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Lv 43,428 points

Kiley Angel

Favorite Answers9%
  • Advice for breastfed baby not gaining weight...?

    My baby girl is just over 3 weeks and she lost about 10% of her birth weight in the hospital and went to the pediatrician this past Thursday (2 weeks after being discharged) and has not gained ANY weight not even going back to her birth weight. I do not want to give her any bottles or any formula at this point if I can help it so I am looking for any one with any other types of advice like changing my diet or feeding techniques anything. This is my 3rd and I have successfully nursed my other 2 and they never had any weight gaining issues and she seems to eat the same way. She eats every 2-3 hours for a good 20-30 minutes. And she has plenty of wet and poopy diapers same type of stool as my other 2 had the yellow runny mustard looking stool. I am just a bit concerned and would like any advice you have or any one have any similar stories? Thanks! Also, I did ask a ? like this a couple days ago and didn't get too many answers so if you are a rereader sorry.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • newborn baby girl not gaining weight...?

    My baby girl is 2 1/2 weeks old. She was born at 8 lbs 5 oz and ended up having to stay in the hospital an extra day due to weight loss. She was really just border line of the amount they worry about just short of 10% loss. The pediatrician at the hospital suggested that I supplement with formula after nursing which I decided not to do since I don't want to give her formula. She was discharged the next day since she stayed the same and didn't lose any more weight. I had her at her 2 week appointment and she still weighed the exact same as when she left the hospital. The doctor didn't seem too concerned since she has at least 6-8 wet and poopy diapers a day. And other than that she seems just fine. I feed her on demand whenever she wants to eat which sometimes is every hour sometimes 2 or 3 depends on her. I don't let her go longer than 4 though. Just wondering if this has happened for any one else and it all turned out normal and good or if there turned out to be any other sort of problems. Also, I know that she is getting a good amount of milk since I have pumped and seen how much she can get and her diapers show she is getting it too. Thanks.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Dog lovers who have kids?

    I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and am currently 18 weeks pregnant. I had a dog for 6 years and recently had to give him up. He was very aggressive with my children and didn't like any kids really at all. He did end up biting my 3 year old not really bad however; it did draw blood. So after searching long and hard for a good place for him i found a rescue group that was for his breed and they found a foster home to take him in until he could find a permanent home. I just didn't want to see him end up in a shelter or put to sleep so I made sure to find the right place. i just feel like I need someone to tell me I did the right thing. I miss him so much and just feel really bad about giving him up even in these circumstances really. Do you think I did the right thing? Would you have done the same? Thanks!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Haven't felt the baby move in a couple days?

    I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the baby move since 15 weeks and once in a while I have days that I don't feel it really at all. It has been 2 days now and no matter how I lay, sit walk or anything I can't seem to feel it at all. I have been getting some very good strong wiggles going on already and it has started to be pretty consistent but I guess i am just getting a little worried this time since its been 2 days and all. This is my 3rd and I don't really remember this with the last two. Anyone have the same thing going on and everything is fine? Should I be concerned?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could I be at fault for selling this car on craigslist?

    First, we are expecting our 3rd child so we needed to purchase a family minivan. We found one on craigslist and bought it for $1500. As dumb as it was we did not test drive the car and obviously later found out it had a shake to it. We took it to a mechanic and he just drove it and said he would say it needed a front driver's side wheel bearing and axle. He didn't do too much looking anywhere else since we know him and just really wanted to know the shaking problem. Well, we were offered a van from relative that was nicer so we put our van back on craigslist to resell. Only 3 weeks later. Well, we took it to show someone who brought a mechanic who checked it out did find other problems they test drove it and he decided to buy it and we took $900 for it so we took a big loss. Well he calls today and says there are all these other problems which he found after having it looked at by 3 mechanics and says we sold him a dangerous vehicle and he wants his $ back plus he spent 800 fixing it today. He said that the 3rd mechanic found newspaper and glue holding things in but we knew nothing about this it was inspected and we drove our family around in it. It is a used car and he had a mechanic give him the go ahead are we really at fault somehow here? If it goes to court do u think we will be at fault? thanks!

