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Potty training and getting off the bottle...?

So my little girl is 2 years and 9 months old. We still give her a bottle at night (brushing teeth, etc so please no comments on tooth rot..I know all about it). We started potty training three weeks ago and she's going great with it....during the day. At night we put a pull-up on her because we do give her the bottle and know that she's not going to make it thru the night without peeing. Two questions I suppose...firstly, how do we ween her off her bottle without there being major issues? Or do we continue the bottle a little longer and just wake in the middle of the night (leaving the pull up off) and bring her to the bathroom? Any such experiences or relative stories would really be interesting and I'm sure helpful! Thank you.

8 Answers

  • honey
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you only give her the bottle at night..that is the last step in weening. Taking it away is the next step which...usually comes with a few very hard, stressful nights. will only take a few nights to a week to get her used of it IF you don't give in.

    Nighttime potty training has nothing to do with daytme potty training. Right now her body isn't able to hold it all night, or wake up, and go. IT is to new to her. There really at this age is nothing yu can do but wait. Once she has 5-7 dry nights..then don't use the pull up. My dd was trained at 2 years 9 monts alos...completely daytime trained. she wet the bed untill almost 4.

    if you wake her to pee n the middle of the night..she may wake up dry, or not. BUT it will be telling her is ok to pee at...2am. What you want, is for her body on its own to "grow" and be able to hold it all night, or wake up and go when she needs to go.

    A Tip: more than a few mothers i have talked to went through this. there kids woke up screaming there heads off....scarry! didn't know what was wrong. one night I decided to take her to the bathroom screaming!!! sat her down rubbed her back and she went. Problem solved! So in the next few months to a year or longer(my dd is 6 and stil does it) if she wakes up screaming..take her to the bathroom.

  • 5 years ago

    Does your kid stay dry for periods of two hours or longer for the duration of the day? The is the time from some potty Training and to get the greatest result in only 3 days you will want this guidebook .

    Start Potty Training is a plan that rapidly acquired reputation. The gist of this plan is that you get away all diapers, place on underwear, and don’t ever revert back to diapers.

    Start Potty Training is a quite basic program, straight forward and effortless to adhere to.

  • 10 years ago

    I have always believed in taking the bottle away around the first birthday. If she only takes it at night I would take it completely.. Let her pick a "big girl cup" and in order for her to get her cup she has to throw her bottle in the trash. Also let her pick out big girl panties. I would offer her a drink at bedtime then put the cup away from her. I would focus also on potty training during the day until she gets the idea. Once she is able to go several hours with no accidents then try it over night. Remind her she doesn't want her big girl panties to get dirty. Also use a sticker chart. Everytime she goes potty reward her with a sticker and set goals. Start small. If she goes 5 times, take her to a special place or do a special activity with her.

    Source(s): mother of 5 potty trained kids
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Sorry there is no way of weening her off the bottle without there being major issues, you left her on it longer than I did, which is your decision and I'm not judging, my daughter was 15 months and I got grief for that lol. But the longer there on it the bigger the issues and the only way is taking it away. I know I've seen things on like supernanny where the "bottle fairy" comes and takes the bottles to the little babies, that might help a little but my daughter didn't even want to hear it she just wanted her bottle so we had to just throw it away and after about a week she started getting the idea that there not coming back and got over it.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Does your kid complain about moist or dirty diapers? Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up yet again? Then start off the potty training and for a rapidly achievement you require to use this strategy so that you can potty train your kid in only 3 days.

    This plan is very beneficial system, it outlines an array of verified strategies made to support your child achieve potty training achievement in record time!

    By ordering Commence Potty Training, you and your child will appreciate the enjoyable side of teaching and obtaining this vital talent. As this kind of, potty training can even be exciting utilizing this broad selection of tactics that have been nicely honed.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    with my child i just took the bottle away and didnt tell her where it was going or what i was doing with it! it needed to go help another baby i told her! However i replaced it with an awesome sippy cup that was special because she only got that at night. as for the potty trainning you can wake her in the night to use the bathroom but i would suggest trying to wean her off needing to drink as she falls asleep this way she can learn bladder control. try to get her to take her last beverage an hour before bed then you can do bath brush teeth book and good nights its a process just like anything else but soon she will get the hang of it!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    honestly she should've been off the bottle sooner, the longer you let them have it the harder it is..but since she is older, maybe you could try talking to her, explain that now that she's a big girl she doesn't need it anymore, but if she wants she can still have a glass of water on her nightstand or whatever

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    just refuse the bottle and giving it to her right b4 bed and having her peepee right b4 also will help remain dry through the night...

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