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newborn baby girl not gaining weight...?

My baby girl is 2 1/2 weeks old. She was born at 8 lbs 5 oz and ended up having to stay in the hospital an extra day due to weight loss. She was really just border line of the amount they worry about just short of 10% loss. The pediatrician at the hospital suggested that I supplement with formula after nursing which I decided not to do since I don't want to give her formula. She was discharged the next day since she stayed the same and didn't lose any more weight. I had her at her 2 week appointment and she still weighed the exact same as when she left the hospital. The doctor didn't seem too concerned since she has at least 6-8 wet and poopy diapers a day. And other than that she seems just fine. I feed her on demand whenever she wants to eat which sometimes is every hour sometimes 2 or 3 depends on her. I don't let her go longer than 4 though. Just wondering if this has happened for any one else and it all turned out normal and good or if there turned out to be any other sort of problems. Also, I know that she is getting a good amount of milk since I have pumped and seen how much she can get and her diapers show she is getting it too. Thanks.


Well it was the pediatrician at the hospital not my pediatrician! My pediatrician absolutely did not suggest formula. She was glad that I was exclusively breast feeding. Is there any one with any better advice that is not give them formula because, that is not something that I will be doing at this point for sure.

Update 2:

Also she is the most content baby there is. I wake her to feed her sometimes and she hardly ever cries she doesn't seem discontented with her food intake and when I have given her a bottle of breastmilk after nursing her she barely drank an ounce. I had to force her and then she spit it up so it was too much.

Update 3:

and no she didn't gain what she lost.

8 Answers

  • daa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your baby is content, nursing frequently, and is producing adequate wet and dirty diapers, she's probably just fine - particularly if your pediatrician didn't find any reason for concern at the 2 week checkup. It can take a few weeks for babies to start gaining again if they lose a lot in the early days.

    My only suggestion would be to make sure she's getting enough of the richer hindmilk. If you've been switching sides partway through each nursing session, you might want to try one side per feeding, or even block nursing (staying with the same side for 2-3 feedings in a row). See for more.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Slim Weight Loss Pills :
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My toddler replaced into born at 26 weeks and dropped 20% of her weight interior the 1st week, via problems stabilising her sugars, and it took a pair of month to come again as much as her delivery weight. needless to say it is an extremely differnent difficulty to yours. Is am guessing that your toddler is abode with you? finished term is 37 weeks +. maximum term toddlers drop some pounds interior the 1st week (approximately 10% i think?). in case you're fearful i might touch your HV or well-being expert to talk issues by. As long your toddler isn't dropping weight at this point i does not project too lots. Congratulations on the delivery of you toddler - attempt to no longer project too lots x

  • Don't give her formula. it just makes nursing so much harder. Your ped would have said some thing if there was a concern. She may not have gained over her birth weight in the last 2 weeks but she did regain what she had lost.

    You are doing great and so is she. Congrats!

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  • Keri J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    All of my babies had trouble gaining weight and as a result I had to supplement with formula, supplementing does not mean you have to give up breastfeeding, supplementing for me was just one bottle of formula added...with my 5th child I had to stop breastfeeding because he was diagnosed as failure to thrive, he had fallen off the growth chart for weight, but even with switching to formula he never got back on the growth curve...he is now 20 months old eating everything a toddler eats and is still exactly where he was in the growth chart, so after every test possible they cant find a cause, but they arent any longer almost 5 month old has not yet doubled his birthweight, and though I wanted to go until 6 months without anything but breastmilk the pediatrician said at his 4 month visit he needed to start rice to see if it will help his growth...bottom line is listen to the pediatrician, they go to school to learn more than we know, if they arent concerned then great! No worries, :)

    Source(s): Mother to 6
  • 1 decade ago

    My baby girl was the same way, but now she is fine, just petite.

    I would say not to let her go 3 or 4 hours, feed her every 2 hours all day and night. I did that with my daughter and she went from the 2nd %ile to 50th

    I know it is hard but it will be worth it.

  • 5 years ago

    journal your foods

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    put a teaspoon of rice cereal in 2oz of milk see if it works

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