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Lv 4
Poopy asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Being a woman..what`s it worth...?

I want to commiserate with any women out there who have to be a mother, a wife, a housekeeper (feels like maid), a moneymaker but doesn't feel appreciated for any of it. I'm having one of those days that's just like every other day...wash rinse repeat...wash rinse repeat. Do dishes, pick up child toys, pick up husband socks, wash clothes, fold clothes....mop floors, vacuum, dust, blah blah blah blah blah...and THEN!! go to work!!! Come home and do it all over again. I know I have it good...I shouldn`t these hard times, many people have it worse than myself BUT....I need to wallow and cry once in a while. I don`t have any family around to help out and my friends dont volunteer either. I can`t afford daycare for my two year old, who`s crawling up my *** constantly. What do women do to keep their sanity.....feel free to reprimand me for whining....:-))

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there, I'm Alexandra :) I'm 16 this year, maybe I don't have a say in this, but my mum feels this way all the time too.

    The thing is, our family could not function a single day without her. We do help with the dishes and sort but she does most of the housework because we're schooling and have part-time jobs to help out in the family financially. A woman is someone amazing, without her, without YOU, there would be one less beautiful person in this world, and your kids would lack the nurturing that they need.

    Some day when your children grow up, they're going to look back and be grateful for all this rubbish that a mum has to put up with. Hahaha, I'll be in your shoes someday!!!... *bites nails* I hope you feel better though, you just need some time off by yourself (hard I know with a two year old around!!) my mum usually gets herself like huge bars of chocolates, almonds, her fave, and finishes them all off herself.

    Try a warm bubblebath, something to help you to relax? :) Your friends are probably as busy as you are, do try to hang out with them once in awhile, catching up or bitching abt the crap you have to put up with everyday helps ME get a load off my chest, I'm only 16, I have no idea what you mums go through but it seems like a tough job. I do look up to all of you, especially my own mum. Sole breadwinner of the family :( .. kind of.

    Yeah we all have our lousy days!!! Heh, cheer up, it'll be all worth it in the end!! Go, go supermom!!! Take care of your health too, don't let these daily things get the better of you... :)

  • 1 decade ago

    My life consists of the same routine day after day. I take care of the kids, clean the house, feed the family, babysit my niece and nephew for a small husband thinks I have the easy life because I "stay home" and he "works". I just try to keep in mind that I have something with my children that he will never have. I am good at what I do and at the end of the day my children hug me and kiss me and say they love me. I would not trade the experience of carrying a child, giving birth to a baby, taking care of a small newborn, and being a mother for anything. I do get discouraged and feel unappreciated at times and now and then alcohol may be required;). Feel free to whine and vent, that is exactly what keeps us sane. I will listen to you vent if you listen to me:). Hang in there...nobody else may appreciate us, but we know that you cannot put a price on what we do everyday.

  • 7 years ago

    I remember those days -- the "drudge mommy" days when the routine is the same day after day and you feel like you spend your life cleaning. I also had no family close by and my husband traveled a lot for work. The solution for me was to find other moms dealing with the same things. We got together regularly with our kids at one another's houses (we met at the community pool in the summer evenings). It was wonderful to have adult conversation and recognize that all parents have those days. You also need to find activities or hobbies that you enjoy so you can get out away from the kid/s periodically or do activities that you complete. That's why some moms work out, others do scrapbooking or sewing or decorating, others write, others do church or community work. You just need to find what gives you satisfaction.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Being a woman protecting the humanity from diminishing..great..all other things you mentioned is common in society..they say it's ones destiny..and the way the world treat people without paper qualification is nothing but slavery..the people who perform the dirtiest and hardest work is paid below basic living requirements..those with paper qualification even they don't know anything is well paid..not fair..can't help the power is in the qualified group..blame the world..

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  • 1 decade ago

    Reward yourself every now and then. Have your husband or a babysitter watch your son for a few hours while you go to the salon or spa.

    At night when your kid goes to sleep, enjoy a glass of wine, or 2 :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i assume i'm no longer well worth a celebrity because of the fact i've got by no ability gotten one (i do no longer ask stable questions so that's comprehensible, i does no longer supply my questions a celebrity the two), yet i may well be well worth ten factors because of the fact I actually are transforming into ultimate solutions

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we come online and biiitch about it.... lol

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