    9 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What is the best for a headache while pregnant?

    I am 16 weeks and have been getting REALLY bad headaches lately. I just wanted to know what kinds of pain pills can I take or what did you use that was the best. I was using Tylenol but, did not work at all. I know I got a list of things I could take from the doctor but, can't seem to find it. Also, forgot to ask at my appointment today. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone know what could be wrong with car shaking?

    Hey i bought a dodge grand caravan about 3 weeks ago. It drives fine until you hit about 35 then it starts to shake. Only while you are pressing on the gas though it stops when you let go of the gas and also stops after you hit around 50 mph. Anyone have any idea what could be wrong with it? Also any ideas of the costs? Our mechanic was on vacation and I don't think we will be able to get to see him until Monday or Tuesday. Thanks!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • should I be concerned about the baby's movements?

    I am 16 weeks today. I first felt this baby move at 15 weeks 1 day. I have felt quite a few movements everyday since then but, not really at all today. I thought I felt a few very slight movements but, not sure. Do you go through days where you don't feel it at all after feeling it for a week? What was your experiences? This is my 3rd baby but, I had a miscarriage before this one so everything worries me now. Thanks!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to have loss of symptoms at 14 weeks?

    I have had 2 babies and one miscarriage about 10 months ago. Now with this pregnancy all I do is worry. It was a missed miscarriage so I keep feeling like maybe I don't know there is something wrong. Anyways, I am currently 14 1/2 weeks and feel like right at my 14 week mark my symptoms almost vanished. Not 100% but, I am definitely not getting as hungry or sick and also not as tired. I know at some point this is normal but, should it be this sudden its been about 2-3 days. I just can't wait to feel movement cause sometimes I just don't feel all that pregnant. I just can't seem to remember with my first two. What is your experience is this normal? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is this normal cramping for 13 1/2 weeks pregnant?

    I am 13 1/2 weeks and am getting this very low abdominal cramps. It's like when I crunch up in a ball or bend down to pick something up. I also felt it somewhat when I was walking up the stairs yesterday. It isn't really painful its just kind of tender. I get the round ligament pains when I get up fast or roll over or something but that seems a little different. Is this maybe also ligament pains or something else? It is also tender if i push on my lower abdomen. Anyone else have this? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • uhhh!! What should I use to clean cat urine off the carpet?

    My husband always lets my cat outside and it always makes me nervous that something will happen to him. So after I told him I wanted him to stay in we started keeping him in more and I guess he was going to the bathroom outside and then decided to pee on the floor right in the family room near the front door and he did it like 4 times. Anyone who has a cat knows how awful that can be. I bought pet odor cleaner and used about the whole bottle and it still stunk and now someone said to try baking soda which seem to have pulled the urine out of the carpet cuz there were yellow puddles sitting on top of the carpet so I soaked them up with towels and I am hoping that it works somewhat. I was just wondering if anyone has any tricks they know of or any ideas? I am devastated about this!

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Anyone have problems with teeth from pregnancy?

    I have 2 kids already and am pregnant with my 3rd. I have always had problems with my teeth but, they seem to get really bad while I am pregnant. With all of my pregnancies my gums bleed sooo bad! My teeth hurt all the time. They never get 100% better but they aren't as bad after i have the baby. Any one have this sort of problem? Also, am I able to go to the dentist now? Are they able to do any work on my teeth or do I have to wait til after delivery?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone end up with really bad teeth after pregnancy?

    I have had a lot of problems with my teeth my whole life really but, when I got pregnant with my first my gums bled so bad and my teeth and gums hurt all the time. Then it got a little better then I had my second and same happened. I know I have some gum problems but, now that I am pregnant with my 3rd its starting again they hurt sooo bad! Should I go to the dentist? Are they able to do anything while you are pregnant or do I have to wait? Also, when I brush they bleed A LOT!!

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Does anyone believe the wives tale about the heart rate experiences?

