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If water boarding is condoned, should we just bring back torture chambers?

With the likes of some condoning water boarding and saying it was necessary, why stop there? Bring back the racks, the iron maidens, thumb screws, little easy, ducking and whipping. I mean, if you can condone one form of torture, surely you think they're all okay?

Of course I'm against torture, but I wonder what everybody else thinks????


Ho ho ho! Torture is torture, end of. If someone was doing that to me, I would tell them whatever just to make them stop.

A British journalist tried it and said it was terrible. It was on Youtube. Link:

Now if it were happening to you, methinks you would have a different outlook. Try again some of you!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Who says that they ever left? Torture has been utilized in many countries, and still is used in many countries world wide. The 'civilized' countries have participated in and condoned, or turned a blind eye to the use of torture too. Based upon the need for information, urgency of the information, or critical nature of information I have no doubt that every nation has and will utilize some form of torture to extract data.


    If the type of questioning may mean the location of a 'dirty' bomb (PLACED AND SET) located in a major city, I doubt that every nation and its citizenry would not solidly line up behind the use of 'force' to extract the location from a suspect. The lives of thousands vs the rights on one? Would you make the self righteous / moral call???


  • 1 decade ago

    Put it this way we live in a cruel and mad world where even in our own streets people will try get one over someone and to ruin life's it can stretch to one person or to thousands. In the comfort of their home people can say, you know what I condone torture and capitol punishment but when something rocks their world minds would change.

    Just imagine the government knew of an inkling that something was going to happen but could not peruse it further to find out and stop it. You ask the family's of thousands that have been blown up, scared and killed how would would feel if the government could have done something before it happened. Decisions will be made that people won't like and in this case it is about preserving our and your safety, for us to continue to walk down the street and go where we please.

    If you do not want to get burnt you don't put your hand in the fire, its the same that goes for crime. If I don't want to go to prison I keep out of trouble but if these war criminals want to avoid torture then don't get involved with terrorists. People have to be more accountable of their actions, there is too much "there is someone else to blame" and I am not going to be accountable for anything. These people won't give up information if you ask nicely.

    When that taxi driver went on a rampage by killing 12 people, people where angry that the police did not do enough but when they handled Moat they accused the police of being too harsh?!? Just imagine if that man killed 12 people because the police did not take quick action.

    The government is going to be damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    We are in a war that not a lot of people want or like but as a nation we still stand by our solders and if torture managed to release information about possible bomb threats that could save our soldiers life's I would have to swallow my views and live with it and not want to play with other peoples lives!!

    There is some things like war the general public will never understand our lives now are too self-absorbed we are no longer required to work and live as a community so we have lost the ability to trust our government. This attitude would never be raised from the general public in WW2


    Ah, a thumb down, I do wonder how these people will feel when their family is blown up to pieces after coming back from a nice day in the park. They did not hurt anyone or do anything they even supported human rights!! What will they think then, oh well sh*t happens.

    When my ex was taking a little girls body down from a tree, a man's head out of a house guttering and placing little flags where he found any body piece in Locherbie his thoughts where fu*k them, throw everything at them!! Put's everything in perspective when life throws you into situations like that either picking up the pieces or loosing the pieces that made up your loved one!!

  • JZD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not much of an answer to say that waterboarding is not torture.

    What is it? Heavy persuasion? Considerable moral pressure?

    Presumably if the rack was designated as 'not torture' we could use that as well.

    If US Marines captured in Iraq were water boarded, would the US Govt complain they were being tortured, or simply made to feel some discomfort?

    The real question is the perennial one? If you know/think someone has information that would save many lives, is it justifiable to sue torture to extract the information? Assuming, of course, that he has the information and is not simply saying anything and everything to stop the torture.

    Seems to me, torture is like murder. You either consider it is justifiable, or you don't. Does the State have the authority to torture people who don't happen to be its citizens? if so, why does their nationality make the torture ok?

    If it's ok to torture foreign brown people, then it must be ok to torture suspected criminals in detention in case they know something.

    Source(s): I'm a lawyer
  • 1 decade ago

    Because waterboarding IS NOT TORTURE. It is absurd to compare temporary fear and discomfort to permanent and/or excruciating pain that you describe.

    And as for the "war crimes" above...I am SOOOO sick of those who put any basis on "international law" We are a sovereign nation. Our law is found in the Constitution, not what some corrupt alliance has declared.

    JZD...our special forces are subjected to waterboarding as part of their training. It is NOT torture. It is a very effective interrogation technique. Scaring the hell out of someone is NOT torture. Loud music and sleep deprivation is NOT torture. The butt-pyramids and naked dog collars (though childish and stupid) were NOT torture.

    erskine...the argument that you would say whatever they want to hear is a joke. You might, even under NON-TORTURE techniques like waterboarding, but when you were being strapped back to the board for round 2 after it did not pan out, you WOULD tell the truth.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nah, it would cost too much to build all that. Waterboarding is fine.

    Although, maybe we should take some inspiration from 3rd world countries and terrorists on their methods of interrogation today. Now they appreciate and understand the term "torture."

    I'm not against it as so many today are very much into and performing heinous acts of torture, even on people who have no information to offer, they just like brutality. Water-boarding pales in comparison.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I sure as hell hope that your loved ones can only be saved by our guardians torturing a frigging terrorist. You pinko libereals should go and join the international scum brigade in gaza and wait to be captured by the forces of civlisation. Innocent people are soon de-selected by mild interrogation and only the assholes are given the juicy shocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there

    Whatever happened to the truth drug that was reported in the 1960s?

    I do know if I was to be tortured I would say whatever they wanted to hear.

    Probably all nonsense but I sure as Hell would say it.

    Best wishes.

  • Apollo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    O yes I'm all for torture ALL kinds, but only for Government officials.

  • 1 decade ago

    If Agents hired by the US are waterbording, then they are committing war crimes and should be put on trial. If they are doing it "to save lives" then they should have no problems facing the consequences in court or even spending the rest of their lives in jail. If they are correct then it should be worth the sacrifice.

  • 1 decade ago

    If we captured Osama, and he was planning another attack like 9/11. I would do whatever it takes to break him.

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