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I'm curious to know why people hate Americans so much?

It seems here on YA that many people throughout the world legitimately hate a people. I'm curious to know why that is. Do they hate our government, policies, politicians, or the actual members of society? Please make well thought out answers with clear and concise arguments.

Remember, this isn't an opportunity to spam this site, it's an opportunity to help an objective American understand why he is so hated throughout the world without ever having met these "adversaries".


Actually, Bush was not elected by the people for his first term, Al gore actually had more votes that Bush. Our votes don't really matter all that much anyways since the President is elected through the electoral college. Now, we do vote in the congressman and women who decide the electoral vote, but that's a very complex issue all on its own.

Least religious country in the world? I'm not so sure about that, I do believe that the US is actually one of the MOST religious Western countries in the world. That's the cornerstone of our Republican party: their Christian faith and principles...

I can understand the perception of "those on top are the most hated" mentality. Of course, it is still no excuse to logically lump every American into that category.

I DO understand the loud/ obnoxious American idea. Our isolation from the rest of the world really puts us at a disadvantage when it comes to interacting with other cultures. I don't think it's malicious, I just think it's a by-product

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One reason: America has been the dominant super-power since right after the industrial revolution. Russia challenged us, but eventually faded. No one likes the top dog.

    Think about it this way: here in America, many people strive to be wealthy. They want to live in the best neighborhoods, have nice homes, cars, money to burn, etc. When someone ACTUALLY REACHES that goal, many of those same people despise them! They key their cars, speak of how they hate the rich, etc. See the hypocrisy?

    No one likes top dog. They become a target to bring down. Human nature!

  • 1 decade ago

    Look at how any country gets its info about the U.S. If perceptions of Americans are made through what the media reports and chatting on the net, then they may be distorted.

    Some Americans tend to look down on people from other countries because of THEIR ignorance and blurred perceptions.

    It becomes a cycle. Well, America is always in the news and has power and influence, so it is a topic of discussion. Most people are not discussing or thinking so much about insignificant countries. Whatever America does is magnified and people from other places are forced to form an opinion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is human nature to look elsewhere to blame someone when your in pain, 98% of the world lives on 2 bucks a day, this goes on for generations, it is hard for the poorest american to have empathy for something they can't grasp. These permanently poor are mad at our arrogance, our wealth, our consumption, and all while they starve.

    This is why we are being nudged to join the world, give our wealth in to a big pot and share with the world.

    Our wealth can be theirs any time they decide to give their people freedom and protection of law to own and buy within the law. Corruption takes that from them, so they live in fear.

    So lets not worry to much about why they hate us, lets worry more about liberal activists who think we are the reason they are poor, Americans who hate themselves from guilt, and want us to be poor because that would be fair, equally poor makes us not the problem.

    Our wealth is from hard work, invention, a great system of laws and freedom, property rights, and a bill of rights protecting the individual, lets get them to copy us, rather than the Obama bunch getting us to be like them.

    We do them no good if we fail, we just prove that nothing works.

  • guiri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is a direct result of foreign policy under George W Bush. The American people elected him a second time and so are seen to be entirely to blame for all his mistakes.

    Muslims are not part of a forgiving religion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not that I hate them... It's just...

    They elected George W Bush twice!!!! [Who I blame for that war, he invaded for oil... his other excuses were lies]

    they always getting into War like situations or budding there head where they shouldn't belong.. Like in the middle east!

    Currently treating everyone like they are a terrorist based on how they look. Just because they look Middle eastern or wear traditional clothing from there culture doesn't make them terrorists.

  • 1 decade ago

    The image of the American tourist overseas is one of total embarrassment to those of us Americans who DON'T act like that. Here is what American tourists overseas are seen as:

    --wearing t-shirts & baseball caps everywhere

    --chewing gum

    --being loud

    --refusing to try to learn local customs/language

    --wanting to eat at McDonald's

    The cultured Europeans who see this over & over end up rolling their eyes at the thought of Americans.

    When I was in England, I was mistaken for being a Canadian (as opposed to American) & I took it as a very high compliment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate America

    Politicians are made by people, they don't come like superman, so your Politicians are the product of your thoughts, your desires and your greed and your disbelief in almighty god - and so each and every american is responsible for the satanic politicians of america

    How I see a common American?

    A common American wana be rich, is highly corrpt and highly greedy and can do anything, go to worst extent to get his wealth, power, status, fame, WORST EXTENT

    America is the most unbelieving (in god) country in the world, wont say the most unbelieving in the history, but according to current status, america is the worst country on the face of earth and americans are the most unbelieving people on earth

  • 1 decade ago

    Stereotypes of Americans:











    -thinking that everything related to them is the best in the world

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard that they're racist against the Asians.

  • 1 decade ago


    lol jk jk, i got no clue.

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