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Lv 6
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Why do some men who are heavily sexually active feel they're entitled a virgin?

Inspired by this question :;_ylt=AtYWa...

The poster suggests that women who have had sex are "used, worthless left overs," yet is a self-professed "pimp" (i.e. highly sexually active with multiple partners). This hasn't been the first time I've seen this kind of statement, however. Such men as this poster state that they want a woman with high morals in regards to sex, either a virgin or practically a virgin and yet don't hold themselves to the same standard.

So why do SOME men (as this) believe he is entitled to a woman of high morals when he is not such a man himself? Do you think male and female sexuality is so drastically different that men can have many multiple partners and still be considered "decent" or "moral" yet women can only have a few?

Do you think one's sexuality and/or sexual past should be tied to one's worth at all (i.e. a person who has a lot of sex is "less" or "worthless" where as one who refrains or abstains is "moral" or "virtuous"?)

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you know men who have lots of experience are not necessarily better. Everyone has different likes as far as what they like in the bedroom and I think there are many guys who have had many partners "self proclaimed pimps" who are very selfish when it comes to the bedrooms.

    Out side of the guys who troll this section and calling women whores...

    I have not come across a guy who has cared that much about it....

    Probably because I have never given the time of day to players.

    Morality and sexuality have little to do with each other...

    I think guys are just afraid that if the girl has had many partners someone would she has slept with is bound to be better in bed than he is.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many reasons one may be a virgin. It could be that they are moral. Or it could be that they are shy, ugly, or just haven't found a guy and been in a situation with that guy that led to sex.

    However, I would say that someone with multiple sex partners is too selfish to be ready for a mature relationship. Having sex then moving on leaves a trail of hurting hearts. And that's really crappy. Why date a guy who you can almost guarantee will sleep with you then leave you? That's silly.

    I think some guys who have had multiple sex partners have a puffed ego. They feel they are "all that" just because they can get laid; which Hollywood tells us is what every guy longs for. But it's a false belief on their part; there's nothing to be proud about sleeping with easy girls or with breaking hearts.

    No, I do not think that the amount of sex one has should be tied to their worth. I think sex is a healthy aspect of marriage and that one may find their life isn't as good if that area isn't in check. Otherwise, nope.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that a portion of the answer lies in the sense of their personal ''Superiority'', the need to have control and an inability to ''give into life'' its base.

    Over the top of that comes their justifications for this need to Control, often based in 'Morals' ...their morals which might be twisted to suit their self.

    I do ~ would NOT concede that a person who seemingly 'abstains from sex' or sexual behaviour as being any more 'Moral' than their counterpart. Abstinence itself can be be for any number of reasons which could have their roots in any number of personal fears / anxieties / phobias etc.

    I've known a number of what might be termed as 'Highly' sexually 'Active' women who have their own moral codes which have values that are no less worthy than their 'active' sisters or Men.

    I grew up in an era when it was put about that 'Women do not like sex', or that, 'Nice women don't'. This was perpetuated by a Society that was both hypocritical and, what was maybe worse, dead bloody ignorant too ~ whilst having its head stuck up its own backside.

    Personally, I like the basic idea of a woman who is a cook in the kitchen, a wife in the living room and ''Very Naughty Person'' (for want of another euphemism) in the bedroom ....whilst what is done where can be interchangeable. Ideally, she loves her sexuality and wants to experience it for all it is worth.

    ( As long as it doesn't disturb the neighbours and upset the horses, of course. )


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first answer said it all, i dont know why these men feel entitled to a virgin when they themselves f****d half the town probably, hypocrites, sex and virginity doesn't make a person less or more moral,its just an act of pleasure.

    Why the big deal?

    Woman are humans just like men, they have sex, men had better just get over it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think the double sexual standard still exists to a certain extent and probably always will -for the simple reason that women get pregnant and men don't. men are fearful of being landed with a child that is not theirs, and therefore want to be assured of a woman's sexual virtue. Male anxiety about fatherhood is at the root of the double standard.

    When I was young, I honestly thought that this sort of thing had died out and was irrelevent, I never met a man who gave a damn how many other men I had slept with, and certainly never met one who wanted to marry a virgin. But it is evident from what I read on here that this sort of thing does still go on. How widespread it is outside of this rather peculiar site I could not say.

    I don't think anyone is 'entitled' to any kind of marriage partner really, it is a question of what one can get. if there are women who are willing to accept this standard - being virgins themselves and marrying men who are sexually experienced, there is nothing that can be done about it. it is their affair. "The more fool they" is my own personal feeling.

  • I think this guy is a hypocrite. How in the word can he want a relationship with a virgin (by choice) if he doesnt understand what its like to stay a virgin himself. Plus they are unequally yoked morally.

    I am a virgin and I am 43 and I will stay one till marriage, because I love the Lord, I respect myself and I want to pass my morals down to my family in a day and age when society has become loose. I dont care if its a guy or girl, if they are having premarital sex it should be viewed the same way for both sexes.

    Whenever you have premarital sex it takes away from your hearst ability to truely treasure sex as the sacred union its supposed to be between 2 soulmates and God.

    Countries that crack down hard on women I dont like, but I also dont care for feminism also because it takes the other extreme.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For the other side - I don't have casual sex, but have absolutely no objections to men who do - I kinda like experienced.

    My best friend is a virgin, waiting for her soulmate, but she told me she'd rather have an experienced man, too.

    Just saying.

    I personally think everyone should do whatever they want and pick whoever they want and it'll work out fine that way =) I don't think either being promiscuous or prude is a bad thing at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is why I no longer waste my time or mental energy with self-righteous individuals, who place more value on things that do not affect them personally - like someone's sexuality, then on the character of a person - which actually DOES affect those around them.

    'High morals' is not associated with sexual past, to me, but about how a person treats others. So, those who try to demean someone for his/her sex life (or gender, appearance, race, sexuality, etc) do not respect the individuality of others, and deserve no respect towards theirs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fereshte, there are many reasons why I don't get along with women like you very much. In fact, I'll lay it all out for ya:

    1. You talk matter of factly

    2. You hardly EVER explain what you burp out.

    3. You simply regurgitate arguments that you learn in your women's studies/anthropology classes.

    ( Example. You never explained WHY fashion is more important in Japan.You just wanted us to assume that it is because they are the more enlightened culture.)

    4. You try to corner people with history as if that makes your position unarguable.

    If your biggest complaint about men is their selection in women, you have more problems than one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Noone cares about fking virgins pussi is pussi XD

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