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Why do some people get questions regarding Palestine and Israel deleted?

I tried to answer a question regarding Israel and Palestine and it was deleted. Why? It wasn't rude or insolent and it certainly wasn't racist. Some people don't realise about democracy and freedom of speech. Why is it one rule for one and one for another? Some can say kill all Muslims and their questions remain, but if you dare insult or point out something about Israel then you're deleted? What is that all about please?

Doubtless I'll be deleted for daring to ask. One cant try though.


I mean one can try though not can't.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't get it Pal

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The facts are that they voluntarily LEFT their homes at the exhortations of the Arab League, to await the time Israels moslem neighbors could destroy it and "push the Jews into the sea".

    By doing so, they renounced their citizenship and rights to whatever lands they once owned. They expatriated themselves by their own acts."

    You really need to revise your history. They were "encouraged" to flee following the massacre at Deir Yassin by the zionists.

    But, even if what you claim were the case, they fled a war and thus became refugees. Refugees, once a stable situation has been restored, have the right to return to their homes. The Palestinian refugees have been denied that right by Israel despite UN Security Council resolutions (legally binding on member states, of which Israel is one).

    Also, if what you say is true, how is it that Palestinian war refugees have not been allowed to return to their homes, but foreigners with no direct connection to Palestine/Israel, but who's distant ancestors might have left Palestine/Israel, have that right, purely and simply because they happen to be Jewish?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a top contributor from the Israel Travel section, which is travel really in name only. It's more political, unfortunately. If it was strictly travel I'd be one of the only ones there :P.

    In any case, many are deleted because it's such a hot topic. Many people on one side do their best to make the other side seem really bad, and this goes for both sides. In any case, many find something that doesn't agree with them and thus report it.

    I don't really think it's democracy/freedom of speech issues. They are using the ability of Y!A to report what they think is illegal, which is their right given by Y!A and Y!A's right to determine such for using their website.

    Trust me, many pro-Israel questions are deleted, and many anti-Muslim ones are as well. Maybe you don't see it if you are more polarized to one side, as that viewpoint adds some bias. Since I answer questions to both, I notice that approximately equal amounts of both sides have their questions deleted. If you come to the Israel section, you'll see tons insulting Israel, as many posters have made it their life's mission to defame Israel. On the other side, many have made it theirs to defend Israel, and some of them do insult Muslims. But of course there are Muslim defenders (besides the Muslims themselves). There is also a lot of anti-Semitism, dealing with issues way outside the Israel debate. So, it's really all there, unfortunately, coming in from all sides.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Freedom of speech for everything religion ,politics and every aspect of life but whenever you say that israel is commiting atrocities against innoncent people you are reffered as antismite .Stop this thing and every one should be given the right to say truth to the israel

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually find the the opposite to be try, that every time you bring up something which shows the moslems in a bad light, they conspire against you and they all report you as offensive.

    They've been running this little scam for the longest time.



    You have the chutzpah to talk about "cleansing" when the so called Palestinians said that if their nation state is created they will ban all Jews from living in it, unless they are over Eighty something years old.

    And where do you see cleansing. Israel has numerous and well treated moslem/arab citizens. These citizens are respected and treated well.

    The ones who are NOT wanted are the trouble pals who are NOT citizens of Israel, and as such have no rights within the country.

    It matters not that their families come from areas that now fall within Israel's borders. The facts are that they voluntarily LEFT their homes at the exhortations of the Arab League, to await the time Israels moslem neighbors could destroy it and "push the Jews into the sea".

    By doing so, they renounced their citizenship and rights to whatever lands they once owned. They expatriated themselves by their own acts.

    They now live in the muck and mire of their own making.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is because lots of Moslems just want to disrespect Jews.

    Plenty of the questions that are not pro Palestinian propaganda get deleted and plenty of users get violations for speaking the truth. Lots of Moslems only want to use this site for Moslem propaganda.

    Visit the Israel travel section and see how it is hijacked by Moslems ranting about Israel.Visit that site and not be pro Palestinian and see how quickly the violations appear.

    Source(s): Not as one sided as you suggest. Hoekem is right they also attack other users in packs too.Jews and Israelis don't do this it is definitely a speciality of some Moslem men on here.And they also send the filthiest emails.
  • 1 decade ago

    People get heated and tend to rant instead of answer questions. And sometimes the questions turn out to be rants.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you have this the wrong way around, Its not Jews the shout kill all muslims, they don't send in suicide bombers to kill innocent people, they just want to get on with their lives without rockets constantly falling on their land.

    Israel is not always in the right but how do you fight people that that don't even like each other very much.

    I try to balance this out but there is a lot of anti Israel bile spewed out constantly.

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the logic of "Hoekom" a person who leaves his/her home because of a storm/hurricane warning has no right to return and reclaim it. This if,of course nonsense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It happens to me all the time.

    I suspect your first respondent "Trisha" of getting a recent question of mine banned.

    So many people equate "anti-Zionism" with "anti-Semitism" and they trot out the old tired excuse of the holocaust to defend Israel's racist, apartheid and facist behaviour.

    This is from a people who believe they are God's chosen and "a light onto the world".

    There are many well known Jews who could be considered antisemetic in this way. Have a look at this

    It's good that the British media and YouTube aren't controlled by Zionists like Yahoo Answers is.

    Source(s): I spent over 3 years in Israel and am now sick as a dog to see how that country has gone in the last generation. I am sicker still when I read about the ethnic cleansing.
  • 1 decade ago

    The Jewish Defence League (JDL) has teams of people whose job is to scan all media and try and suppress anything even slightly anti Israel. In fact, I'd be very surprised if this gets published.

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