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Is there hope after covid or is the Uk finished along with everything else?
I’m wondering why nothing ever improves lately. Now with a new covid variant in the Uk and doubtless a forever travel ban. I see it never ending. I just don’t see any hope. It gets taken away as soon as something positive happens. The vaccine hasn’t really helped things improve and it just feels like a horrid vicious circle of never ending doom and gloom. I’ve worked on the frontline through this whole pandemic and it just doesn’t have any let up. I don’t know what the point to life is anymore without seeing family and friends, travel and a social life. It’s not much to ask for us all in the world to have hope again and for things to improve but they never do. I expect something wise to go wrong now. Is anyone else fed up like this and wondering if it’s worth carrying on? Sorry to be so despondent but it’s just not a nice era.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 months agoShould I quit nursing course?
I'm a mature student whose trying my best to stay on this uni course however I'm struggling. I love helping patients and that's the only thing keeping me there. As a Hca one can't work up so the oh answer is uni bit it's one hard course
We have so much to do whilst on placement and essays and exams to swat for at same time. Being ill with endo hasn't helped and I may need to take more time out afterwards. I may change courses but there is no room to do that at the mo. I really don't know what to do and if I left there are no jobs anyway so what can I do?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoIs it me or has yahoo chat gone downhill?
It used to be fun, going into rooms and chatting about different world topics. But now you are either surrounded by porn bots, racists or people who gang up on you for offering another opinion. If you try local chat rooms, they are full of porn, where can one go to chat to friendly people who might like a debate, without getting nasty and silly?
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger9 years agoDon't you just loathe that witch Tracey in Corrie?
I don't condone all of Becky's behaviour, but that girl has got a heart of gold underneath it all and more character and fire than horrible Tracey, who is just pure evil.
I mean, come on, the woman accused Roy of rape, murdered Charlie in cold blood, dumped her child, Amy on Steve and her family and now is accusing Becky of this even though Becky begged her not to. This is just a twisted so and so, who has nothing, it is not on and I think she should be thrown back in jail, end of.
11 AnswersSoap Operas9 years agoIs Cameron daft enough to wage war on Iran?
With the unnecessary war on Libya and the quickish ending, where next for the armchair warrior brigade? They are happy to cut our NHS, armed forces, pensions, education funding, benefits and everything else, but still also happy to stop us protesting, having opinions (turning into Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia lately) and yet to go to war on other countries. Do you think Cameron will be stupid enough to threaten and join in with any military action against Iran?
You mark my words, if the idiot does, then we are all dead and I don't think we deserve that!
12 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoNHS: Do you think that the media are badmouthing it, because the government wish to rid themselves of it?
Universal Health care in the UK is a great thing, not perfect, but it does work. The horror stories hitting the headlines seem to be trying to only highlight bad aspects of the NHS not the good, which far outweigh the bad. Yet the government seem to be determined to rid themselves of it, is it because they are Tories and only think about the rich?
Conspiracy theories welcome!
5 AnswersPolitics10 years agoWhat's with the war mongering attitude from some people?
With the Tsunami that wiped out thousands in Japan earlier this year and lots of other natural and man made tragedies this year, why do some want war with Iran?
It beggars belief, because it is senseless to destroy ourselves and each other. I want to know why some people wish this on all the world. I believe in peace and I do not think that war on innocent people is going to save this entire planet!
6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoIs this a coincidence or another conspiracy theory?
I don't condone the phone hacking for one moment, but neither do I condone closing NOTW down forever and getting rid of all the staff there. Yet keeping that Brooks thing on stinks to high heaven, plus the fact that NOTW closure may have something to do with Murdoch's wish to take over BSKYB or is that just a coincidence?
5 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years agoIs it really that bad?
Is anybody else sick of the negativity portrayed day in day out by the media and government on the news etc? I mean, they run down everybody bar themselves and wonder why people are fed up. I know these are hard times, but I do not believe it is all doom and gloom. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah, I may be naive, but I think there is hope and we need to see more of it not less thanks!
12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhy do nerves always let me down?
I consider myself very lucky that four universities have offered me interviews to study nursing. However I attended one today and know that I probably won't get accepted due to the fact that I was just so terribly nervous (again). I am sick of the same old scenario and can't seem to control my butterflies or anything else. I have ruined so many opportunities in the past, because of this problem and wonder what the hell I can do to combat it (so i don't destroy the other three interviews coming up). I feel like such an idiot and looking back know that I could and should do better. Anybody got any suggestions?
PS I wonder if being bullied severely as a child and suffering from endometriosis which has taken its toll as I was admitted to hospital with it (again) recently. But surely there must be something I can take (not drugs) to calm me down and get me through these processes!!!!!
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoWhat will it take for world leaders to listen to the people?
How do I or anybody convince the world leaders that the people are fed up? I am thinking about the UK, but there is a lot of bad feeling at the moment and the world leaders are annoying us all. Violence isn't the answer, but I can feel a storm brewing and where will it end?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy do some people get questions regarding Palestine and Israel deleted?
