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Veronica's Mommy
between raising my 4 year old daughter and taking care of our home.. i am a complete garden and scrap book freak.. i love to cook and have worked in the medical field. you have a question just ask!!!
Dry itchy scalp.......?
I work in a school. And we had a lice break out the beginning of the year.. I never got them.. but I did do several treatments on me and my daughter just in case.. we not use the every day shampoo.. ( am terrified of getting them ) I have been to see the Dr.. I don t have lice.. but I have these tiny what look like grains of sugar on my head.. and my scalp itches.. my Dr said to use dandruff shampoo..which does not help...
Can some one please help me????
4 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years agoif i move out of my home but tell my husband i will be back is that abandonment?
my husband is openly cheating on me. we have a 7 year old daughter and fight a lot. even though I try not to fight in front to her.. the house is in his and his dads name.. if I leave for a 2 week period but let him know I am coming back is that abandoning my home? I need some space to not fight with him. and give me and our daughter a chance to heal
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agowhat are some romantic foods/snacks to take to a hotel?
My husband and I are celebrating our 1st wedding Annv. at a hotel that is hooked next to a casino boat.. Saturday we plan on getting a little tipsy in the room and I would like to know what are some good ideas to bring and store in the fridge for a romantic snack later.. I was thinking chocolate covered strawberries and of course his gummie worms ( the man could live on them) Sunday we are eating at the casino buffet and then going to the casino.. Saturday is more the romantic movie night in.. any easy suggestions that do not take a lot of planning and storage would be appreciated. THANX!!
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years agoam getting my bridesmaids.. an cute duffel bag with their names on it.....?
Now what do i put in it? am thinking some emergency stuff for before the wedding... like an extra pair of nylons, nail hair spray, maybe a razor, and then i am also getting them each a personalized gift.. will decide that later.. but i want to fill these bag up.. they are the size of a small gym bag... so i need more ideas!!!
thank you in advance!
5 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoi need a good work out routine.?
my wedding is in a year.. and i need to lose about 80 lbs... 100 if i want to be where i was in High school... my legs are fine (because i waitress they stay in shape) i need help in the arm, thighs, belly and but..i can work out everyday. i have already started eating smaller portions and cut out most sugar. i have PCOS ( poly cystic ovaries) so it is hard to burn calories.. so i need a routine that will help me without doing harm to me.. any suggestions would be appreciated.. and thanks in advance!!
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agohow do i make my matron of honor stand out form the rest?
i have 7 brides maids.. including the matron of honor... they are all wearing the same dress.. but i want my sister (MOH) to stand out a little... i don't want her to wear a tiara and i don't want bigger flowers.. i am having small silk flower arrangements made for all the girls with ribbons trailing. (White Ribbons.. because the dresses are a very dark blue). so how do i make her stand out...
7 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoneed a cheap but nice place to hold a wedding reception Cook county Illinois?
fiance and i plan on getting married 1-14-2012. i have a smaller family and his is slightly larger... so i am thinking 150 people at the most. want to get married at the same place.. then hold the reception... we aren't very religious so we don't need a church wedding... i plan on doing most of the work myself.. and have already started on the details.. i just need a place... so i can lock in that date ( our anniversary) we have a tight budget and might not get help from the families. so any suggestions would be appreciated thank you
3 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoi want to start college. have no idea where to start?
i want to apply for financial aide and what ever i can get to help... i appled for a gov fafsa online and havent heard anything for 2 weeks... so what do i do now? apply to the school? any help would be appreciated!
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoMexcian themed graduation party?
i am throwing a surprise graduation party for my sister.. she is getting her Masters degree... the decorations are going to be her school colors... but the food is going to be mexican... i have a full kitchen in the hall i rented.. but i need some ideas for food..
i had planned on doing loose chicken in a light tomato sauce with tortillas...and all the typical stuff like guacamole and chips.. but looking for some other ideas.. thanks in advance!!!
7 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago9 week old puppy has few drops of blood in his stool?
its not in every movement.. we just got theis puppyt a few hours ago.. owner had all available shots and everything was perfect...( parvo included) its a bright red and just a few drops.. what could have caused this??
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoblue overkill? need advice!?
i am painting my kitchen a light ice blue.. kinda gray but more on the blue side.. all of my bakeware is a cobalt blue glass... i need to know what color would look good in a backsplash\?? i was looking at cobalt blue.. but then thought WOW that's a lot of blue.. so any ideas?? the cobalt blue bake-ware i already own.. i can go a different color on the walls and then use the blue back splashh but what color?
So the paint and the back splashh aren'tt set in stone.. but i want something that goes with the cobalt blue??
Thanks in advance!
7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agowhat are some easy fun Christmas appetizers?
i am having Christmas dinner at our new house this year and i want to make a good but different spread of some easy but different appetizers.
i already have the following
relish tray
veggie tray
2 kinds of dip ( spinach, onion)
deviled eggs
cream cheese rolls ( made with cream cheese and buddy meat)
i might do a cheese fondue ( but what do i serve with that besides bread?)
am looking some some easy ones that i could add to the spread....some i might be able to set up the night before
if you have any good family ones let me know!!!!
9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoJuncus Spirales help!!!?
my sister bought me one and i don't know how to care for it.. i have lots of plants.. and know lots about them.. but this one.. is very cool and different... the tag says bog and wetlands.. so can i have it has a house plant? what do i need to do for it?
its in one of those store potters.. about 5 inches across and 5 down.. i need to put it in a new pot.. but want to make sure i put it in something that will help it? any suggestions?
thanks in advance!
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoideas for easy appetizers ?
i once again have Christmas at our new house.. we have now had a holiday here and only have been here since June.. So we don't have a formal dining room and don't want to do a sit down dinner... we do that at Thanksgiving.. so to all you people out there i need quick easy appetizers.. i have a boat load of recipes but they have been done to death and am looking for some new ones. preferably one that can be set up the night before and refrigerated..i have a 2 year old and a not so helpful in the kitchen hubbie.. so i need easy ones.. hot cold whatever as long as they are yummy! i know i am starting early but i need to get a list going! thank to all!
16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agotoddler sleeping arrangement problems?
we moved into our house a few months ago..and when we did we switched our toddler from a crib to a little girl bed.. (Disney Princess Very cute) because the new bed doesn't have rails, she wont stay in it to fall asleep. so i was going in there and sitting on the floor while she falls asleep. she wakes up only after a few hours and comes into our bed.. or if we aren't sleeping yet.. it completely wakes her up and i cant get her back into her bed.. so now she has started sleeping in our bed all together..( daddy's idea) was easier to get her so sleep.. but now i cant even put her in her bad after she falls asleep. she wakes up right away. she cries and says " night night with you" i thought she wanted me to lay down with her. i tried that. but she says "no in big bed" so how do i get her to sleep in her own bed and sleep through the night!
Sleeping with us isn't that bad.. we have a huge bed.. but she is getting to old for that and we aren't getting a good nights sleep either because she sleeps like and octopus! all over the place!!!
thanks in advance!
11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agonew episodes of cold case?
did cold case on TNT end with season 4 or are there going to be more seasons? thanks for any details!
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoneed help identifying this flower?
we moved into our first house 2 months ago.. and while i know most of the names of what the previous owners left growing in my new yard.. this one i cant place... thanx in advance!
the plant is about 2 feet high and has leaves like a gladilous.... but it has these thin stalks with these red flowers..
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoparty (s) dilema...?
we are closing on our first house May 27th.. so i am thinking that we are going to be situated in the house the first week of June.. maybe 2nd... so i want to have a house warming party.. by my Hubbie's birthday is the very beginning of July.. and i want to have a surprise birthday party for him because he is urning 30. so do i combine he 2 parties.. or have 2 separate ones?
4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agomy 19 month old is so congested..what can i do?
i know that there is nothing to cure a cold.. but is there anything i can do besides using the nose sucker to remove mucus? when she sleeps she sounds so horrible.. and i feel so bad for her...she isn't running a fever.. but the mucus i do pull out has some greenish tint to it... so it isn't allergies.. plus she has a minor cough......any body have any suggestions? thanks in advance..
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agochicken dish... need some ideas!?
i have cooked chicken that i have boiled.. the are legs and thighs attatched.. i want to pull the chicken off of the bones and make some sort of cream crazy and serve over toast.. and ideas? please dont go to crazy.. my hubbie is really picky with his food...and hardly eats anything weird.
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago