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  • blocking games apps on samsung tablet?

    I need to figure out how to block apps from being downloaded onto my Samsung tablet....(I have an astute 5 year old and discovered she downloaded about 20 apps). Friend of mine says that you can set it so they have to get permission to add an app. Mind you these apps are free that she downloaded but still..I don't want her to be able. Help..:-)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Border crossing with child...?

    My husband and I are separated. I have been to court for custody and my case is uncontested. (My final court date is not until December. I have no papers until then saying I have full custody.) My parents live in the US and they want us to come for a visit (end of October). I have not heard nor seen my ex in one month and 5 days, no idea where he disappeared contact. I know crossing the border (we are flying out of Buffalo)you need a consent from the other parents, saying its ok to take the child, etc. I get the point of it. We don't want people taking children when they shouldn't be. But if I have no clue where he am I suppose to get that paper...

    I have her birth certificate..the long form, saying I am the mother. I have her passport. I am going to go to the courthouse tomorrow to ask question regarding this but I wonder if anyone has been thru this or has some opinion.....thanks.

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Customs US border ....?

    Dilemnia about crossing border..?

    My husband and I are separated. I have been to court for custody and my case is uncontested. (My final court date is not until December. I have no papers until then saying I have full custody.) My parents live in the US and they want us to come for a visit (end of October). I have not heard nor seen my ex in one month and 5 days, no idea where he disappeared contact. I know crossing the border (we are flying out of Buffalo)you need a consent from the other parents, saying its ok to take the child, etc. I get the point of it. We don't want people taking children when they shouldn't be. But if I have no clue where he am I suppose to get that paper...

    I have her birth certificate..the long form, saying I am the mother. I have her passport. I am going to go to the courthouse tomorrow to ask question regarding this but I wonder if anyone has been thru this or has some opinion.....thanks.

    2 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Dilemnia about crossing border..?

    My husband and I are separated. I have been to court for custody and my case is uncontested. (My final court date is not until December. I have no papers until then saying I have full custody.) My parents live in the US and they want us to come for a visit (end of October). I have not heard nor seen my ex in one month and 5 days, no idea where he disappeared contact. I know crossing the border (we are flying out of Buffalo)you need a consent from the other parents, saying its ok to take the child, etc. I get the point of it. We don't want people taking children when they shouldn't be. But if I have no clue where he am I suppose to get that paper...

    I have her birth certificate..the long form, saying I am the mother. I have her passport. I am going to go to the courthouse tomorrow to ask question regarding this but I wonder if anyone has been thru this or has some opinion.....thanks.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How to get a child back to sleep?

    My daughter is 4yr old. Wakes to use bathroom around 4am, won't go back to sleep because she's been sleeping since basically she's had a full nights her anyway. To me there's still three more hours of sleep to be had. But she won't go back to sleep! She even just lays there and I fall back asleep and she wakes me up saying it's time to get up. How can you force someone to sleep when they're not tired...maybe I should just get up with her and start our day but by 4pm..she's one cranky girl. Any suggestions....

    1 AnswerGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • Feels like I'm constantly fighting an uphill battle..?

    My husband and I separated three months ago. We have a 4 year old child. He had a relationship (still has) with a woman for the last 6 months of our marriage. He lied and still lies. It's like dealing with a child. He wants to come back, I said no. Then he wants to come back as a roommate to save money to get his own place, I said no. Every time I say no, he quite literally throws a tatrum. I work a high stress demanding job full time. I take full care of my daughter. I am exhausted...emotionally..physically. I don't have family here. I have limited support. It's easier dealing with a 4 year old than a 35 year old. I need words of encouragement...or discouragement....whatever you feel like saying or not saying...go ahead. Today, this hour, this minute..I want to give in. Tomorrow is another day.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Child support and EI?

    My recent ex husband is not working. He is collectin EI (employment insurance) and he gets about $1200 per month. I take care of our daughter. He has supervised visits a couple hours per day three times a week. He has no bills, because he has no home. He lives with a woman who is on disability and who is also getting help from Ontario Housing (she only has to pay $120 per month for rent), and he is not suppose to be living there because of it. They are defrauding the government. Unfortunately that is besides the point for me. He only gives me $87 for child support. That doesn't even cover her food for lunches at school for the month. Can the government make him give me more money? Anyone else had similar experience? Thank you. Going thru quite a trying time right now.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Going to Toronto..recommend good upscale restaurant..?

    Going for lunch...throw some good restaurant names out there (budget $60 per person), peeps and thanks!! :-)

    1 AnswerToronto8 years ago
  • Restaurant composting...?

    I work in foodservice and am interested in composting our waste. Small town southern Ontario. Anyone know how I can get started with this....who I can go to...suggestions, etc.

    1 AnswerToronto9 years ago
  • Haggis!! Substitutes...?

    Recently intriqued by haggis and want to try and make some. I live in Ontario, NOT Scotland and cannot get my hands on anything sheepish. Anyone tried making haggis with something akin to this meat? Maybe goat? Any suggestions or recipes appreciated. :-)

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine9 years ago
  • Potty training and getting off the bottle...?

    So my little girl is 2 years and 9 months old. We still give her a bottle at night (brushing teeth, etc so please no comments on tooth rot..I know all about it). We started potty training three weeks ago and she's going great with it....during the day. At night we put a pull-up on her because we do give her the bottle and know that she's not going to make it thru the night without peeing. Two questions I suppose...firstly, how do we ween her off her bottle without there being major issues? Or do we continue the bottle a little longer and just wake in the middle of the night (leaving the pull up off) and bring her to the bathroom? Any such experiences or relative stories would really be interesting and I'm sure helpful! Thank you.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • 2 1/2 year old won't sleep!!!?

    She goes down around 8:30, wakes up around 1:30 and comes into our room. We let her sleep with us. But then she wakes up around 3:30-4:00 and is raring to go. I mean energy like it's morning time and let's get the day started. She has no interest whatsoever (no matter how hard I try) to sleep. Is this a phase? A growth spurt maybe? Is it something I have to wait out....I need sleep!! It amazes me the amount of things I could accomplish if I had the energy of a 2 year old. :-))

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Why do people get so riled up over questions being asked on here like it's a personal attack on them?

    Can we not state something without being so negative and harsh when someone asks a question?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why are expectations for men different than expectations for women?

    When a man does something, he needs praise but that same thing is done by a woman every day without thanks. Why in the history of the human race are women always expected to handle more? How do we change our way of thinking? Yes, in the past men worked (hunters-gatherers), so women were the home-makers...but today is a different time. General discussion becaues I'm curious on peoples' opinions.

    22 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    Fact: (From experience) Married women (not all but a hell of alot) have to "do it all". This is an expectation that's not the same for men. Men are assumed to have one tracked minds and not able to handle multi-tasking. Why are we always making excuses for men?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why are expectations for men different than expectations for women?

    When a man does something, he needs praise but that same thing is done by a woman every day without thanks. Why in the history of the human race are women always expected to handle more? How do we change our way of thinking? Yes, in the past men worked (hunters-gatherers), so women were the home-makers...but today is a different time. General discussion becaues I'm curious on peoples' opinions.

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Being a woman..what`s it worth...?

    I want to commiserate with any women out there who have to be a mother, a wife, a housekeeper (feels like maid), a moneymaker but doesn't feel appreciated for any of it. I'm having one of those days that's just like every other day...wash rinse repeat...wash rinse repeat. Do dishes, pick up child toys, pick up husband socks, wash clothes, fold clothes....mop floors, vacuum, dust, blah blah blah blah blah...and THEN!! go to work!!! Come home and do it all over again. I know I have it good...I shouldn`t these hard times, many people have it worse than myself BUT....I need to wallow and cry once in a while. I don`t have any family around to help out and my friends dont volunteer either. I can`t afford daycare for my two year old, who`s crawling up my *** constantly. What do women do to keep their sanity.....feel free to reprimand me for whining....:-))

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Vulgar voice mall from telemarketer...?

    Phone companies are always calling trying to sell husband got a call and told the person they weren't interested and hung up. The person called back and said some racist things, swearing loudly the whole time. Our call display says unavailable number so we can't call back or verify it was actually the phone company. We're very upset about this and want to take some action. Has anyone ever experienced this? What avenues can we take? Is it worth it to go to a lawyer? I called the police and they said I would have to fill a report but would need a court order to get the unavailable number unblocked. I'm stunned and don't want people to get away with this kind of behavior....any advice would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerCivic Participation1 decade ago