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i need a good work out routine.?

my wedding is in a year.. and i need to lose about 80 lbs... 100 if i want to be where i was in High school... my legs are fine (because i waitress they stay in shape) i need help in the arm, thighs, belly and but..i can work out everyday. i have already started eating smaller portions and cut out most sugar. i have PCOS ( poly cystic ovaries) so it is hard to burn calories.. so i need a routine that will help me without doing harm to me.. any suggestions would be appreciated.. and thanks in advance!!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    See a doctor and a physical trainer. Sorry, but you need some specialized training and advice. 80lbs in a year is a lot. Not impossible. But, seriously this website is the last place you will find legit info. If I can be any help, remember to just do the math. Aim to lose 7lbs a month - so about 1.5 lbs a week and you will make it. Do not fear the scale. Set goals, weekly, hit them and you will succeed. Don't think about the 80lbs, think about the 1-2lbs this week. Then same thing next week. And every week. And you will succeed.

    I lost 50 lbs in about 4 months a couple of years ago. I just focused on the day that was. And, losing 4lbs a week. And, 4 months later, I reached my goal.

    Good luck and congratulations on your wedding.

  • ny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Doing an effective whole body conditioning and weight loss workout

    can be done entirely at home without any fancy equipment. A couple of

    dumbbells is all you will need. (Even if you don't have dumbbells

    there is usually something lying around the house that is heavy enough

    to substitute in for them).

    Here is a list of 20 exercises you can do right in your own home for

    a great whole body conditioning and fat loss workout.


    Group 1:

    Bodyweight Squats

    Bulgarian Split Squats


    Prisoner Squat

    Reverse Lunge

    Step Ups

    One Leg "Get Ups"

    Group 2:

    Push Ups

    Push Up and Point

    Mountain Climbers

    Decline Push Ups

    Push Ups/Stick Ups

    Step Up and Press

    Squat and Press

    Group 3:


    Side Plank

    Curl and Press

    One Arm Rows

    Bird Dogs

    One Leg Deadlifts

    Pick one exercise from each group and do them all back to back for a

    mini circuit of 3 exercises. Do each exercise for a timed interval of

    10 seconds for a total of 30 seconds per mini circuit.

    As you get better at them work up to doing each exercise for 20

    seconds for a total of 60 seconds per mini circuit.

    Take 30-60 seconds rest between mini circuits.

    For beginners do a total of 3 mini circuits to start. Working up to 4

    or 5 as you get better at them.

    Once you're ready to move to the next level add a second mini circuit

    by choose 3 different exercises (one from each grouping). Do your

    second mini circuit with the same time of work to rest ratio as your


    If you feel you are already at an advanced level you can add one or

    two more mini circuits up to a total of 4 mini circuits. These 20

    exercises are just an example of what is possible, there are dozens

    more that would work in this mini circuit style, you can incorporate

    any exercise that you like into these mini circuits. This style of

    workout is a great complete whole body conditioning and fat loss

    program you can do right at home in under 45 minutes.

  • 5 years ago

    I think that detailed workouts support plenty. Bed time workouts support, certainly whilst no longer at house. It provide a style of remedy, to each the youngster as good because the father and mother. As the baby grows they recognize it doesn't matter what, after bathtub, brushing enamel and ebook its bedtime. Also, getting up and combing enamel, getting dressed. It teaches everyday lifestyles competencies. There could also be some thing to be stated for no longer having too many workouts. If a baby grows up doing the dame factor everyday or on an overly set time table they may be able to develop to be inflexable. This can purpose a few misery for the baby - as good because the adults - whilst being babysat or begining daycare.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would advise anyone to do the P90X workout routine to get back in shape or to lose weight. It's completely healthy and there's no cutting corners with it.

    I started out at 185 and got myself down to a stable 145-150. Not only did I go down 3 pant sizes, my athletic ability sky rocketed too.

    I've seen other results that blow me away. If you do some Youtube searching, "P90X results" you should find a ton of examples. If you do P90X and stick with it for a year I am so sure you could actually lose that entire 80 lbs. I lost 35 in 3 months, I think you could do 80 or more in a year.

    Try it out if you're interested and good luck with your goal!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have also seen a routine called is based on latin dance routines and I have a friend at work that has used it and swears by it. It is one thing I want to order when I get my taxes done. Its about $60 or so for the dvd set but it is something you can do any time once you know the moves. I have the website saved in my favorites if you want it...just let me know.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I lost 10 lbs with P90X in 2 months and I am still at it. I am not losing anymore weight but I see my legs toning up and my body is changing in a positive way. I recommend P90X because every workout makes you sweat. You really feel like you did something good for yourself afterwards. :-)

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