I tried to answer a question regarding Israel and Palestine and it was deleted. Why? It wasn't rude or insolent and it certainly wasn't racist. Some people don't realise about democracy and freedom of speech. Why is it one rule for one and one for another? Some can say kill all Muslims and their questions remain, but if you dare insult or point out something about Israel then you're deleted? What is that all about please?
Doubtless I'll be deleted for daring to ask. One cant try though.
11 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoDo I need to put my references personal address on UCAS form or can I use their work one?
This is a really stupid question, but I've had no chance to get my refs personal address. I just wondered (if I still have their email) can I use work or isn't it allowed?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoWhy can't people protest, if it is peaceful?
Students and other protesters over this past year have been given a bad name by the media and their cronies for disagreeing with the government in one way or another. Why can't people protest? Are we so sheep like that we have to stand down and allow these bullies to win all the time?
Do you guys want your children to be in thousands of pounds of debt=another recession! Do you people want the Royal Mail to disappear? What next the NHS?
Instead of bashing what country we have left, we ought to stand up and help one another through this instead of bowing to the clones that rule us. I'm sick of seeing the news show bias against the BA strikers, fire fighters, students and many others, how much more negativity and where does it end?
16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhatever has happened to courtesy, compassion and where is the love?
All I see from some people is a lot of criticism towards the students for standing up for their rights and those of future students too, firefighters who did the same, the BA crew for striking and anybody else who dares try to fight the system, putting down Ireland who have been going through a hard time, instead of offering solutions to their problems, blaming the EU for everything, when they are trying to help. All some of these people do is praise the rich and think that bowing and scraping to the current government and their so-called wonderful ideas.
Why don't some of you get a bloody backbone and try to see the bigger picture? We need to focus on the here and now plus the future. That means supporting the strikers and the protesters (not the violent ones obviously), trying to recall the troops back home as those wars are blood baths pure and simple, not letting our gov sell British assets and factories to the highest bidders, try to save the job market before we have nothing over here, stop saying we ought to pay for the Royal Wedding, good luck to them, but why should I pay for people who don't help me?) This is the time to pull together and help one another through these dark times. It is winter, cold, depressing, but we have Christmas coming up so let's try to make it a happy one. Stop moaning about the snow, it might cheer us all up (not everyone hates it).
Let's try to show one another some common courtesy and respect instead of this open hatred and disrespect for the likes of Ireland who need support not criticism. So, my question is where is the love?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf water boarding is condoned, should we just bring back torture chambers?
With the likes of some condoning water boarding and saying it was necessary, why stop there? Bring back the racks, the iron maidens, thumb screws, little easy, ducking and whipping. I mean, if you can condone one form of torture, surely you think they're all okay?
Of course I'm against torture, but I wonder what everybody else thinks????
11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy is there some idiot who wishes to ban Christmas in the UK?
What a bunch of miserable people we have at the moment. The credit crunch is all doom and gloom and winter consists of dark nights, so we have some festivals at this time of year to see us through all that. Then some PC idiot (yes, I don't use that word lightly, stronger ones could be applied if needed) wishes to try to ban Christmas in this Christian country. It was originally a Pagan festival anyway and has been going for thousands of years, so why ban it now? Even the Chinese are celebrating it not in the same way as we do, but it is there and it is popular and increasing in popularity. Whereas the PC morons would like to make Winter even longer and get rid of the likes of Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and probably anything else that makes life in the modern UK bearable. If you don't it, then leave is my answer! We don't tell others what festivals to have in other countries and lots of people (who are of other religions etc) can practise their traditions in the UK, so what's the harm in Christmas and others like it? Miserable people!
4 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade agoWhy are there some people who still defend the Iraq and Afghan wars now?
They are the cause of unnecessary genocide of civilians in foreign countries, taken the lives of innocent hostages and also destroyed the lives of soldiers for no reason other than greed. Not to mention they have increased global terrorism and killed more innocents across the world as a result, now how can anyone sit there and defend genocide?!
9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhere on earth is the country "Islam" on any map of the modern world?
Can anybody point it out to me? I was under the impression that it was a world religion just like Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc, so why do so many say "get rid of the Muslims" and so on, just because they happen to be all over the world. It is a religion, you don't say: "send all the Hindus away" or get rid of any other followers of world religions. There really does appear to be some confusion about Islam actually being a religion NOT a country, why is that? Is it ignorance or what?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow can you expect the younger people to have incentive, when there is no encouragement?
The media preaches doom and gloom daily. A lot of people are downright miserable and don't support one another like they should and used to. It would be nice to see some community spirit put back into this country and to stop putting one another down as it isn't the way forward.
The younger people are criticised for being on benefits, but then there aren't the jobs that there were and employers think it is okay to treat people like rubbish. Even older people who are laid off can't easily find work, but instead of trying to help, there is all this doom and gloom and negativity. I am sick of it, can we please try to be more positive?
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago