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Why are expectations for men different than expectations for women?

When a man does something, he needs praise but that same thing is done by a woman every day without thanks. Why in the history of the human race are women always expected to handle more? How do we change our way of thinking? Yes, in the past men worked (hunters-gatherers), so women were the home-makers...but today is a different time. General discussion becaues I'm curious on peoples' opinions.

22 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

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Fact: (From experience) Married women (not all but a hell of alot) have to "do it all". This is an expectation that's not the same for men. Men are assumed to have one tracked minds and not able to handle multi-tasking. Why are we always making excuses for men?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Several reasons:

    1. Men and women are "wired" differently.

    2. Men and women have been traditionally (not necessarily correctly) viewed differently by society.

    3. Men and women are "built" differently . . . some male jobs traditionally required more muscles than women were able to contribute.

    4. Women are the "child bearers" and thus have traditionally become the "child caretakers", therefore, it made sense that they stay at home with the children while the men went out to "bring in the bacon".

    5. Women have tolerated it.

    And many other shades of the same, I'm sure. I agree that "today is a different time" . . . and men shouldn't have women making excuses for them.

    Source(s): By the way, redlione . . . this woman isn't self-loathing, thank you very much!
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a woman & the hunter/gatherer so yes times have changed. I get plenty of praise. There is not a day that goes by that my husband doesn't thank me for what I do for us & vice versa. He stays at home & I'm always impressed with how much he handles.

    I don't know why you feel so underappreciated but attaching your feelings to women in general being disrespected is a little off at best. Maybe you don't do enough to warrant praise? Maybe you think you need a pat on the back because you did some laundry? I don't know. The question is a bit vague considering nobody knows your situation.

    That being said . . . I can't remember the last time I read a question from a guy who was whining to get more praise regardless of his situation. Men do what they need to do & they just move on. Women tend to dwell on things & attach emotion to it. Really . . . women are typically always unhappy whether they've got it good or bad, it doesn't matter. Thankfully I was blessed with the body of a woman & the brain of a man because I can't stand the whining honestly. Just do what you do & stop seeking compliments.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have heard this argument more times than I can tell you. What I've found is that many women have selective recall about the amount of work their husbands do. Quite literally it goes "so your husband doesn't even take care of your vehicles?" "Well, yeah, he does that, but...." "He doesn't do yard work, shovel snow, fix stuff...?" "Well, yeah, but..." "He doesn't go to work, never does ANYTHING around the house, doesn't touch the kids?" "Well, not, he does SOME..." You get the idea.

    First, don't just assume the work he does is not as important as the work you do. Second, if he's truly not pulling is weight, do something about it. If you're strong and smart enough to single-handedly carry a career and household on your shoulders, surely you can figure out how to change your own situation.

    When you paint such sweeping generalizations about the shortcomings of all men, it also reinforces the generalization that all women are nagging malcontents.

    Source(s): Happily married 29 years to a man who is appreciated for all he does.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women's lib. Women fought for the right to take on male roles. However.. most men never wanted "equality" and never desired taking on female roles. So men simply refused.

    The result is women taking on both male and female roles while men stick to their original roles (when convenient).

    But don't cry over it. Men are still expected to pay for everything and take on most of the risk in the beginning of a relationship. Men still have to make all the moves. If a woman just "exists" she will meet men and get hit on. If I don't approach women I don't get dates. Simple.

    Life is hard for everyone so don't cry.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with you.

    I think its up to women to talk to their men and have that conversation about doing everything equally.

    I think some if not most women have the natural instinct to be nurturing and by doing more we feel we are nurturing.

    My own household got out of hand when my husband wouldn't even hold our kids.

    I was doing it all, bathing, cooking, cleaning, feeding, changing, laundry, outside errands, more cleaning and cleaning. And not to mention, it go to the point where i was doing everything in the bedroom too. No joke, it really became that 90% of EVERYTHING from the kitchen to the kids to the bedroom somehow became my job.

    I thought I was being a good wife, and I thought by doing it all I was making my husband happy.

    I was actually making my self miserable and spreading myself too thin.

    I put a stop to this and put my husband to work to do a lot more around the home and the kids.

    Right now, there are days where I don't clean or cook.

    My husband comes home from work and asks me why I haven't done anything. And I just said "because i didn;t want to". I deserve to have that wiggle room in my mind where I don't feel like I am under constant pressure to perform 100% all the time.

    When he realized that I really couldn't get to everything, he started doing more.

    Its really the women who take up too much to do.

    With communication and compromise and a caring partner, its very easy to get your husband to help you. After all, your husband doesn't want to see you cranky and tired all the time. Thats what I told my husband too. If he wants me to be happier and healthier, he needs to do more around the home.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's because women just do it----we groom our men from the get-go that we are strong and capable we show they early on that we can do it all by doing it all----we place no importance on them helping--therefore they see that they do not have to do it...You can also trace it back to when most women were homemakers, they did the work and didnt have their boy-children help, it was deemed a girls place to clean house and do all the inside work--thus alot of guys never were taught how to clean and tend to the kids, cook etc....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In 69 years of life, I have discovered that the best way to make yourself unhappy is to engage in score keeping with anyone - friends, husbands, whatever. In the end, it all comes down to relationships, so try and stay more positive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because women have bought into the lie that YOU CAN BE YOUR OWN WOMAN, YOU CAN DO IT ALL







    stupid women buy right into that, that's why by 35 they are bitter, divorced twice and trying to find a guy to raise their kids, because they are tired and their face shows it, then if the bald headed loser sits home all day she says hes a house husband but if she sits home people wonder why she isn't out working. women today are self loathing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my world we both give praise to one another when needed.

    We both expect to be treated equally,maybe that's the reason we

    have been together so long.

    Take Care.

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