    I am about 12 weeks pregnant with my third. I have 2 girls and with both of them, they had heart rates in the 160's pretty much the whole time. Now this one had a heart rate of 163. So I am thinking that maybe its another girl. What do you think? I know these types of predictions are never 100% but, what were your experiences with this do you believe this wives tale at all or no?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did you have period like cramps at around 9 weeks pregnant?

    I had a miscarriage about 7 months ago so I am a nervous wreck this time. I was in the hospital with a stomach bug 2 nights ago and they gave me an ultrasound and the baby had a heart rate of 175 and everything looked good. I measured 8 weeks 5 days. I am just nervous today because, suddenly i am having some i wouldn't say really bad cramps but, very period like cramps that are on and off but more on then off. Is it normal or should i worry? no bleeding but, didn't have any bleeding the 1st time either so that isn't really comforting. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • sharp pain in the right side of abdomen 8 weeks pregnant?

    I am a little over 8 weeks pregnant and have had a bad pain like in between my hip and ribs all the way on the right side. It's really only there like first thing in the morning sometimes and it was really bad today after I urinated. I had to hold it for a while so I had to go really bad and I have to go really bad in the morning too does that have anything to do with it?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cramping at 8 weeks pregnant?

    Hi I am currently 8 weeks pregnant. I have 2 girls and had a miscarriage about 6 months ago. Obviously, I am scared about having another miscarriage. I am just wondering if anyone had cramps like this before. It is pretty much on and off but, they are really weird. Sometimes on the right and sometimes on the left but, a lot of time they are higher up near my ribs or above my hips. It isn't extremely painful its just a strange kind of painful feeling. Anyone have this? Does it sound like a possible miscarriage? I have the regular pregnancy symptoms so I feel a little better about that but, what else could it be? Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Questions for anyone who has had a miscarriage...?

    Well, I was told at a routine ultrasound when I should have been 10 weeks the baby had stopped developing at around 7 wks. Then the bleeding started this past Friday and was very bad on Monday I guess when I passed everything and am still spotting but it has slowed down to what it is at the end of a regular period. My doctor said that it was up to me but he didnt think that I needed an ultrasound to make sure everything was outhe said if it would just be a inconvenience for me i probably didnt need to do one so i said ok. Should i have went to make sure? He told me to just do blood work at the end of this month. He said I need to wait to try again til at least 2 to 3 regular cycles. The reason is because my uterus will still be soft and I could miscarry again. Now I read so many things about people who say their docotrs say only one cycle. What is your experience how long did you wait to start trying again? Did you conceive how long did it take? Any more miscarriages? Also how long did it take for the bleeding to totally stop and when did you get your first period back? thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • A few questions for anyone who has had a miscarriage...?

    Well, first off I want to say that I found out I was going to miscarry from an ultrasound done Monday I was supposed to be ten weeks and apparently it had stopped developing at about 7. I started to spot with a bit of dark blood on Friday and it has stayed pretty much the same, pretty light with some cramping. This is absolutely devastating and I want to say I feel terrible for anyone who has ever had to go through this. Anyway, my questions are...

    How long did your bleeding last and how heavy was it, will there definitely be heavy clotting or could it just come out like a regular period?

    Did you have to have an ultrasound afterwards to make sure everything was out or any other type of follow up care?

    How long did you have to wait to resume having sex?

    How long did you wait before trying to conceive again and how long did it take for you to conceive again?

    Also was this your first pregnancy I thought it was more common for a first pregnancy and this was my third I had two healthy babies prior to this and am wondering if its normal to happen now?

    And lastly, did you miscarry again do your chances go up for having another one should I be worried that after trying again it will end the same way?


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone find problems at their first ultrasound?

    I had an ultrasound today. This is my third pregnancy so i have had them before. With all of my previous ultrasounds they have shown me the heart beat and at least something on the screen. Today, she didnt say anything at all and the angle she had the screen at I didn't get to see it at all. I thought I would get pics at the end and she didn't give me any all she said is I could get my results with my physician up to 48 hours. I found it odd she didn't say anything about my due date or the baby at all. If there was something wrong or if they couldn't find a heart beat would they have said something right away or would they wait 48 hours for that?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago