ago


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