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Christians, does Matthew 25:31-46 apply to you?

Christians, does the Parable of the Separation of the Sheep and Goats talk to you about the judgment that you will undergo and the consequences of how you have lived out Jesus' command to love your neighbor as yourself or does it apply to someone or something else?


It is curious how some people are saying that a person who believes in Jesus Christ will not be held to judgment for obeying His commands. They are saying that as long as I believe in Jesus Christ, I do not have to worry about living as He commanded. Sounds kind of contradictory to me.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone will be accountable for how they lived their lives at Judgement. This is exactly what this parable is speaking of.

    There are some people that will be the sheep - the followers of Jesus that have lived their lives trying to follow Jesus and his commands.

    There are the goats - those that have turned away from God and Jesus, or believe but not bothered obeying the commands.

    Belief is not enough - you must also do good works - this can entail preaching to others, teaching Sunday School, volunteering in your church, visiting the elderly, helping to care for others in need, etc.

    We must also try to follow Jesus' commands - we all sin, so no one is perfect, but we can try to be, and if we fail, we can pray to God through Jesus to forgive our sins.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe it is directed to all people. I believe this is refering to the third coming(before the millenium and after the tribulation) In the end times, the rapture will happen, that is when God comes down and take all the believers to Heaven and does not judge their sins, because they were forgiven on the cross, He actually judges their works on earth and presents them with the rewards they have earned. Then will be the tribulation with the antichrist and then will be the third coming. This is where God and the believers return for the battle of Armeggedon(spelling :P) on the white horses. Then the millenium and finally the judgement of the unbelievers. This is where God takes the unbelievers before Him and does not judge them on their salvation but on their works. Their pressence at that time will signify that they are all unsaved and will be cast to the lake of fire. That is what I think this passage is refering to. If you have any questions about this email me and I can give more specific details.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not a Bible expert, but from my perspective as a believer, I understand this to be the day that the children of God are called out and separated from those who chose not to believe. It is not saying that if you are a christian, but you never loved people the way you were supposed to, then you will be counted as one of the goats and gotten rid of. I derive this understanding from this verse: 1 John 3:6 which basically says that if you're in Christ (meaning a believer) you do not continue to sin. It is confusing because it sounds like its saying that a believer will never sin, but it is referring to the righteousness of Christ that makes us "no longer sin." Meaning we will continue to fall, but Christ's blood shed that covers us is all that God sees when we stand before him, as if we had never sinned. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Those who believe, have Christ in them, and with Christ in them, they are more likely to act like Christ, for example, loving others. That may be why that specific example was used in this verse. So Matthew 25 is just a description of what it will be like when God says "These are the ones that believed and are covered by His blood (and therefore bared the resemblance of Christ) and these are the ones who did not believe and therefore did not bare any resemblance to Christ."

    Source(s): I'm just your average christian girl.
  • 1 decade ago

    The Letter to the Hebrews tells us about the 'Great High Priest' is not only interceding on behalf of His Sheep as the Good Shepherd, but also He is our example. We are called (all) to be priests. There is no such thing as 'laity' among the people of God. There is no such thing as 'spectators' or arm-chair christians who are happy with their 'beliefs'. (the devils believe too!)

    Our actions determine whether we are walking in the Light. Anyone who is not in the Light is in the darkness. Darkness is the determination of whether a person is saved or not. Those who walk in the darkness (read John's letters) are those are like the chaff which will be blown away. They are the goats which are separated at the Great White Throne. They are spit out of the Lord's mouth and He has no regard for all their prophecies or good works because He says, 'I never knew you'. They are not priests, never were and never knew what it means to be a priest among the people of God.

    To be a priest, we are to give courage daily to those who are struggling to look up where the miracles are. To be a priest, we are to intercede on behalf of those who are burdened down with the cares of the world, bearing the burdens of one another is to fulfill the law of Christ (Paul's letter to the Galatians).

    Priests are prophetic: they speak the Word of God, have a good word day or night, in season and out of season. They will change where they live, work and minister. Priests are what the Kingdom of God is made of. (See Revelation)

    All who are not priests ,not ministering to the sick, the elderly, the poor, (see James' letter) are not in the Kingdom no matter what they believe.

    God says it just like that.

    'Thy word, oh Lord, have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee'

    Source(s): The Bible
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  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely. This central teaching of Jesus applies to every man, woman, boy, or girl who will eventually be called to give an account of our lives on earth.

    If we do not treat the least of our brothers and sisters in Christ with kindness and charity, we will never see heaven.

    Our brothers are those who have reborn into God's family through baptism, and this passage especially pertains those suffering persecution for teaching and living the gospel.



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians are the sheep

    Ephesians 2:8 -10 tells us that good works follow grace naturally

    The goats are the pretenders...." I never knew you"

    relate this parable with the one of the wheat and the tares

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, sometimes I am the sheep, staying with my Sheperd and heeding His every word; and other times I am a goat, wandering off in the distance going nowhere.

  • Christians have their sins covered by the blood of Christ and are therefore the sheep. This is outrageous to unbelievers but it is true. Otherwise nobody would make it. I do not undergo judgement, I only receive reward. There is NO condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. Don't you just hate that? Don't you just hate those CHRISTIANS and their FORGIVNESS! Envy is the problem of unbelievers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think im eligible to answer this question cuz 2 generations ago Christian missionaries came to our village in india and beated the **** out of our community kept us hungry and locked in a room, raped our women untill we were ready to convert to Christianity :) and now im a proud christian go to church every sunday drink blood of christ

    i think mr Matthew was trying to say that do not use ego, interpretation or force or judgement on others as it might fall back on you from someone superior than yourself. only this will make you "follow the path of light to the home of christ"

    Source(s): as an crude example if every human has a gun on this planet, earth would be the most peaceful place. there wont be no violence..since after due course of usage thy will know the consequences it brings....:)
  • 1 decade ago


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